Chapter 32: Disney

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Laila's POV
Ok, today is a new day, a fresh start, I can do this! Right? Ugh life is too hard, so I'm going to go eat food, it makes me happy in hard times like these.
It's about 7:00am, that's early, well early for me. I had to wake up early because this afternoon we are leaving for Disney World!!
Disney is where we will spend the last week of our adventure, 2 days of driving, and 5 days in Orlando.
*****about to leave****
"Do you have everything sweetie?" My mom asked just as we were about to leave.
" yes mom, we have been over this" I said with a slight chuckle. Last night she asked me the same question and insisted on me making a check list.
" what about you Jacob? " my mom asks. Jacob came over about 10 minutes ago to help get our stuff ready.
" Yes I do, don't worry, I didn't forget anything important like last time" he says. Last week he forgot his charger so he had to share chargers with Caroline, Tanner, and me.
" I helped him pack this time mom, don't worry" I say patting her back.
" well I love you both, be safe, be aware, be careful , ha-" mom mom began to  explain the same speech she has given me many times about being safe and stuff. It's not that she doesn't trust me, she doesn't trust other people.
" mom, I know , I love you but you can stop repeating yourself" I say.
" ok, well just have fun, and love you too. Bye sweetie, by Jacob " she says waving from the door.
" if I hadn't shut her up we would still be listening to her speech, she's like a broken record" I mumble quietly to Jacob as we walk to the car.
He put our luggage in the middle seats, and we crawl to the very back of the car. We couldn't lift the seats due to the luggage so we had to crawl over them. I ended up getting one foot over and flipping over the top onto Jacob.
" owe! Your head had really bad postioning" Jacob says as he winces in pain.
" ooo sorry, I know that kinda hurts you😂" I say referring to where my head lands on his lap, if ya know what I mean.
" it's ok, you have done much worse" he says. That brought back the memory of when I was high on candy and ice cream.
I was in The kitchen banging to pans together while singing " I ain't never get no sleep cuz of tall, now your never gonna get no sleep cuz of me" just like the video.
I was swinging the pan back and I didn't realize that Jacob was right behind me. The pan hit him right I the no no square.
Flashback over.
"Ya, that was much more painful" Jacob says cringing at the memory.
After dying of laughter for 10 minutes in the car...
    " onward!" Jacob shouted pointing I front of him as if they car would obey like a horse.
   " your so weird" I say laughing.
   " I'm normal, everyone else is just weird" he argues back.
   " I don't want to be normal, I'll be weird with you" I say making a weird mess up face.
  I looked at Jacob while still distorting my face, and he was blushing. Why was he blushing? His cheeks are always a shade of pink but when he blushes they get darker.
   " why are you blushing" I ask.
   " your smiling and laughing and I just can't take it. Your too fricken cute!" He says.  Now I'm the one blushing. Even when I'm being a weirdo he thinks I'm cute.
   " aww come here" I say opening my arms to a hug. He lays his head on my shoulder , me playing with his fluffy golden brown hair.
   He slowly closes his hazel eyes and begins to snore softly. We have about 6 more hours till be get to Disney so I might as well sleep myself.
    I leaned up against the window, putting Jacobs head to my lap, covering  us with a blanket, and fell asleep dreaming of food. ( AN: same tho).
****5 hours later***
   " hey wake up" I head a voice say while stroking my hair, which only made me want to fall back asleep.
   " we're almost there" they voice says again. That suddenly made me perk up remembering where we were going, and who I was with.
   I opened my eyes to reveal Jacob with messy hair.
   " good morning, or might I say evening" he says showing me his phone. It was 7:56pm. We would get to Florida, stay the night, and going to Disney in the morning.
   " are we there yet?" I asked annoyed because I'm already sick of being in the car.
   " we have about another hour, stop asking if we're there yet" Caroline snapped. She must me sick of it too.
   " take a chill pill Caroline , she was  just asking" Jacob defended.
   " just let it go, it doesn't matter" I mumble to Jacob.
   " well I don't want her to snap at you, it's rude" he argues.
  " she's like a sister to me, it's gonna happen, just let it go" I say. I understand he is just being protective but geeze, chill.
   " whatever" he says slightly rolling his eyes. I guess everyone in the car is a little ticked.
***1 hour later*** ( sponge on reference)
    " ugh finally! We're here!" Jacob says hopping out the car. He puts down the luggage and helps me out. My legs feel stiff and it hurts to walk.
   We get our luggage on the cart thingy, and me being lazy I sat on it and was pushed up to our hotel room without taking one step. Once we got to our room Jacob picked me up and say me in a chair by the window.
   " what a great view" I say referring to the palm trees and the sandy beach.
   " ya, too bad it's too cold to go to the ocean" Jacob says. He loves the ocean.
   " we can still go on walks on the beach" I say attempting to make him feel better.
   " ya I guess" Jacob says walking to his suit case. He pulls out a blue and white button up shirt, black jeans, and his white high top converse, what a white girl.
   " Jacob, is it weird that we have matching shoes, I mean, your shoes are like the number one necessity of a white girl" . Am I right? Uggs a and white high top converse are the " white girl shoes"
   " it's not weird  now let's go to Starbucks , I want a frappachino" Jacob says flipping his imaginary long hair as he struts to the door.
   I sit down on the bed thinking he was just joking. I close my eyes, but seconds later I feel I'm being lifted and carried.
  " Jacob put me down. " I say.
   " I want joking, I want a frappachino" he said setting me down.
  " well I'll never turn down some Starbucks, lucky for us there one in the lobby" I say grabbing my purse.
The next morning
    Jacobs POV
  I woke up to the sound of soft waves crashing on the sandy beaches. I looked to my left and say Caroline and Tanner all snuggled up in their bed. I looked to my left and lay Laila cuddled to my arm as if it were a teddy bear, she always does this but I don't mind.
   " Laila....laila....laila!" I say getting louder each time. No answer, she must be tired.
   Well I know one way to wake her up, I bed down and kiss her nose, no answer.
    I kiss her cheek, no answer. Ok this is weird, I guess I'll have to go to desperate measures, wink wink.
   I kiss her softly on the lips, hoping that the tingling sensation will wake her up, no answer.
   Still kissing her, she loosens her grip on my arm, but now she is snoring a little.
   " alright, game over, I know your faking. " I say. The second she moved I knew she was awake, I could also feel her smiling a little when I kissed her.
  " well good morning to you too" she sued sleepily sitting up.
   " how long bad you been awake?" I ask.
   " about five minutes before you. I could feel your arm moving a little so I pretend to be asleep knowing you would do that." She explains. Smooth 
   " well anyway...of wait...WERE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD TODAY!!!" I shout as all realization hit me in the face.
   " ya duh, how could you forget?!" Laila asks shocked.
   " well I was thinking of you and when that happens it's hard to think of anything else" I say. I know cheesy right? Well it is true.
   " you are so cheesy , but it's cute" Laila says poking my nose.
****after getting ready****
   " we're going on a trip on our favorite rocket trip!" Laila and I sing bouncing around in the car on our way to Disney world.
   "Shooting though the sky, little einstines!" We continue.
  " your so childish" Tanner says laughing at our immaturity.
   " well your just to boring" Laila snaps back.
  "Ooo savage!" Caroline says. Seems as if someone was happier today. The way she snapped at Laila yesterday kind of ticked me off. Caroline is generally a really chill person but every once and a while she get get a little anxious , and I don't like it when she takes it out on Laila. She said  it wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't, but the doesnt mean I had to be ok with it.
   " whatcha thinking about?" Laila asks waving her hand in front of my face.
   " oh.,.um...I forgot to brush my teeth" I lied. Laila would get all fussy if she knew I was still thinking about yesterday.
  " kisses for you today " Laila says scrunching her nose.
   " aww hell nah" I say tickling her sides  to distract her.
   " st-stop Ja-Jacob" she said between giggles. When she isn't paying attention  I leaned in and kisses her. I could tell it took her a moment to realize what was going on and she kissed back.
   I pulled away and said " I knew you couldn't resist".
   " hey, your breath was minty, liar liar pants on fire!" Laila said in the voice of a five year old.
  " I guess I did brush my teeth "
I say acting surprised. She didnt seam to care so she shrugged  her shoulders and continued jamming to the radio, what a dork, but she's my dork.
    Laila's POV
Jacob was acting a little weird, like he was mad or something. I asked what was wrong and he, he said forgot to brush his teeth, I knew he was lying. When he is lying he fiddled  with his fingers, studderes, and doesn't make eye contact. Jacob is the kind of person that will always make eye contact with the person he is talking to, and he was looking out the window. He also never forgets to brush his teeth, if he does at it bugs him until he does.
    I'll just blow it off , he's probably just thinking about his fat cat or whatever. ( AN: lol Josie aka Godzilla ..ok I'm done )
    Minutes later we are driving through a gate as we hear a voice over an inter come saying " welcome to Disney World"......

AN: part two tomorrow! Sorry if this was kind of boring, just a filler chapter until we get to the good stuff. Happy readings!

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