Chapter 40: Christmas Eve

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Laila's POV
'Ugh why is it so cold!' I thought to myself trying to wrap myself further into my blankets.
I've concluded that that isn't helping, so I might as well find the source of this sudden temperature drop.
I tiredly slide my feet to the edge of my bed letting them dangle above my cold wooden floor.
I shudder at the cold, thinking I need to put on a sweater just to think straight.
After I stop shivering I check the time in my phone 10:56, wow, that's kinda late for me to wake up.
I feel another cold breeze sweep across my room. I turn my head to the direction from which it came, to be faced with a wide open window filling with snow.
Through the window I can see the yard, streets, and houses covered with the white powder.
Looking across my window I see Jacob, with his window open too, with him slumped over his chair with a pillow facing my window. The same chair he sat in last night and talked to me for hours before he fell asleep.
I guess we accidentally left our windows open, ' good going' I say in my head mentally slapping myself.
Checking the time in my phone again because I had already forgotten, the screen lit up with a picture of Jacob, Dory, and I in the snow, the time which read only three minutes different from last time, and the date which was December 24,2016....." ITS CHRISTMAS EVE!" I scream.
I meant to say that in my head but oh well, the world needs to know.
I peers around my shoulder staying quiet to hear if I woke any one up, and luckily no one form my home was awaken.
On the other hand, Jacob was now frantically running around his room looking for a sweater , I assume.
"Jacob whatcha looking for?" I yell across the space between our houses.
" I'm just looking for-" he says still facing his closet. As he turned to face me he pauses, "'my sweater" he says pointing at me.
I look down and see that when I was in a rush to block out the cold I put on his sweater without even realizing it.
" oops?" I said half sorry and half laughing.
Thai is the third sweater he has left at my house, oh did I mention he is a very forgetful person? Well he his and half his closet is at my house because he forgot it and I'm to lazy to return it, so I just wear most of it myself.
Minutes later Jacob appears at my front door in pajama pants, socked slippers, and a blanket wrapped around his head and upper body like a cacoon, and it was kinda cute.
" what can I do ya for" I ask pulling him inside so I can shut the door.
" I've come to the conclusion that half my closet is empty, and that your wearing it. I need my cloths back" he says laughing and walking up to my room.
" I would have returned it, but it's just so soft, and it smells like you, your cologne, your laundry, just like you. It's the smell I've gotten so used to as I've grown up that I just want to smell it everyday. " I say out of breath from my long speech.
" well for now you can just smell me everyday, but I need my cloths back. " he says opening my closet door.
I keep all his cloths neatly folded in a bag in my closet to the don't loose their amazing smell. He walks out seconds later with the bag.
I was about to pull off the sweater of his I was wearing when he reached for my arm to stop me.
" keep it, I want you to have some things of mine so even if I can't physically be with you, I'm still with you" he says pulling the sweater back over my head. I am immediately warmed again the familiar soft fabric.
Before exiting my room again he pulls a hoodie out if the bag and slips it on, then once again wrapping a blanket around himself.
Until he took the blanket off I didn't know that he was shirtless, or that the blanket he was wrapped in happened to be the one from his bed, meaning that he literally got out of bed and came here.
" so what was that that you were screaming about?" He asks and we trot down the stairs.
" umm...oh!!! It's Christmas Eve!!!!!" I say slightly louder than I should have saying that I could wake my partners and siblings at any time..... Wait, they should already be up?
" hold on Jacob , be right back"
I say as I dart up the stairs again, it's too early for all this exercise , wait no it's 11am!!
I push open tanners door, empty, Kate's door, empty , my parents door, empty!!
" what the actual hell?!" I shout in frustration.
" what?" He asks as I make my way back down to the living room.
" first I wake up late-" I begin to say but Jacob interrupts,
"Late for you, I could still sleep another hour" he finishes.
I continue my rant, " ok, again, I wake up late, then I find my window open, and now my parents are not here! Even Tanner and Kate are too!" I say as I angrily throw myself on the couch.
My parents and siblings would never leave me without telling me were they are going, or at least that they are going somewhere, and now they are no where to be found.
" it's ok Laila , just call them and ask, I bet they just didn't want to wake you, I mean you were up late late might talking to me" he says with a concerned smile that soon transformed into a smirk.
" wait, how would they know that I was up late last night?" I ask confused, I thought they were asleep.
" well when they heard you practically yelling across your window they texted me asking what was going on, and I said that we were talking, and the didnt seem to mind so they just asked me to keep it down" Jacob says and with each word my confusion fades.
"Oh" is all I say. " I guess I should call them" I say digging around the couch for my phone.
" ugh it's all the way upstairs!" I whine. " I've gone up and down those things way to many times in the past 20 minutes" I add in a whiny tone.
"I'll just go get it ya big baby" Jacob says standing up and letting the blanket fall off him and on to the couch.
Without even thinking I immediately wrap myself in the soft fabric , inhaling his scent. It's like I'm addicted to it, and any chance I get I want to be around it.
Seconds later Jacob comes trotting back down the stairs, goofily smiling at me once he sees my postion.
I feel a thump in my side meaning that he had just thrown my phone on my blanket covered body.
"You just can't get enough can you" he says trying to unroll me from the blanket.
" oh and you never shut your window, and it's still freezing in there"
He says referring to my room. Crap. I thought I had closed it and it would have warmed up by now but nooo, I had to be distracted by Jacob and his cloths.
"Mom! There you guys are!" I say jumping up from my place on the couch to greet my family at the door.
" what do you mean Hun, we left a note saying that we were out Christmas shopping on your nightstand." My mom explains as she sets the bags on the kitchen counter.
Soon my dad, brother , and sister come through the door each carrying three full bags.
" mom, who goes present shopping on Christmas Eve, it must have been a zoo!" I exclaim as I help unload all the bags.
" nu-uh missy, you don't get to see those gifts!" She says swatting my hand away from the bag.
" mom didn't let us see them either, we just arrived them in" Kate explain as she passes behind me.
" sorry be didn't take you sweets, you looked so tired all bundled up in you blankets and we didn't want to wake you, oh and it's was an ice box in your room and it was weird" my mom says as she locks the gift filled bags in the hall closet.
" um ya, I left my window open talking to Jacob last night. "I say kind of embarrassed.
" why can't you kids just text or something, it's too cold for that"
she says completely ignoring the fact I was up talking to him till 3am.
"Well we like to be face to face, it's more memorable" I say as she makes cheeky faces at me.
About two hours later the bottom of the tree is decorated with neatly wrapped gifts each labeled with the name that they belong to.
I decided to text Jacob because why not.
Just as I pressed on the messages icon on my phone I heard the familiar thump of feet coming from the stairs.
I gaze from my spot in the cough to the snow covered boy now standing in my living room.
" you know if my parents are home you gotta stop coming in through my room" I say dragging him to the kitchen where I dust the sparking white flakes of his hair and rosy cheeks.
" are you blushing or are you just cold?" I ask poking bush bright red cheeks.
" well as you know they are always pink, but right now it's a mix of both. I'm cold and you all cute brushing all the snow off me, I can't help it" he says taking my hand from his cheek and into his.
I just giggle at his cuteness and pull him back to my warm spot on the couch.
" nice tree" he says pointing to the colorful bright tree that stands in the bay window of my living room.
"Speaking of which, that's where my parents were this morning, shopping for presents" I say clearing his confusion from this morning.
" ya I kinda saw the note on your nightstand but didn't tell you because it's was funny to watch you freak out. " he says barley containing his laughter.
" haha very funny"I say with sarcasm in my tone.
" so why ya here anyway, I was about to text you to come is be but it seems as if you beat me to it" I ask.
" well I wanted to bring you your present to open tomorrow, and I came without asking because tù casa Es mí casa, en mí casa Es tù casa" Jacob says in Spanish.
It means " your house is my house and my hours his your house" , we both are taking Spanish in our home schooling.
I'm not home schooled for the same resist Jacob is, he his because of his fame, where as I just wanted to be closer to him.
Back in the seventh grade when he left public school I was lonely despite Kayla, Tris, and Mac and Jacob was lonely while I was at school.
My parents let me be homeschooled to be closer to him even though we are not dating yet.
Is funny how understanding parents can be so understand at one point then not get you at all, it's funny, parents are bipolar as hell.
Ok , I'm off topic, but back to it.
" I got your present too, but since your family is coming here tomorrow I'll just leave it here" I say pointing to the brightly lit plant in front of us.
" ok, well happy Christmas Eve"he says snuggling into the blanket I've been huddling in all day.
" dinner!" My mom yells from the kitchen.
Jacobs and I walk in, my parents not phased my the fact that he's here.
" hey jake" Tanner says says we enter the room as if it were normal, oh who am I kidding it is normal.
" I guess some traditions never end" Jacob says picking up the folded container of Chinese food.
Every year on Christmas Eve my family has Chinese food, and Jacob partaken in it too. ( AN: that is true about me)
" good night, I'll see tomorrow!!!!" I say way to excitedly as I closed window.
I blow one last kiss through the glass and then go to bed.
It will be hard sleeping knowing that tomorrow is Christmas, it's one of my favorite holidays because I get to spend it with both my families, mine and the Sartorius's.
Well RIP my energy tomorrow I say to myself looking at my clock that reads 11:03. Yay.

AN: I'm sooooo sorry it's been YEARS since I've updated. I mikes this book but I've bee hella busy, I'll update two times today to make up for it. Happy readings loves!
~ LK

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