Chapter 47: Big News

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Laila's POV
      " Tanner!" I shouted, he was the first person I saw when the door swung open. I let my suitcases go and they crashed to the ground with a loud thump, but I didn't care. I missed my beloved brother. He was already gone so much before I left because he was at college, but now that he's graduated, he's come back home for my arrival.
     " don't let me forget, once you get settled I have some news" he said, his arms still wrapped around me.
       After unpacked all four of my suitcases, I realized I still had some shoes in Jacobs bags, I'll just get them tomorrow.
      My mom was cooking a nice meal, Tanner was home, Dory was running around in the living room. ( Jacob let me have her first). She was all grown up now, no longer a little puppy, but that's doesn't mean I love her any less.
" so bro, what that news you were talking about?" I asked and Tanner and I sunk into the living room couch. In the background I could hear the sizzle of the onions, the clanking of the spoon on the pans, and smell its loveliness. It smelled like home, I missed home so much.
" Well....Laila I just want you to know that I wish you could have been here for this, mom was, Jacobs parents were, I wish you could have known earlier, but I wanted to tell you in person. "
" Tanner what is it? Your scaring me.." I asked.
" I'm engaged" he said, wincing a little awaiting my reaction.
Woah....I really did miss a lot. I'm not mad at all, I'm actually really happy.
" REALLY!!?? Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you! Come here!" I said standing up so I could give him a hug.
" Caroline right?" I asked, just making sure the iconic couple didn't split while I was gone.
" yes, of course" he answered. I wonder if Caroline had told Jacob yet?

Dinner was about ready, I was in my fuzzy pants and socks all ready to do nothing for once.
Just as I was going to sink into the warm comfort of my bed, my mom calls me to get the mail, ugh.
I trot down the stairs huffing at every step just to prove how annoyed I am.
Stepping outside I noticed it was warmer than I thought for it being fall, but maybe I'm just used to the cold European air.
Out flooded about 20 envelopes as I opened the box, some even had my name on them. That's weird because I never have mail, like ever.
This intrigued me, so I momentarily set mom and dads mail back in the box to flip thought my mail.
Some letters were grade cards for my online school, why don't they just email it to me? It's all online anyway, I thought. One in particular caught my eye, a letter from UCLA. I had applied there, along with some other universities here in town before we left for tour. I had kinda forgot about them through all the chaos.
I decided to wait to open it, if I got in it would be a huge deal, leaving home, again. Leaving my family, I won't leave Jacob. Ever.
As if my mind was playing games, as I looked up to walk back inside I noticed Jacob was getting his mail too. He smiled and waved, but I could see something in his face, a look of worry.
I won't bother him about it until later, our parents said we need " a day off from each other". Like what the hell? I decided not to argue with them and just take " my day off " to relax.
After getting back to my room, I set the letter on my nightstand propped up on my lamp. I know I'll need to open it soon or else it will literally haunt me. I have to see Jacob tomorrow, we have a lot to talk about.
Just as I was about to shut my eyes for the first time in almost two days, I realized I left all of mom and dads mail outside. UGH.

AN: another update just as I promised. I hope some of my smart readers get the situation I'm setting up here...Happy readings!

Not Now, Not Yet, Not Ever. On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara