Chapter 22: Road Trip

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Laila's POV
I'm currently at home, doing school. I'm glad I'm in online school because there was just too much drama in regular school. Jacob was always bullied and I was made fun of because I was his only friend. Cole and Kennedy were his friends but they didn't talk much in school.
Surprisingly Jacob was at his house and I was at mine. Both our Patio doors were opened because it was a beautiful day so I could hear the music he was playing I his room. He was playing " really really " by Kevin Gates. This boy has a taste in music !
I can tell he turned the volume up and it was hard for me to concentrate so u decided to take a peek at what he was doing. He was in basket ball shorts, shirtless, and his shirt was in his hand. He was dancing around flinging his shirt around over his head and he was attempting to sing along to the song. His hair looked like a birds nest so the look was priceless.
My balcony has a perfect view of his room so I took advantage of that. I got out my phone and first got on snapchat. I recorded him dancing and singing and put it in my story.
After the song changed to " work from home" by fifth harmony , he was dancing and singing again. He still hasn't noticed I was watching so this time I went on vine , I recorded it and posted it tagging him in it.
After that song was over , " work" by Rihanna can one and he attempted twerking. I recorded that whole song one my regular camera go memories. Right before the song ended I got in snapchat, the I yelled his name. When he turned to face me I took a picture of his priceless face. It was so adorable!! I saved it then put it on my story.
" hey check my story!" I yelled from my window. He got on his phone, his face became bright red. He walked onto his balcony. Jumped from his to mine, then pinned me down on the carpet of my room. He smiled and said " I will get my dance with me!"
He pulled out his phone playing the music again. He began dancing like he was earlier and having a blast.
Oh darn, I never did my homework... Well that was my morning.
*a couple hours latet*
It was the last week of September, a week before our birthdays. Jacobs was October 2nd, mine was October 4th. We always end celebrate together but this year I want to do something more saying it's our sort birthday dating.
" hey, what do you want to do for our birthdays?" He asked. It's like he read my mind.
" ....lets go in an adventure.." I say. I've always end loves traveling, and this would be a great opportunity.
" what kind of adventure?" Jacobs asks.
" what about a road trip? We could travel up and down the east coast! We can visit all the cool cities and beaches along the way! We can make it a whole week long!" I say. It's all coming together in my mind!
" and that's why I love you, let's go on an adventure" he says in a soft sweet voice. I'm filling with excitement!! I run over and jump on his lap. I give him a big bear hug and kiss his cheek.
" ugh you missed" he said after I kissed his cheek.
" you know I have bad aim " I say giggling.
" let me try again" I say. I kiss his nose just to tease him. I look him in the eyes and smile. Before he can say another word I kiss him on the lips. It was a short get meaningful kiss. I begin to let go of his lips but he pushes his lips back into mine. I don't mind kissing him so I'll go with it.
My now we were making out. He left my lips and made his way down my jaw line, then my neck. His hands are rubbing circles around my back. It's very relaxing.
I grab his face in my hands and reconnect our lips. After a few more minutes we let go and smile. I'm sitting in his lap with my hands wrapped around his neck. My head is leaning on his chest. His heart beet is calming. This is going to be one great adventure.

The next day
I talked to Caroline about my plan and she agreed. My mom and his mom agreed too. Caroline loves to travel and Jacob and I don't have our license so that's why Caroline agreed.
-Caroline will drive
-Jacob and I will pick the places we will stop as we venture up the east coast
-every where we stop we will spend 1 night in a hotel
- we will take the bigger car so there is sleeping room for Jacobs and I in the back.
- once we travel up the east coast, we will come back to Virginia. We will stop at our houses and stay for two days: October 1st and 2nd. We will celebrate our birthdays with our families.
- after Taft we will pack up again and drive down the east coast from Virginia.
- once we reach Florida we will go to Orlando
- we will stay there for 4 night and go to Disney
- after Disney we will go back home.
- end of road trip.

I showed Jacob the list and he agreed. We picked out the places we would stop and sty the night.

I went home and packed because we were leaving first thing in the morning. I can't believe this is happening!! Only hours ago it was an idea, now is a reality, and I'm spending it with my bestie/ boy friend. Caroline asked Tanner to come. Yay. Can you sense the sarcasm?
After I packed I went over to Jacobs and helped him pack, because you know, he can't do it on his own.
I scanned his closet and wrote down all the outfit possibilities and what shoes go with what outs it's and what tops go with what pants. From there I let him pick which ones he wanted to take. He packed his toilet trees and essentials. Before he could sip his suit case he put a small box in the zipped pocket.
" what's that?" I asked him.
" you will see" he said. Now I wanna know! But I guess is he says I will see , then I will wait.
I said good but to my mom and grabbed my suitcases and my duffle bag. One suit case was cloths, hair and make up, and toilet trees. The other was my shoes, I have a lot of shoe that I couldn't leave behind.
The duffle bag had all my essential like computer, Chargers, blanket, pillow, food, head phones, etc.
We put our stuff in Caroline's car. I stayed the night at Jacobs because we would be leaving early the next morning.
Before I fell asleep next to Jacob in his bed, he said one last thing, " let's go on an adventure.."

AN: yay!! The next few chapter are going to a blast to write!! I wish I had someone to go on an adventure with. Maybe one day... Happy readings.
- LK

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