Chapter 31: Karma

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Laila's POV
" oh my gosh Jacob! Look what I just read!" I said in excitement.
" ugh whaaat? It better be good if you woke me up" he says tiredly , well damn, sorry.
" this guy ate chipotle for 30 days straight and lost 10 pounds. I think we should go on a chipotle diet " I finish. Chipotle is my life, and I'm ready to live it😊.
" you woke me up to tell me that? The only time I'll wake up for chipotle is if I can eat it, and I'm not seeing any chipotle. " Jacob says turning back around in his bed.
" ok , ok. I'll let you sleep. I'll just go to the mall with Mac and Tris. " I say exiting though his window.
" whatever.." Jacob says yawning and goes back to sleep. If he could, he would probably sleep his life away.
I'll just hang with my girls because I'll be gone for another week after this.
**group chat**
Me: hey! You guys wanna go to the mall?
Mac: ya sounds fun, I'll see if Cole can go hang somewhere else so I can come with you guys.
Tris: ya I'm down! Is Jacob coming?
Me: no, he'd rather sleep😂
Tris: typical😂 what time?
Me: noon ok?
Mac: ya noon works
Tris: ok, see ya then
**end of chat**
" hey mom can you take me to the mall?" I ask.
" do you kids go anywhere other than re mall and the park these days?" She asks annoyed.
" hey is the only entertaining thing around here!" I argue because it's the mall, the mall is amazing!
" ya ok, hop in"
**at the mall**
I met tris and Mac at the front entrance.
" ok, shopping, then food. Or food, then shopping?" Tris asks.
" what about Starbucks, shopping, then food. Shopping gives me an appetite" I say.
" k sounds good.!" Mac says.
We continue to walk past stores as we make small talk.
" so what did you name your puppy?" Mac asks.
" don't laugh...dory!" I say. I loved her name.
" of my gosh, I'm not surprised, I mean you two are Disney freaks"Mac says.
" speaking of Jacob, I better call him, if I don't he will end up sleeping g all day. " I say.
" you know your not his mom" tris responds.
" well, his mom is never aware that he is grumpy if he sleeps too long, and when he is grumpy, it's bad. " I say. I love to tease him and call it his man period, that just makes his mood worse though.
***calls Jacob ***
He didn't answer, ok then.
***calls again***
Ok this kid will sleep through everything. Ugh I'll just call his mom.
**calls Patty****
" hello?"
" hey pat is Laila, could you wake Jacob up? He's been asleep all day, and we both know that's not really a good idea " I say with a chuckle.
" I thought he was with you, I haven't seen him all day. I'll check on him Sweetie, ok?" Mrs.Sartorius asks.
" yup, thanks a bunch! Bye!"
" bye!" She end she call.
Alright, at least I know that situation.
" forever 21 or zumies?" I ask.
" forever 21, them hollister, I need new shorts" Tris says.

In forever 21 (an: my closet is practically that store😂), I pick out a cream colors cardigan, some all black jeans, that are slightly ripped, and a red polka dotted crop top that ends at my jeans.
" ooo! You should wear that at Disney world!" True days oohing to my outfit that I bought. I guess it is appropriate .
" ya I guess" I say. I'm kind of bored of the mall by now, I just feel like going home to Jacob.
" let's grab some food and head home, I've had enough of shopping for today" wow, never though those words would come from my mouth.
" ill be by chick-fil-a" Mac said walking in the other direction.
" ill stay with you" tris says. We way in line at chipotle, like I said, I'm gonna try this chipotle first thing. I may be bad at diets because 10 minutes later I'm usually eating ice cream or something. Oh well.
***after ordering***
We all meat at a table to eat. I set down my meal, and an extra for me to take home to Jacob. I feel bad about bugging him this morning so I know he will gladly accept it.
" your eating all of that!" Mac says pointing at the two meals.
" no! That ones for Jacob. I'm not that fat" I say laughing.
" I'm surprised he didn't come with you. Your basically attached at the hip" Mac says. I wonder if I spend too much time with him? Does he need space? I'm not going to assume anything g, if I want to really know, I can just ask him myself.
" bye guys! I'll see you next week!" I say waving good bye to my fiends.
I get inside my room, change into comfy close, them I climb to Jacobs balcony.
I knock on the window, no answer. I'll knock again, no answer.
Ugh ok, I'll go to the front door.
*knock knock*
" of hey Pat, I brought this for Jacob, is he in his room?" I ask entering his house.
" ya, but he's not feeling well, we won't let me in his room, maybe he open up for you" she finishes.
" ok thank you" I say walking up the stairs. I wonder why Jacob won't open his door for his mom.
" hey Jacob, it's Laila , may I come in?" I ask. Slowly I hear foot steps approach the door.
The door creaks as Jacob opens it. He is standing there, shirtless, messy hair, bags under his red eyes, and a blank look on his face.
His expression is unreadable. " Jacob? What's wrong? I ask still standing in the door way.
" y-you don't know?" He asks stuttering. I set his chipotle down, and grab his hand. I let his to his bed and continued.
" what don't I know?" I ask confused. "
Will chipotle fox it? I brought you some!" I say.
" I do t think chipotle can fix this, but thanks he says. I was about to ask again but he interrupted me.
" have you been on your phone at all today?" He asks nervous.
" no, only to text Mac and Tris, why?" I ask reaching for my phone.
" no, don't. It's better if you don't know. " he says reaching for my phone.
" I can't avoid things on my phone, what is it Jacob, please tell me" I pleaded. He looks up, I can see the pain in his eyes, this must be bad.
" are you sure? " he asks. I'm still confused but I guess so. I nod and he hands me his phone.
Pulled up is an Instagram account.
" ok?" I ask confused.
" look at the posts and comments" he says potting at his phone.
I do as asked...oh no. This is a page that has gossip and rumors about Jacob, me, and our relationship...and people are actually believing it!
" and this" he says going to his profile. He clicks on his most resent picture and scrolls though the comments.
" look, every one is believe their rumors" he says handing me his phone.
All the comments are hate towards Jacob and me. There is usually some nice comments mixed with the hate, but there were barely any. I go back to the profile that has started all of this. I start to scroll though their feed to try to find the person who stated this...wait! 30k followers!! Ok, a lot of people are seeing this, crap!
I keep scrolling though the pictures when I see a picture of a blonde cake faces girl, her shirt stained red or something. It was captioned " Karma's a bitch, so be ready for it". It was the first picture they posted.
" does this look familiar?" I ask Jacob showing him the girl in the picture.
" um, ya, but where from?" He asked.
I studied the picture more and it came to me...the girl I accidentally spilled my drink on back at Niagara Falls.
" i knew I had seen her before! She's the one I spilt my drink over when I tripped over you!" I shouted at Jacob. She is causing him so much pain, and I can tell. I also remember that when I walked away leaving her on the ground I told her " karma is a bitch", afterwards she mumbled " so be ready for it" but I pretended not to hear her.
Well let's see so needs to be ready for it now....she can't play with matches and not expect to start a fire, little does she's know I'm a fire that can't be put out...

AN: ok so I finally updated. Pls tell me if this cheater was good or not. I k ew the story was just kidding of standing still, with nothing extremely exciting. I love feedback! I also reply to all my comments. Happy readings!

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