Chapter 3: Middle school...and more

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AN: This is 4 years later. Jacob and Laila are 11 years old and are starting 6th grade. Don't worry they are still best friends!

Laila's POV
Today is my first day of middle school. I can't wait!!!!!! Last night Jacob and I planned everything out. We compared schedules and we have a lot of the same classes. This is the first year we don't t have only 1 teacher. Ever since kindergarten we have been in the same class so it will be weird not seeing him in every class.
        We planned our outfits and our lunches. I always help him pick out his cloths. Once his mom asked me to go cloth shopping with him because I always make him look handsome. I don't think Jacob has cooties anymore. I stopped thinking that in the 3rd grade. Jacob and I still have our bracelets too. We had to get the chains longer because our wrists got to bigger. I only take mine off to shower and that's it. If I ever lost it I don't know what I'd do.  Jacob takes care of his. We mean a lot to each other. Sometimes I think of us as more than friends.

I snap out of my day dream " khakis or jeans ?" I hear Jacob ask. " jeans " I say. I swear, I don't t know where he would be without me.

Jacobs POV
After Laila and I picked all my cloths out we went to her house to pick out her outfit. I didn't help her because idk how girls dress. It's so complicated yet she always look stunning.( pic above ). I snap out of my day dream hearing her voice " j-j-Jacob " she says. " uh ya Laila ?" I say. There a spider on your shoulder!!!!!!!!!! " Laila chill, I'll just wack it off out the window. Do you have a price of paper?" I ask.
      She hands me a paper , it has writing on it but I don't t think read it. After I wife off the spider I glance at the paper. It was a drawing of a boy. It looked familiar, almost looked like me?.
       " Laila? What this ? " I ask. She snatches the paper out of my hands and her cheeks get red with embarrassment.
" oh nothing, just a doodle. " she says.
       " who is it?" I ask.
       " actually. I sometimes get bored and draw what comes to mind. In the one I was looking at my bracket and it reminded me of you, so that what I drew. " she said.
" Wow Laila, your an amazing artist" I say. She looked flattered because she was blushing. I looked at her wrist to look at her bracket. It was gone. I looked my wrist and mine was gone too. I panicked. " oh nooooo!" I say I fear. " oh wait! It's ok!" I say.
" uh whatcha talking about Jacob?😂" she says.
   " I noticed we didnt have our bracelets and I panicked. I then remembers that my mom took them to get the bands longer. "
I said. I sumdenly remember that my mom said that she brought them home today. I rush down stairs to get them.

Once I was back upstairs I showed them to Laila. " here" I say handing it to her.
  " what's this?" She asks.
       " oh it's a charm. I thought that since we are taking a big step in our lives starting middle school that I would celebrate it. Now every year until we graduate I will add a charm to yours and my brackets. A charm thy represents the milestone. "

She smiles and looks into my eyes. " here look, you charm is a smile because you have the best smile. And my charm
Is a basketball because this is the first year I'll be able to play on the school team. " I say.

Laila's POV
I look at Jacob and smile. " there's that famous smile" he says grinning. I suddenly feel a tingle. I stand up and give Jacob a big hug. I squeeze him tight. I said thank you for the charms on my bracket and told him it meant a lot to me. I looked into his eyes, his beautiful hazel eyes. I had forgotten that his eyes twinkle when he is happy. He must be very happy because they lol like a stary night right now. I lean in and kiss his cheek. I pull away smiling and blushing. He is doing the same. " you haven't done that since my 7th birthday party" he says smiling. I had forgotten that feeling. That amazing feeling I got when I kissed him 4 years ago. After feeling it again I knew I had to do something about it. We both smile and giggle, man I love his laugh.

I've gotten to see him grow up being my best friend and he has done the same to me. I felt so comfortable around him now. " Jacob , Laila , time to go get ready for bed! Tomorrow is a big day! " my mom shouts from down stairs. Jacob and his mom walk home across the street. Our bedroom windows face each other so so times we will keep them open so we can talk. Tonight I left my window open. We stayed up talking about how excited we were. I wasn't nervous knowing that he would be there. Our school goes from K-8. There was two buildings , the elementary , and the middle school. It was going to be be a different building and different teachers. What made me happy is that there were going to be the same kids, plus the regular amount of newbies. My eyes began to sag. " good night Jacob" I say.
      " Good night L" he says. I was ready for a new beginning.

AN- sorry for a long chapter. There is a lot going on. Has Laila found feelings for her best friend. Will they be ready for middle school? Chapter 4 coming soon😊

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