What's trendy

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What's TRENDY!

Hi guys,

Thank-you to all my supporters out there who are reading this column. This month I thought I'd start by talking about fashion!


Okay, now lets begin by talking about in-season trends.

This season, I've noticed tons of denim being worn. Denim went out of fashion in the early 2000's but has made a phenomenal comeback. Now all of the celebs are wearing denim including Rihanna and Alexa Chung. It's a great idea to wear denim but you need to make sure that you don't wear too much of it. Wear what is appropriate and comfortable. Don't go too overboard.

The new denim ranges consist of shirts, jackets, denim and plaid shorts and dungarees. Dungarees have also come back into fashion for those who didn't know. It's amazing what a little nostalgia can do in the world of fashion! :D

Okay, that's it for fashion but stay tuned if you are a music fan!


Okay, onto music. Here are some of my top albums at the moment:

-Little Mix- DNA

-Imagine Dragons- Night Visions

-Taylor Swift- Red

-Katy Perry- Prism (coming soon!)

-Avril Lavigne- Let Go

-Ellie Goulding- Halycon

That's it for my favourite albums. If you recommend an album/song in the comments I will add it in my next column as one to listen to.

Does anyone watch The X Factor? Well here is some news from previous musicians:

This post was written on 'msn'. If you want the full story you can look it up online. Here it is:

'Diana Vickers criticises The X Factor Diana Vickers owes her success in the music industry to her appearance on The X Factor in 2008. However, the young singer - who has had success with a number one album and number one single, as well as other top 10 hits - has now spoken out about the show, claiming it's 'boring' for viewers. Speaking to Entertainmentwise, she said: "When I was on [X Factor], it was really exciting, it was like the third series and really, really fresh and Cheryl [Cole] was the new judge and everyone was really different whereas now it gets a bit samey. "I think people do get bored of the same thing over and over again. If I was going to give it any advice, I'd say just go away for a few years and come back and do it again and people will get excited." She added: "Go out and really explore new talent and give people time to grow. I think when you're ramming the same thing down people's throats every year then maybe that's why people get sick of it." We can't help but wonder what X Factor boss Simon Cowell would have to say about that, given that Diana is one of the show's more successful runner-up contestants. However, Miss Vickers isn't the only singer to come from a reality TV talent show with some choice words about the thing that made her famous.'

That's it for music. Have any music news you'd like me to announce? Just comment and I'll try and fit it in next time.


Calling all Hunger Games fans! Here's an article from 'msn' that I thought I'd include because it tells us all about the follow up to The Hunger Games, Catching Fire! :D

'Jennifer Lawrence is expected to walk the red carpet when the Hunger Games sequel screens at the Rome Film Festival.

Catching Fire, the eagerly awaited second installment in the series, will be screened out of competition at the festival on November 14, three days after its world premiere in London.

The movie won't make its debut in the US until later in November, reported The Wrap.

Jennifer shares the screen with Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth in the films, which are based on Suzanne Collins' books and are set in a world where randomly chosen teens are forced to compete in a televised fight to the death.

Newcomers to the second film include Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright and Jena Malone.

The Rome Film Festival will run from November 8 to 17.'

Okay guys, that's it for this month. I hope you enjoyed my article. Let me know what you think by:



-Elisha122! :D

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