Chapter 44: Second Thoughts

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Jacobs POV
It's currently 4:00am, one more hour until we have to get up and leave for the airport.
I can't sleep with all these thoughts running through my head, so many possible things could go wrong, the flight could be canceled, there could be a sudden snow storm in June, the world could end!!!
Ok....I need to chill. This is just so big for me, my life long dream is coming true right in front of my eyes. I've convinced myself that I'm ready, but I feel like I'm just lying to myself.
I wish I could just talk to Laila about it, she always makes me feel better, but I don't want to wake her up. I'm so happy she came with me, I'd honestly go insane without her. I can't possibly imagine what stress she's going through right now too, having to be careful about stuff getting out on social media, having to follow me all around the world, having to put up with my crazy life. I'm just glad that she's stuck with me through it all, and I couldn't love her more for it.
" Jacob, go to sleep" Laila whined in a tired voice. She was still laying on my chest, her brown hair sprawled out across my chest.
" how did you know I was awake?" I whispered not wanting to wake our mom's up.
" when your awake your breath more heavily" she said in the same tone. She noticed this stuff about me? I notice every little detail about her, all the way from when she holds her breath in elevators because she's paranoid that it's been gassed, to the way she will silently counts the seconds between thunder and lightening to see how far away a storm is.
" hello?" She whispered again.
" oh, um, I was just thinking. I just needed some time to process, but I'm better now." I say. I turned my head to the right looking at the clock on the table that separates the two beds, it read 5:02am, I must have been talking to myself for quite some time.
" I guess me we have to get up now" I groan while carefully picking Laila's head up and placing it on the pillow beside me.
The lack of body heat on my chest gives me chills, but I quickly throw on a sweater.
After waking our moms up I pull all our suit cases by the door. We packed up everything last night so we didn't have to do it today. Glancing back over to the bed I see that my mom and Lynn were up but Laila was still all curled up in a ball of sheets and blankets.
Pulling the blob of blankets off of her I see that she was already dressed, sweater, leggings, fuzzy socks, and Uggs.
" isn't it a bit warm outside for all this?" Is say chuckling while pointing at her outfit.
" one, planes are always freezing, and two, I'm comfy" she says sitting up to reveal her birds nest of hair. She quickly throws it into a messy bun and walks to the door where our moms are standing waiting for us.
" ready?" They ask. We both nod, even tho I'm still having doubts.
Laila's POV
"Mom, were getting food, you want any?" I shout across the waiting area. She nods her head no so I left to find Jacob.
After wandering around the food court area I finally found him by the bathrooms. His face looked redder than usual and.... had he been crying?
" Jacob?" I say as I jogged over to where he was sitting alone on a bench.
" Jacob?" I said again shaking his shoulder. He didn't answer, he looked up at me with red tear stained cheeks. He threw his arms around my shoulders and gripped me tightly. He began taking deep breaths, almost to the point where I thought he was going to pas out.
"Jacob talk to me, what happened?" I asked while tracing circles along his back to calm him down.
Je released me from the hug and held my hand. It's all coming back to me now, the mobs of fans, the thousands of people shouting his name, it was just too much for him to handle.
He was having a panic attack, just like the last time he went to Vid Con.
Taking another deal breath he began to speak. " I was just thinking about it, trying to prepare myself for it. It all just overwhelmed me. All this time I've been telling myself that I was ready, that I'll be ok, when in reality I was freaking out inside, and now it's all coming out. The anxiety, the stress, the fear." He takes a few more breaths to stop himself from crying again, " LA was nothing compared to what's next. The more and more I go, the bigger and bigger I get, and the more hate I get. I don't know if I can handle any more. " he says, his voice cracking from the quiet sobs.
He buries his face in his hands to hide the fact that a sixteen year old buy is having a break down in the middle of an airport.
I reach over his arms and pull him up off the bench. After wiping the tears from his cheeks with the sleeve of my sweater I lead him back to where we were waiting to board our flight.
I let him go talk to his mom for a minute, in some cases she can cheer him up better than I can.
" flight 49302 to London, England is boarding now" the intercom said. Jacob and his mom hugged before they grabbed their suit cases and began to board the plane.

Sitting down in the uncomfortable seat that I will have to endure for six hours, I turn to Jacob to see that the redness in his face has gone away.
" you ok now?" I ask. He turned to face me and nods his head. He leans in and kisses my cheek.
"Thank you" he whispers into my ear.
" aww crap...." I say with a sudden realization.
" what..?" Jacob asks concerned.
" um...well when I found you I may or may not have been looking for food, that I never got....." I say regretfully.
" you what?" He says raising and eye brow.
" I-" I began to say but he cut me off.
" I heard you" he says giving me the most 'I really hate you look' ( 😐)
" oops..." I say turning back around in my seat, I seriously just made the biggest mistake of my life, forgetting the food.

AN: long time no update, sorry for the wait. Also sorry that this sucks, it's late and I just wanted to post something. The next chapter will be better, I promise.

Not Now, Not Yet, Not Ever. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon