Chapter 35: Birthday Girl

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Laila's POV
I woke up to the soft snore  of Jacob, the sounds of waves crashing on the shore, and birds chirping though the window.
I quickly checked my phone for the date and time. It was October 4th and 10:34 am. WAIT.....October 4th?! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
I guess I had been so caught up in this vacation that I forgot about it. I mean, I did already celebrate it.
" why are you squealing" Jacob groaned in his morning voice.
"Oh I'm sorry to wake you, but do you know what today is?! " I ask excitedly.
" no, I'm too tired to think of the date" he says rolling on to his side. As he rolls he grabs my waist and pulls me down with him.
As my head lands on his bare chest his whispers in my ear " happy birthday princess", aww he remembered.
" I thought you forgot, I mean I did. " I say laughing a little because I forgot my own birthday.
" how could I forget your birthday when I've known you for 15 years!" Jacob says sitting up.
" ya, I guess. " I said.
I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do today, we went to Disney yesterday, and we were going again tomorrow.
" oooo! Let's go walk around and go shopping and look at all the cool places!" I say jumping up and down on a bed like a 5 year old.
" ok, but after I sleep longer" Jacob says pulling a pillow of his head.
" oh heck no! You ain't sleeping on my birthday pretty boy" I say ripping the pillow off his head. I throw the sheets of Jacob and pull him by his arms with all my strength.
Some how I managed to get him to his feet.
" see, now that wasn't so hard" I say in a baby voice. I poke his nose and begin to turn away.
" your not getting away with that that easy" he says reaches for my waist. He pulls me to him, like he's about to kiss me just before our lips touch he smiles widely and begins to tick my stomach.
I begin laughing so hard a snort or two escapes my mouth, only causing me to laugh harder.
" SHUT UP! You two love birds need to keep it down" Tanner says rolling over his bed. Oop, I forgot they were still in here.
I looked over Tanner to see is I had waken Caroline, but she wasnt there.
As if the world knew what I was thinking, Caroline comes walking though the hotel room door with a cake in her hands.
" shit, you up already" she mumbles under her breath.
" wow sis, watch the profanity" Jacob says mocking her.
" shut up Jacob" she says setting the cake down.
" I was going to surprise you but I guess you woke up" she says and she sighed and sat down.
" ya and she woke up the whole block while she was at it" Tanner said sitting up.
Tanners eyes widen at the sight of the cake. He leaps over the bed, about to take a finger full of icing off the top when Caroline smacks his hand.
" no! That's Laila's cake" she says.
" you guys are like an old married couple" Jacob says laughing.
" Carolime, I love the cake, thank you! You don't have to surprise me to make me appreciate it" I say giving her a hug.
" ugh you smell like Jacobs cologne" she says playfully pushing me off her.
" ya well I can't  help Mr.Clingy pants over here wants to hold on to me with his life all night" I say playfully nudging his side.
" hey! You know you like it" he says as he leans  to my cheek. He pecks my cheep before swooping me off my feet.
He carries me to our bed bridal style and are me down.
" today is your day, and I shall serve you. " he says bowing down.
" oh stop it" I say laughing at his actions. I stand up to go braid my hair in the bathroom when he stops me again.
" where are you going? I said today you shall not life a finger. " he said putting me back on the bed.
" I was going to braid my hair, calm down. " I say trying to stand again.
" no, I'll do it" Jacob says putting me on his lap.
I trusted him completely braiding my hair. He's surprisingly good at it too.
He's had years of practice on my hair so now I let him do it when we go out in public.
Once he finished he tied  the rubber bands around my hair, being careful not to pull it too hard. When it was done I asked him to take a picture to see how well he did since I couldnt get up to the mirror.
" here" Jacob says handing me my phone.

( but imagine it in a hotel room)   It actually looke pretty cool with my newly highlighted hair

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( but imagine it in a hotel room)
It actually looke pretty cool with my newly highlighted hair.
" I should let you do this more often, your pretty good at hit" I say before kissing his cheek to thank him.
" uh you missed" he said smirking.
" nah, I'm jut saving that for later" I saw ruffling his hair. Before he can stop me again I get up and go to the bathroom to change.
*When we get to the outdoor mall. *

" wow this place is cool" Jacob says connecting our hands. We entered a long out door strip mall with stores, restaurants , fountains, and a whole bunch more.
After. Shopping for a few hours we finally settled down at a Starbucks.
" I didn't know girls could try on so many shoes!" Jacob says while combing  his hands through his hair.
" I feel ya" Tanner says sipping his drink.
For shoes I ended up getting some back high top vans, some new low cute white converse, because my old one shad gotten really dirty , and some ankle boots.
" ...but, I'm not complies because your birthday" Jacobs says innocently.
" well your my sister and will always be a pain" Tanner says laughing. He nudges my shoulder playfully and smiles.
" happy birthday too you..." They finished singing at the dinner table. After that we paid and left the little restaurant by the pier.
" we're going on a walk, were catch up later?" Jacobs and Caroline.
" yes but stay near the hotel" she said rubbing his back.
"Don't worry sis we are" Jacob said waving good by.
" where are we going?" I ask Jacob confused. He didn't answer, he just took my hand and led me some where.
" here.." He said open his arms to the scenery. We were at the beach, with sandcastle stuff set up.
" I remember this" I say smiling at the memory.

Jacobs and I were 5, and our moms took us to the beech in Virginia on our birthday.
There was a sand castle contest that day, and Jacob and I were determined to win. We were on teams of two, so Jacob and I were obviously patterns.
With his speed and my skill we made a pretty rockin sand castle in the time limit.
" WE WON! " Jacob shouts in joy. He gave me the biggest hug ever and our moms took a picture of us and our sand castle.
" YAYYYYY" I shout running around the sand.

Flashback over.
" ya, those were good times. " he said pulling me over near the water.
We began making a sand castle , like we did before , but this time it would be bigger and better.
After we finished it went about to Jacobs belly button, so about 3' and some inches.
" you know we make a pretty good team" he says sitting next to me on the sand.
" before it gets dark I wanted to do one more thing" Jacob says helping me stand up.
He leans his phone on a tall rock and puts on the timer.
He walk over to me, without warning and kissed me. A bit after the flash went off he pulled away and ran to his phone.
He looked down and smiled. I looked at the picture and then back up at him.
" I have to say, because of you these have been the best 15 years of my life, thank you Laila, for everything" he says putting an arm around me. He leans his head on my shoulder , and I out my head on his. We stayed like this watching the sunset.
" I may have spent all my birthdays with you, but this one is the best " I says adjusting my head.
" and why is that" he says sitting up to look me in the eyes.
" because now I can do this" I say grabbing his cheeks and kissing him.
After a few minutes of enjoying the moment his soft lips part from mine.
" happy birthday princess" he whispers and he leans his head back on my shoulder.
My phone goes off and I see its a picture image Jacob sent me. It's a collage of us. ( in media)
He's the best birthday gift I could ask for, and I couldn't be more thankful...

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