Chpater 21: Truth or Dare

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Laila's POV
It's been a week since that dinner and I'm really excited!! As you may know, my best friend Mac has been dating Jacobs friend Cole since before Jacob and I started dating. I haven't seen much of them sinve they started dating but I can't blame them seeing as I spend all my time with Jacob.
It's been a while since I've had one of you big sleepovers with all our close friends. I'll invite Tris, Mac, Cole, and Kennedy...and of course Jacob.
Tris and Kennedy have had a crush on each other since like the 5th grade. They also know that they like each other but won't admit it. Just date already!!! ....that's what people thought of me and Jacob for the longest time too.
Group chat:
Laila: hey you guys wanna have a big sleep over at my house tonight! Long time no see.

Mac: YASSS girly! Sorry we haven't hung out in a while, I was on a family trip for like 2 weeks 🙄

Kennedy: I'll go is Tris goes .....

Tris- IM IN!!

Cole : Awwww! I'm in too. What time?

Jacob: y'all are blowin up my phone! I'll be there, well I'm already here 😂

Laila: alrighty! I'm excited. It's been a while since we all hung out together!

Cole: Jacob, are you with Laila rn? 😂

Jacob: well duh

Kennedy: get some!!!!😉

Jacob : will do!! 😉.

Laila: you pervs. Be at me casa by 3! Bye loves!

Tris: by girly see ya then😚

Mac: Coke and I will come together. See ya then! Make sure there's food!

Laila: np on the food😂

And that was that! " Jacob can you help me clean up the basement, I'm thinking of having the " party" down here because it's bigger. "
" ya, let me finish my pop tart first "
" get your butt down here right now!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.
" coming mom.." He says. Sarcastically rolling his eyes.
* 3:00 when people arrive *
Cole and Mac were the first ones to show up, then Kennedy, and lastly Tris. The whole time Kennedy was staring Tris. When she noticed she blushed hella hard.
" can you two just fricken date already!" Jacob sad from behind me. " I mean, look at you two! Just do it! Nike " Jacob says starting to sing " hit the quan". We all start to do the dance.
By the time that was over we were all laughing our asses off on the carpet.
" uh tris, can I talk to you?" Kennedy says.
" ya sure.." She says back.
" ooooo I wonder what there gonna do?!" Mac says to the rest of the group.

Five minutes later they both come back, smiling like goofs. On Kennedy's cheep there is a lipstick mark where Tris must have kissed him.
" so.. You two a thing now?" I ask in anticipation.
" yup! And I'm very happy about it!" Kennedy says holding tris close to him. In celebration we all hug our boyfriends.
" GOALS! We are goals!" Jacob shouts. "
I mean it's so cool that our group of best friends are like all dating each other! " he says smiling. That was a good thing. It made our friendship stronger!
" you two are the real goals, look at you, your the cutest couple here!" Cole says motioning to Jacob and I. " ya , you are pretty cute." I say poking his nose.
" and your even cuter!" He says before kissing my cheek.
Soon we all got bored. We wanted to play a game but not the usual games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. I hate those games, they ruin friendships and relationships.
We decide on truth or dare, but nothing gross or naughty. And if you are dared to kiss someone it has to be you bf/gf.
We all sit in a circle on the ground. In the middle there are some chips and salsa cuz we are fatties.
" ok, Mac, truth or dare?"
" truth. "
" have you can Cole made out yet?"
" ya..." Mac says hard core blushing. They have been dating for 5 months so I'm not surprised. Jacobs me I kind of made out the night he asked me out...
Mac asks Jacob truth or dare. He pick dare, I'm not surprised.
" Jacob, I dare you to take off your shirt, spray whipped cream on you nipples , go outside and run down the street yelling " I have creamy nipples!!" Mac says to Jacob.
" are you serious?" Jacob says nervously.
    " yup!" Mac says. Jacob would never turn down a dare but this one was gonna be great. Little did he know I was going to record the whole thing...especially cause he was shirtless.
Jacob goes the the kitchen and gets the whipped cream. He takes of his shirt and I blush a little. He notices and winks at me. Hot fucking damn. He goes to the door but before opening it he sprays two globs of whipped cream on his nipples and complains because it was cold.
" have fun!" I says as he runs out the door. I press record on my phone and he begins to run down my street screaming " I have creamy nipples". He screamed so loud his voice cracked and it was cute.
After the said that three times he came back inside. He took a napkin and wiped of the whipped cream and put his shirt back on, sadly.
" that was kinda fun" he says as we sit back in our circle.
" Laila, truth or dare?" Jacob. Asks me.
" truth !" I say. I'm not scared of dares, I pick dare as mush as I pick truth because truths can be fun too.
" ok, when did you first realize you liked me?" He asked.
" ok so remember the night before sixth grade started and how I was at your house and I helped you pick out you out fit. The after that you came to my house and I picked out mine even tho you didn't help? We that night I didn't have my charm bracelet and you reminded me that you had taken them to get the chains longer. When you brought them back up that was the first time they had charms. My first one was a smile because you said I had a great smile. That moment when you said that and looked into my eyes I get butterflies for the first time. That when I knewI loved my best friend. " I say taking a needed breath because that was long story.
" wow, didnt need to tell us a book , but that was cute" tris says.
" I remember that night like it was yesterday. " Jacob says making eye contact with me.
" truth or dare tris" I ask
" dare" she says. I have a good one.
" since you and Kennedy are now official, I dare you to kiss him for 10 seconds. " I saw smirking.
" the look at each other and blush. They haven't kissed on the lips yet so this should be interesting.
After a moment they lean in and their lips meet. ....30 seconds later they pull away and smile , both blushing.
" well that was defiantly more than 10 seconds!" Cole says.
" ok, Cole , truth or dare?" Tris ask.
" dare, duh" he says.
" I dare you to make a vine singing " my milk shakes are better than yours"
song" tris says.
" what's up with you guys and our man boobs lately" Cole asks laughing. I realized that the dares we had given the boys sis have to do with their " man boobs".
After Cole makes the vine he adds the music to the background and posts it.
The only person. Who has not gone is Kennedy.
" kennedy, truth or dare?" Cole asks.
" dare!" He says.
Cole discusses with us what we should make him do.
" Kennedy, I dare you to walk over to the Martin's house next door. Knock on the door and before they invite you in, walk in to their pantry. Take something good and walk out acting normal. " he says. That takes some guts because I wouldn't even do that.
" ok, but if I get I trouble I'm calling you out on it! " Kennedy says. Jacob starts to record and Kennedy does as instructed.
Kennedy's POV
I was into the Martin's house thinking what the hell am I doing. I walk to the cabinet and take out a jar of peanut butter. It was the first thing I saw so why not? The Martin's looks to me confused as I walk out saying " have a good day" to the Martin's as I shut the front door. I sprint back to Laila's house. That was a thrill!
Jacobs POV
Wow, he actually did it! After that our game of truth or dare was over so we all decided on a movie to watch since it was midnight and people were getting tired.
" Hotel Transylvania 2 or The Good Dinosaur ? I ask my friends.
" what's up with you and Disney Pixar moves?" Mac asks me with a chuckle.
" what? I love these movies. I'd watch them over a scary movie any day!" I say with confidence.
" I think it's cute!" Laila says to me. She walks over to me and hugs my arm and rests her head on my arm because she is a lot shorter than me.
" Mac, Cole, and Kennedy give up on convincing me to watch a scary movie so we decide on The Good Dinosaur.
We had 3 pallets set up I front of the tv. Laila and I in one, Cole and Mac in one, and Kennedy and tris in another. We all snuggled up to our girlfriends and watch the movie.
Half way through I start to cry when the daddy dinosaur dies. I can't help it, I have a soft spot in my heart and I cry during moves like this. Laila thinks it's cute that I can be sensitive. Well, she told me its one of the many things she loves about me.
She must of noticed me crying because she turns to face me and wipes the tear from my cheek. She smile at me and my sensitivity. She leans in and connects her lips with mine. Once again, fireworks are shooting from every direction. Her soft sweet lips stay connected to mine. I lightly tug on her bottom lip asking for entrance. She allows it and my tung slide on her braces.
I guess we were enjoying our little make out session too much to notice that our friends were still in the room. They must have not notices untill she pulled on my hair cause long me to moan a little. I couldn't help it! Kennedy turns toward us and yells " GET SOME!" To me.
Laila pulls away and smile say me. The she turns to Kennedy and her smile turns to anger.
" I thought you guys were asleep!" She says. Cole and Mac were asleep but Tris and Kennedy were still awake.
" next time you two make out, go somewhere else" she says. We winks at me and lays back down with tris. Laila lays down on my chest and her hand rests on my stomach. Soon we hear Kennedy snoring. Laila looks over and sees that we are the only ones still awake.
Laila's fingers begin to trace my abs because I sleep with my shirt off. It was very relaxing and it make me tired.
After a few minutes she stops. I look down at her and she had fallen asleep.
I lean down and kiss her jaw line. " good night princess, I love you" I whisper in her ear. I can tell she head me because he grip around me torso tightened. I hear her faintly whisper " I love you too"
With that we both fell back asleep. That was a good night.

AN: that was an interesting chapter 😂. Comment what you guys what to happen next. More drama? More action? Just let me know. Happy readings

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