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Heyo guys. So yes, it's been a long while since I made a visit to Wattpad. I have a few things to get out if they way to all 70K of my readers. Yeah. Im mind blown by the fact that that( I have English and the fact that "that that" happens a lot) many people have cared enough to read my book and follow its journey. When I first started Not Now, Not Yet, Not Ever, I had a writing craze. I've always been a writer. I absolutely love it. It's a way to express what's in your heart in soul in a way that everyone can understand, kind of like music. Also, at the time I was 100% full blown obsessed with the rising star Jacob Sartorius. My entire life revolved around when he'd post and listening to sweatshirt on replay. I was a crazy 13 year old girl that was sucked into a fandom. I grew up a lot, I've matured past the fangirling. I'm not saying that being my age or older and still being a massive supporter of Jacob is a bad thing, because is most definitely not. It's just not for me anymore. I want to continue writing because it's my passion. This book will be coming to an end very quickly because my heart isn't in writing about Jacob anymore. That's what made this book supposedly good ( just what you guys have said). I was so head over heals in love with someone who didn't know I even existed to the point that the passion just flowed through the words I wrote. After this book has been concluded, I intend to being another novel, a real book that isn't fan fiction. I admire the authors that have gotten the books they've written on here published and I hope to get to that point one day. Wish me the best of luck, I love you all.

PS: if any of my readers would like to make an epilogue and/ or sequel for this books please message me and I will see if you are a fit for the criteria. I would love to see someone take this book and make it something bigger and better into a sequel, of course following its original guidelines.

Happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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