Chapter 45: London

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Jacobs POV
" attention passengers, your plane will be landing in London soon. Please remain seated until informed otherwise" the flight attendants spoke over the speakers.
Looking out the window I see many buildings, people the size of ants, a river, and so much more.
I've been to Europe, but never to London, and I can't wait to explore it. I've read so many things about it, I'm litterally on the edge of my seat.
On the other hand, Laila is curled up in a ball of blanket with head phones tucked in ear ears, not even realizing that we're landing.
The slight turbulence shakes her awake, causing her to tug at the head phones and run her eyes multiple times.
" what time is it?" She asks.
" uh, about 11am" I say reading the clock for on my phone screen.
" what? Wait, how? Didn't we leave at 5:30 or something. The flight is longer than that" she says confused.
" it's called time zones babe" I say rolling my eyes and chucking. She playfully nudges my shoulder in return.
" attention passengers, welcome to London. The temperature is currently 68 degrees F and cloudy. I hope you have enjoyed your flight with Delta Air. See you soon. " the attendant spoke again.
We gathered our things, our luggage, and met my managers at the gate.
There waiting for us was an uber that would take us to our hotel. This time, Laila and I get or own room, and our moms will share a room.
" I honestly don't care where we're going as long as food comes directly after" Laila says adjusting her neck pillow.
We all nod and continue waking through the parking lot, listening to the clanking of our suitcases on the rocks.
" good day Mr. Sartorius, and others. Where will I be taking you today?" The uber driver asks. Wow, Mr. Sartorius? Fancy.
" the Plaza" my manager answers for me. Did he ask you? I think no.
" ooo sounds fancy" Laila says giggling, she's in this drunkin sleep state where she's so tired she doesn't have a clue what shes saying or if it makes any sense. It's honestly quite adorable.
She lays her neck pillow on my shoulder, followed by her head.
Within minutes I could hear the soft snore escaping her mouth. I guess it wasn't only me, the uber driver looked into his rearview mirror and smiled at the sight.
After fifteen more minutes of snoring and quiet conversations between my mom and the uber driver, we arrive at the hotel.
My shoulder has become numb from the weight of Laila head and I'm growing impatient to get out of this damn car.
" have a good day Mr. Sartorius, and others" the driver says before stepping back in his car.
" and others" Laila mocks in a rude tone. " it's Laila to you mister! Your and your stupid British accent need get it straight!" She shouts pointing at the car that has already sped down the street.
" is she drunk?" My manager leans down and whispers in my ear.
" no, she's just tired" I answer the same way.
" well she seems drunk" he says again.
" dude she's not drunk, she just gets like this when she's sleep deprived, isn't that right Laila?" I say trying to prove my point.
" ya boii" she answers as stupidly as possible. Ok, I get what he means but I'm right. Honestly this is really entertaining.
" ok, whatever" he sighs.
" have you seen my heels?" Laila asks leaning into the bathroom door where I am fixing my hair.
" check my suit case. My mom put some of your stuff in there because you brought too much" I say.
It was now 7pm, and Laila has slept off her " drunkness". We are going to dinner with our managers and the owner of the arena that my show is booked in.
" gottem!" She shouts from the other room.
I walk out of the bathroom to be faced with my most stunning thing I've ever seen. Laila.
She stands there in a knee length black dress, red heals, and her brown hair is curled over she shoulders.
" wow. " Is all I can say. She always cooks stunning but, wow.
" I think you even look better than me!" I jokingly say.
" That's true, but your looking pretty dashing yourself" she said in a British accent.
" your not going to fool anyone here into thinking your a native. We're all American and every one will know it" I
say hooking my elbow into hers and leading her out of the room.
" what's that supposed to mean?" She asks.
" I honestly don't know. I just read it somewhere that of your in a foreign place people can always tell your not from there" I answer. I saw it in a magazine or something.
" oh, well I think my accent can fool anyone. Just wait and see" she says smirking. Looking to my left, where she stands, she is still shorter than me in her heals. I'm surprised, she isn't a short person, I'm just really tall.
" oh dear, your guys look amazing" my mom gushes and she steps out of the elevator with Laila's mom's and our managers.
" you guys looks amazing too" Laila says reaching over and hugging her mom.
****after dinner because that's all boring*****

" I call this bed!" Laila's shouts as she belly flops omen the bed she already claimed this morning, I guess her was just too tiered to remember.
" yes, we've already established that" I say untying my shoes.
She drops the red heals from her hand that she carried them in.
" never again will I wear heals that long" she says rubbing the back of her foot.
" they don't look that uncomfortable." I say picking one up and examining it.
" I mean, I still don't know how you walk on a square centimeter of shoe this high up but aren't they padded or something?" I ask tossing it back on the floor.
" you try wearing them for three hours straight and then ask me again" she says waking into the bathroom.
I hear the shower turn on and the door shut. Well what am I going to do now.....
I lie on my bed thinking about tomorrow, I have a dress rehearsal early and my show later in the day, my first show in Europe. But enough thinking about that, I'll just stress myself too much.
In the disturbed silence of cars and construction, I can still hear Laila humming in the shower. I wish she would sing in public more, she has a talent for it, she just doesn't want to recognize it.
" Jacob?" I hear Laila call from the bathroom.
" ya?" I yell back getting close to the door so she can hear me.
" I left my cloths on my bed. Can you bring them to me?" She ask. I see one dripping arm reach out the slightly cracked door.
Pushing the door open a little lore I see Laila wrapped up in a towel, dropping of water. She skin glows from the moisture in the room, she looks even more beautiful now than she did at dinner, and that's saying something.
I take a step closer to her, reaching out and wiping the lines me of mascara that had run down her cheek.
She holds my hand on her face and smiles.
" thank you" she whispers. What is trying to do to me. She is standing here practically naked besides the towel that so covering her, her face is glowing, ugh she's just perfect and the way she is speaking to me is giving me dirty thoughts.
I have to keep repeating in my head that I'm too young and that I need to wait, but just a kiss won't hurt?
I set the cloths on the counter and quickly place my other hand on her back, bringing her body closer to mine.
My hand is still on her cheek, but she eventually removers her hand from mine and it find sits way to my hair.
Every singe time, but I don't mind, I kinda like it. The kiss lasted a little longer than I expected, more like a make out, but that's not a problem.
" I think I should get changed now" she whispers, her face still centimeters from mine.
She kisses my cheek before closing the door to the steamy room in front of me.
Either she's doing this on purpose or she's completely oblivious to it.
Two or three minutes pass until I see the bathroom door open and shut, revealing Laila in long grey pajama pants and a nike sorts bra, just like the one she wore in New York when we were on our adventure.
"You didn't bring me a shirt silly" she said bending down and picking up the shirt I dropped off the floor.
When she stands back up I notice she still has toned abs, man I should start gymnastics.
She's been doing it for years but now that we're on tour she is taking a a break. I know how much she loves it so I immediately felt guilty.
" hey what's wrong?" She asks sitting down on the bed next to me.
" oh, um, nothing. Im fine. " I say rolling over and shutting off the bedside lamp.
" oh, ok" she says. She begins to get off my bed to go to hers but befor she could I stopped her.
"Could you stay? I always sleep better with you" I say making room for her to lay down.
" of course" she says. I feel her body heat close to me as she pulls the covers over her. That always been the most comforting feeling to em.
" goodnight" she whispered in my ear. I fell a warm kiss placed on my cheek just like before. I smiled at the gesture, she defiantly knew what she was doing to me.

AN: Update! This was a little different from my other chapters. Let me know why you think. Happy readings!

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