Chaspter 10:" Jailaob"

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Jacob and Laila face timing
AN- the title is Jacob and Laila's ship name.
Jacobs POV
Finally!!!! Laila and I kissed ! ( in a non truth or dare situation). I loved every minute of it! I also can't believe she just now saw the messages on the charms. I thought she knew they were there but never said anything.
       I'm glad she is happy. I want to ask her out but I don't want to jeopardize our friendship . We have been friends since as long as we remember. We are 14 now so I guess we have been friends for 14 years. Over time I started to love her. In more than a friend way. I can tell she likes me too but I don't know if she would want to be my girlfriend. There is only one way to find out. ...I have a plan...
FaceTimeing Cole
" yo bro!" I say
" what's up, wait I have news!!" Cole  says with excitement.
  " I do too, but you go first" I say.
" I asked Mac , Laila's friend, out and she said yes!!!! "
" I'm happy for ya bro! Now my turn. After the whole Maddie mishap Laila came to my house. ...and we kissed. It was amazing. I can tell she likes me. I'm going to ask her out but I need it to be special saying she is so special. I want you to get Mac to distract her for a couple hours tomorrow night so I can set up" I say.
" tomorrow is Friday, my date with Mac! I can't! " he says.
" that's even better ! Have Mac and Laila get ready together! "
" won't Laila want to know why she has to get ready?" Cole says.
" jut figure it out an have her at our tree at 6 ok? Ok. " ( sorry just had to😂).
Now that I have Laila pre-oqupied I can set up for our date...hoping she says yes. I don't need a romantic candle lit dinner to impress her. She knows me , and I know her , so I'm going to do what she loves most, going to the beech. I want it to be comfortable for her. Not all weird  because for the longest time we were like brother and sister , but we got along better.
I'll pack a picnic lunch and her favorite food. Ahhghg she will love it!!!!!
Text messages
Me: hey did Mac tell you to meet me at our tree at 6?
Laila💖: uh ya. What was that about?
Me: scratch that. Meet me at our tree at 2 and bring a bathing suit.
Laila💖: ok? Should I be nervous ?
Me: of course not. We're gonna have some fun!!

Ugh I can't even text her anymore without being all cheesy. I hope I don't get like that at the beech. I'll just act like its another play date from when we were younger.

At our tree at 2
Still Jacobs POV
" hey Laila! " I say. " so what are we doing exactly?" She asks. Here goes nothing.
" um Laila, we have been best friend for literally forever...over time I got feelings for you, and now I'm going to do something about it. Laila, will you go out with me?" I really hope she says yes.
"yes! " I have waited so long to hear those words!
"Yes! I will Sartorius " she says with a giggle at the end.
" well lets go!" I say running with her hand in mine.
" now? Is that why you have a basket and you told me wear this? " she asks.
" well ya !! we are going to the beech!!"
    She doesn't hesitate another seconded. The beach had been her favorite place ever since the day we built the biggest sand castle and won in a contest together. It seems as if all our greatest memories were made together.
Ok so pretend there is beach near where they live. Ok? Ok.

AN: soooooo....Jacob and Laila ? Sorry for the short chapter it's 11:30 at night and I have a lot to do tomorrow. Comment some ship names!! Happy readings.

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