Chapter 19: lazy day

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Laila's POV
I woke up surrounded in sheets and blankets with Jacobs arms wrapped around me. I swear this kid has a death grip when it comes to holding on to something he loves...oh wait, that's me 😊. Well if I can't move I might as well make the best of the situation im in.
Shit. I gotta pee. Well u gues I'll have to wake him up saying it will be impossible to get out of his grip while he's asleep. Should I be sweet and wake him up kindly or evil and wake him up rudely? Rudely.
I begin to tickle him in the spot is worst, his sides.
" n-no Lai-la-Laila ST-sto-p!!!! " Jacob squeals from the pain.
" well good morning" I say with a grin. I feel bad now because I would be pissed if that's how I was woken up. I know just how to make it better.
Jacobs POV
She fricken tickled me to wake me up! TICKLED ME! She knows I hate that but I'll just have my revenge.
Out of no where he smile becomes a straight face, I wonder what she's thi- . I was cut off my her soft lips hitting mine. Well that was unexpected but I liked it so I kiss back. After a few minutes, ya I said minutes, every time we kiss it's a long one because they are just so amazing. Ok so back to the point, after a few minutes she lets go if my bottom lip and smiles. " sorry for tickling you awake, I just had to pee and you had a death grip on me" she said sitting up.
   " it's ok , you great at apologizing " I say with I wink and a cheesy smile.
She exits out forte , I'm guessing to pee. I might as well get up too. I sit up placing my hands where she was laying with the ground still warm from her body heat.
I walk into the kitchen with Laila approaching behind me. " hey mom , can Laila and I go see Finding Dory, we watched Nemo last night and were inspired" I say with a chuckle.
" hey! You never asked me !" Laila says with a sarcastic sad voice.
" I don't need to ask you, I already know you will say yes" I say smiling at the fact I know my girlfriend so well.
" of course! But make sure to be back by four. Lynn and Max ( Laila's parents) are coming home from their business trip today and we are having dinner together " my mom says looking away from her computer to look at Laila and me.
" oh I better tell Tanner just in case he forgot like me!" Laila says running into the living room to her phone.

Laila's POV
He walks into the living room with half a waffle hanging out of his mouth.
" of how rude of me, want one?" He says motioning to his waffle.
"Sure!" I say running over to him ripping off the half of waffle hanging from his mouth. I take a big bite and hind him his waffle back.
" yum! Thank you very much!" I say walking back to my phone.
" oh no you didn't! " Jacob says shaking his neck all sassy.
" oh yes I did!" I say shaking my neck and pointing my finger up in the air.
As soon as I let the sass out he runs so me and tackles me to the ground covered in pillows and blankets. We lay there for a minute laughing at how stupid we are.
After collecting our selves again we picket up all the pillows and blankets and put them in their proper places.
" well it's 11 now so to be safe on time lets go to the 11:45 showing of the movie" Jacob says as I straighten out the pillows on his bed.
" okie dokie!" I say.
I run to the red couch I his room where I put the shirt I had on yesterday. I pick it up and was about to take off the JS shift I had on from last night when Jacobs asks " are you wearing that shirt again?"
" ya I dont feel like going home to get a new one" I say about to take my shirt off.
" here, just wear this one" he says tossing his you now shirt at me.
" it's too small to you can keep it" he says. I take off my shirt and I'm left in as sports bra. He runs over and pokes my belly button , he knows I hate it when people touch my belly button.
" and that's pay back for tickling me this morning" he says running his hands across my bare abs. Yes I have abs , I'm a trained regional chap gymnast. I've got rock hard abs as a matter of factly!
He let go of my waist which is now cold from the lack of his body heat. I put on the shirt and my Nike roshes.
" Jacob , you know half of my t-shirts were yours. " I say with a chuckle. When he grows out of a t-shirt and it looks good on me he give sit to me because he says it would just be sitting I his closet if he didn't. I'm happy he does because when I wear them it reminds me of him. The one I'm wearing now still smells like him too. I love the way he smells. ( not weird).
He always says I smell like vanilla and flowers but he had also carried me from gymnastics practice when I smell like chalk and sweat.
" ready to go? " he asks.
" ya , let me tie my shoe" is at bending down. Out of no where I feel I'm being lifted up and thrown over his shoulder.
" whatcha dooin their Jacob " I say jolting back and forth because he is walking down the stairs.
" you were taking too long so I just carried you" he says putting me down at the bottom of the stairs.
" well I still have to tie my shoe. " say.

We walk to the movies because it's just a 10 minute walk in a nice part of town. It's mid September and kind of chilly here in Virginia. I forgot a hoodie so I'm in a t-shirt , leggings, and tennis shoes.
Jacob must of noticed me rubbing my arms because he headed me his sweatshirt.
" you can wear my, sweatshirt , and you can tell your friends, we'll be together till the end" he sings and I put on the sweatshirt.
" you living your song" I say laughing. Jacob now has two songs out. Sweatshirt and Hit or Miss. He recorded them both while on MagCon tour earlier this year. I was even in the studio with them most of the time.
" where here" he says opening the door for me. What a gentleman.
" two tickets to Finding Dory please " I say to the person behind the glass pane. He gives me a confused look and hands me the tickets.
" aren't you kids a little old to see this movie?" He asks.
" well the fact that you just called us kids disproves your point, and no, your never too old for some Pixar!" Jacob says. He grabs my hand and walks away. I smirk at the man behind the counter because Jacob just SLAYED him.
" after you, " Jacob says letting me into the theater. We have popcorn and Resses  minis mixed into the bowel, and we each got our own soda. We don't mind eating and drinking after each other , ex. The waffle, but we both know that we are fatties and if we share one it will be gone before the movie starts.
*skip movie*
" that was so adorable" he says resorting to dory as a baby.
We are walking home now so we can get ready for the Sartorius' to come over to my house for dinner.
Jacob and I part ways as I walk to my house and he walks to his. " love you! See you in a few!" He says yelling from his porch. Wait, I never leave him anymore without a good bye kiss even though we will end up talking through or Windows before he comes over. I run to him and kiss him gently on the lips. " I almost forgot" I said walking back to my house.

I'm in my closet trying to pick out what to wear. I don't needs to be all fancy because they are my second family but it still needs to be nice. I pick out a skater skirt and a baby blue shirt that I will tuck into the skirt. Simple but cute. I will wear my black booties ( ankle boots ) , a necklace that has a moon on it, and my charm bracelet. I never took it off but it was a component to my out fit.
I straighten my hair because it was a wavy mess and apply clear lip gloss and mascara. I don't like to wear a lot of make up and Jacob thinks I look better without make up but I still wear a little.
I check the time and it's 3:30 so I still have time to spare. I open my curtain and open my window. Jacob window is still open from when he clime through to help me with Maddie yesterday. I can't believe all that happened yesterday!
I see him through his window in khakis and shirtless. He his holding two t-shirts and looks confused. " need some help there" I yell from my window.
" ya, the blue and turquoise vans shirt, or the MagCon 3/4 sleeve shirt?" He asks.
" the MagCon one looks really good on you so that one. ( both in media)
" well I can always count on you to pick out my cloths !" He says. He was right. His mom once begged me to go shopping with him because he can't pick out matching outfits for the life of him!
Is now 4 and my parents have been home for a few hours now straightening out the house. I made sure that before I left with Jacob there was no trace of Maddie or her minions. Tanner was in his room probably texting Caroline. I wish he would ask her out already. She is coming to dinner tonight so I'll talk him into doing it then. My sister, Kate is away at collage where Caroline goes but is spending fall break there.
" Laila , Tanner , the Sartorius' are here! " my mom shouts from the bottom of the stairs.
" coming!" I yell

AN: so ya. Another chapter. Comment what you want to happen at the dinner! Happy readings!

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