Chapter 28: Niagara Falls

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Laila's POV
    Today is the day we will spend the whole day at Niagara Falls!!
    " red or blue?" I asked Jacob holding two shirts to my chest. One was a red shirt that went just to the waistband of my high waisted jeans , or a baby blue v-neck shirt.
     " you look good in everything, but I say the blue one " he says as he takes the red from my hand and tosses it in my suitcase.
     " then it's settled, plus I'll have to wear one of those poncho things the whole time anyway" I say back.
     " we are leaving in 5!" Tanner says from the bathroom. Once again we are sharing a big room.
      Jacob and I are already ready so we just sat there for a minute. I was about to break the silence by humming when he said " you know, I never really thought about it, but this is the most fun I've had in a long time, and it's all because of you. I wanted to thank you Laila, for being not only the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend, but for being my best friend. You are the only one to can make me feel how I do when I'm with you. Thank you" he finished. By that point I had tears in my eyes. One slipped and fell down my cheeks. His thumb traced my cheek as he wiped the tear away.
    " don't cry" he said in a soft voice.
    " I can't help it" I say laughing," that's the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me, and I feel the exact same way" I say.
     He pulled me into a tight hug. We sit there in each others arms rocking back and forth for a while. I was happy in his arms, I felt safe, comfortable, loved, too amazing to describe.
     I didn't want to leave this hug, I just wanted to stay like this forever. I was about to close my eyes when he removes his neck from the crook of my neck. I was saddened by the lack of his warmth. He looked me in the eyes , I was about to tell him that his eyes were so beautiful, even though I had told him before, but before I could say anything he kissed me. He always does this , but I don't mind. It was a short kiss , yet full Of passion. His soft lips brushed mine one last time before he rested his forehead on mine again.
   " eager much" I whisper in his ear. He shivers and just smiles.
   " some times I can't help myself " he says putting a piece of my hair behind my ear.
   " come one love birds, we need to go" says Caroline. About 15 minutes ago she said we were leaving in 5 minutes so she must have been standing there for a while.
     " you know I'm in love with your guys relationship !" Caroline explains. She is right, we are goals.
    " why?" Jacob asks.
    " just everything about it  you two have known each other your while lives and you have never fought or argued, you never get sick of each other, you show affection all the time, and your just so sweet to each other. No couple is as strong and perfect as you guys" she explains. I never really thought about how we don't fight. We always either agree with each other, or compromise, never have we yelled at each other, gotten mad at each other, argued, or fought. We were truly meant for each other.
    " and your only 15, well about 15, and your in love. I can tell it will last forever!" Tanner adds on. Oh lord I hope it lasts forever! I don't know what I'd do if I lost him!
Jacobs POV
      That conversation was had in the über on the way to Niagara Falls. The whole time I stared at Laila , just thing about what she was saying. Caroline was right, we were perfect, and I loved it.
     The driver pulled up to the auditorium type building. We payed and told us to have a nice day. We returned the favor and walked of.
We payed for our wrist bands and our ponchos , instructors and guides told us some history and boring stuff about the waterfall. Laila was antsy the whole time because she just wanted to see it.
Finally we went back outside and we took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of flowing water.
We had to walk stairs to get to the top of the falls where we could over look the scenery.
Again, like at the Statue of Liberty, we wanted to race up the stairs. This time was different. Laila got in tanners back, even though I wanted to carry her, and I got on Caroline's back. I was as tall as her but she wanted to carry me any way.
" 3...2....1...GO!" Laila says from tanners back.
Caroline ran track in high school so she took off like a bullet. Tanner only played basketball, like me, but he was still fast.
Caroline was ahead for the first few flights of stairs. It stated to get really wet so she slows down so she wouldn't slip and fall. Tanner didn't slow down and he passed us.
Once we got closer to the top there were " no running" signs on the stairs. Caroline obeyed and let me down. Tanner kept running. I called out for him to stop because I didn't want them slipping and falling.
By now we were soaked because the ponchos didn't cover all our bodies. The hood on mine fell so my hair was soaked and a mess.
From the stairs above is we head a thud. I thought it was Laila so I ran up to her. Tanner had slipped and fallen back ward. Laila caught herself before Tanner could fall on her thankfully. He would have crushed her. Tanner says mocking life alert " I've fallen and I can't get up!" After that laugh he stood up.
" are you ok? Are you hurt ?" I ask Laila. " I'm fine, probably just got a bruise. " she said pointing to her leg that she fell on.
I picked her up and carried her bridal style up the rest of the stairs. Once we reached the top there was a balcony with a railing over looking Niagara Falls. It was breathtaking. I looked at Laila and her green eyes widened at the sight.
" wow...just wow!" She said.
" it's breathtaking! It's beautiful! " I say. I can be very sensitive , sometimes as sensitive as girls. Laila says it's cute and she loves it when I'm sensitive.
We stood there taking it all in, the water noise, the rainbow caused by the moist water and the sunlight, it was just amazing. We took pictures on our camera, some of us, some of just the falls, one I liked most in particular. Caroline took this one, Laila and I stood side by side. We got down on one knee facing each other, and we out or hands up in a " praising " position. (🙏🏻). The picture we took after that was posing like this: Lila kissed my cheek with one leg bent at her knee, and for fun I bent my leg at my knee doing the girly pose with her. I smiled cheekily and closed my eyes.
Caroline awed at the picture, Laila laughs at the fact I did the girly pose with her.
We took photos of Caroline and Tanner and we got a tourist to take a picture of the four of us.
Soon it was getting dark and we decided to go to our car and head home. We were going back to Virginia for 2 days : October 2nd and 3rd. There we would celebrate Laila and my birthday with our family and friends. Even though Laila's birthday was on the 4th we would still celebrate it.
It was a 13 hour drive from Niagara falls to Reston Virginia. It was night time and we would be there by morning, since it was late Laila and I went to sleep in the back seats until morning.
It was 11:46 pm October first and we were still in the car. We still had 8 more hours to drive but I was turning 15 in 14 minutes. Laila and I decided to stay up u till it was a little past midnight because Laila said she wanted to give me something right at midnight, as an extra gift. She said she had already gotten me something that she would give me in Virginia.
" it's 11:59!" Laila said excitedly. She held my hand as we counted down.
" 3...2...1!" Caroline shouted from the front seat.
Seconds after it was midnight Laila kissed me full on , like really hard. I wonder why? I kissed back because 1 I really liked it, and 2 she is my girlfriend.
I saw a flash thought my closed eyes. Caroline or Tanner must have taken a picture of us kissing.
There was a party hat on my head, bits of confetti scattered in the car, and and a cupcake with a candle in it.
Laila and I looked at the picture and it was cute! One picture was taken on my phone , the other on the camera.
" was that the present you wanted to give me?" I asked Laila chuckling. " because if it was I couldn't ask for a better gift" I say wrapping my arm around her.
" remember this time last year?" She asked me. I nodded my head yes because that was an enjoyable moment. She re- explained it to me anyway just to bring back memories.
" Mac, Kennedy, Tris,Max, Cole, you and I were all on your back porch. We were having a little get together for your 14th birthday and it was BBQ party by your pool. " she explained. " we were counting down the seconds until midnight as if it were New Years Eve. The second it turned midnight I jumped in your arms and have you the biggest hug because it was my best friends birthday" she continued. " at that point I knew I had feelings for you, but I didn't admit it, but we weren't dating yet. " she continued.
I finish off the story " after Laila jumped on me and hugged me our moms took pictures because they thought it was cute, lets just say, even though we were friends our moms shipped us, which was weird. Anyway, I was twirling Laila around and I fell backwards into the pool, still holding Laila. We were in our cloths and shoes so they were soaked now. We both started to swim to the top but as a playful joke, I kissed her cheek under water before resurfacing. No one saw it from outside the pool which was good because they would have been awing the whole time. " I explained. " once we got our of the pool we all went to bed. " I continued.
" now Laila , I've never told you this, even though it's not a secret," I said. It was part of the story that I remember the most.
" we were all in the legendary fort that we built in my living room. I had layed down and closed my eyes. All our friends had fallen asleep except Laila and me. She later lays down next to me and whispers in my hear thinking I was asleep. I looked asleep , but I wasn't. She whispered ' I saw what you did there Sartorius' in my ear referring to what I did in the pool. She kissed my cheek like I did to her. She lays down next to me and told me happy birthday before falling asleep herself. That's when I knew that she liked me back. " I finished our of breath.
I looked at Laila and she was bright red.
" I thought you were asleep!" She said blushing with embarrassment.
" wait, you said that's when you knew you like me too?" She asked.
" ya, I had liked you a while before we became a couple. Before my party Mac and Tris had said that you like me but I didn't believe them, but when you kissed my cheek back I knew they were right. " I explained.
" the reason I kissed your cheek in the pool is because I liked you too" I said.
" oh...that's what I thought " she said. After that we hugged for a few minutes.
" can you two not be all lovey dovey for even 10 minutes?" Tanner asked in annoyance.
" I honestly don't think so" I said laughing.
It was now almost 1 am so Laila and I decided to go to bed because we wanted to have energy when we got home.
" good night princess, thanks for taking me on this adventure" I say referring to Niagara Falls earlier.
" good night my prince, and I wouldn't want to take anyone else" she said before laying down in my chest and falling asleep. I did the same , deeming of our adventures left to come.

AN: so that's the second chapter today. These ones are kind of long because there is so much I want to write. Not including this this chapter was 2,213 words! Next couple are gonna be back in Virginia! Comment what you think should happen next. Happy readings!

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