Chapter 18: sleepover pt. 2

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Laila's POV
Jacob and I went down stairs and rummaged for all the pillows and blankets in the house to make out fort in the living room. We would normally make it in his bedroom but the living room is closer to the kitchen aka easier access to food.
" I'll go get the pillows and blanket from your bed, do you want me to take Caroline's too? " I ask motioning towards her room. After that incessant with Maddie she came home and after that I don't know if she went to a friends house or stayed home .
   " as long as we put it back how we found it then she doesn't care" he says straightening out a sheet.
I walk up the stairs and knock on her door , she answers with earbuds in her ears, phone in her hand, and a tote bag on her shoulder. " what's up Laila" she said walking out and closing the door behind her.
" oh um Jacob and I are having a 'famous sleepover' and we wanted to know if you had extra pillows or blankets. " I say.
" ya! You can use the ones on my bed, I'm going to meet Tanner at his friends house and stay the night there. There are also some more in the closet by the bathroom. " she says. I obviously know where that is , this is my second home. And wow, Tanner has friends? Shocked.
" K, thanks sis!" I say walking back into her room. Her walls are covered in pictures of places she wants to travel or had already been. It was like tumblr threw up in here. I rush to her nearly made bed and pull the pillows and blanket off and rush out the door.
" JACOB I GOT THE GOODS!" I yell tripping on the blankets causing me to tumble down the stairs.
I lookup at I'm all balled up in blankets looking up at Mrs. Sartorius holding a cup of coffee. " you be careful Laila , I'm going to bed now so you two keep it down...if that's even possible. " she says mumbling the last part. She obviously didnt want us to hear that but we did.
*after setting up*
Jacobs POV
And we are done! We are really good at making forts , they even have Christmas light strung in the inside for more lighting. The sheet that acts as a roof even lays on top of the tv so it shows in the fort, but not from the outside.
" I'm comin in!" Laila says with 3 bags of chips, a big bowel of popcorn, and a six pack of Gatorade. Your probably thinking what we can't possible eat all of that in one night. Well we can. We are both huge fattest yet we are both skinny.
" Do you think this is enough?" Laila asks handing me a Gatorade.
" we will see" I say with a chuckle because I honestly know that this way not even be enough.
" so, inside out or Nemo?" She asks scrolling through Netflix. We are suckers for Pixar movies. We would rather watch a Disney or Pixar film over a PG13 or R film. I guess that's one more way to prove that we are some 7 year olds trapped in 14 year old bodies.
" Nemo!!" I shout. Finding Dory is coming out soon and I'm going to take her to that. Even if we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend we would of still gone to see it together because we would still be best friends. The only difference is that it's less weird now if I put my arm around her.
Laila's POV
Watching this movie reminded me of the time earlier this year that Jacob was on MagCon Tour. I went with him as his best friend because we were inseparable. We were all down by the pool and Jacob and I did a cannon ball. After we resurfaces Cam was lying in a chair next to the pool and shouted " CANNNON BALLS" and put is hips in the air and shook then side to side as he said the words referring to his " cannon balls" he is such a perv and a good ball.
    Jacob and I were on tour from January until early May. It's now September. We also dont go to regular school. Once Jacob quit to do online school wasn't what it used to be without him there so my mom let me do online with him.
" you remember the ' cannon balls' thing that Cam said " I say to Jacob while laughing at the memory.
" oh ya! That was hilarious. " we were both laughing so hard we were crying. This is why I love him so much!

After the movie was over it was 12:30. That's early for us but we were both tired from the days earlier events. ( Maddie). Jacob was about to fall asleep so I shook him awake.
" what" he says in a frightened voice.
" you were about to fall asleep and so was I but before we did I wanted to tell you I love you and goodnight" I say with a cheesy smile.
    " well I love you to and goodnight princess". He says. " goodnight my prince" i say back. We face each other with our eyes closed. His arms are wrapped around my back and my stomach is against his. His body heat is so comforting.

Jacobs POV
I'm holding her close to me and I could tell she was happy. I traced circles in her back and she she soon fell asleep in my arms, the best thing in the world. Soon my eyes were heavy and I fell asleep too.

AN: not an eventful chapter but still good. The next chapter will explain Laila's position in fame and how Jacobs fans are with her. Happy readings

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