Chapter 14: Welcome to Walmart

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Laila's POV
      So I want some food. I ate all my food. I'm going to go get some food. Now.
That was all I could think of at the moment. Food.
Jacob was in LA recording some songs and he has been gone for 3 days. He will be back in two but I don't know if I can last that long. This is seriously the longest I've gone without seeing him. We have always gone on vacations together and when we didn't they were 1 or 2 days, not 5. I want him back. Now😊
So now that I've mourned over Jacob ...again , I decided to fix my food issue. " HEYY TANNER?" I yell from my bedroom. " what do you want Laila 🙄" my older brother says from his bedroom. " FOOD!!!!!, and I kinda aye it all. Can we go to Walmart or something. I'm felling more like cooking than take out again". I say.
     " ugh fine! Only because mom needs stuff too"
Alrighty, now what am I going to cook? Over the years I've learned how to cook very well. I've attempted teaching Jacob how to cook....attempted is the key word. It failed majorly! Let's just say, I never knew you could burn the food so bad that it burns a hole through the pan 😂.
     Jacob can make three foods: toast ( barely ), cereal , and pasta ( with the help of his mom). Let's just say if I hadn't been there a few times while he attempted cooking his house could currently be in ashes.
" Laila we are leaving. Get your butt in the car or I will leave without you" tanner yells from the drive way. He can be a pain but I know he loves me.
I'm walking out to the drive way to my brothers car. I didn't put much effort into my outfit. It's basically JS merch tee-shirt, white jean shorts , and black vans.
" oh hey Caroline! I didnt know you were coming with. ". Caroline was in the passenger seat of tanners car.
      Tanner and Caroline are the same age. They are friends but not like besties. They are more like an undetermined " thing". I wish tanner would ask her out already! It took Jacob long enough. I don't want Caroline to feel like me waiting around for the love of their life.
    " so, I hear your cooking up so thing amazing tonight ?" Caroline asks.
   " yup! If only Jacob were here , he can't get enough of my cooking 😂" I say to Caroline.
    " tanner asked if I wanted t bake a desert to match you amazing meal tonight. He also invited me to eat dinner with you. I hope that's ok" Caroline says so innocently. I love Caroline like a sister. I may already have a sister but all she's good for is stealing my cloths and eating all my food. Caroline is also a very good baker.
     Every Christmas she makes the most amazing cheesecake. She always makes one extra for my family just because she knows I can devour one in 3 minutes.....yes, it's happened.
We pull into the Walmart parking lot. " so, what's planned for dinner?" Tanner asks rubbing his stomach.
    " I was thinking turkey tetrazzini " I say.
   " turkey yet-terra-zizzi? What ?" Tanner says with a confused look on his face.
   " it's a tomato based turkey dish that is baked in marinated sauces and veggies. It so good! You will love it!" I say with confidence. I know he will love it. Tanner will eat anything.
    " sounds complex but you got it! " Caroline says putting jars of tomato sauce in the cart.
" ok well I'm getting ingredients for desert tonight. I'll meet you at te check out counters. " Caroline says rushing away. I wonder what she's making. I hope it's cheesecake! Even though it s a rare occasion she will make it when Jacob is gone. UGH! I can't go 5 minutes without thinking about him. It probably sounds lame but I seriously can't live without him.
Jacobs POV
So right now I'm on a break from recording. I'm walking the halls of the studio in LA with my hommie Chris Miles. We are recording my new song " Hot or Miss". It's going really well actually. I just wish Laila was here.
     I love it here in LA and maybe one day I could live here. The only reason I'm still living in Virginia is because of Laila and her family. My whole career is here in LA. I could never leave Laila and her family though. Lila is my best friend and girlfriend. Her family is like my seconded family too. I wouldnt leave them for the world. It's worth traveling across the county non stop just to be able to see Laila at home.
UGH! I can't go 5 minutes without thinking of her. I wonder if she misses me too. I've face timed here for at least a good hour every day since I've been here. I still have two more days worth of recording and shooting here in LA. It's the longest I've gone without seeing her beautiful face in person. We are literally attached and it's a mess when you pull us apart.
I don't only miss her, I'm worried about her. She is a strong confident women that won't let anything get in her way, but she's not the one I'm worried about. It's Maddie.
    Ever since Laila have started dating Maddie has been threatening me through Twitter DMs. I haven't told Laila yet because I don't want to worry her. When I'm there she is safe because I'm there to protect her. When I'm not there she is all alone near someone out to get her and she isnt even aware of it. Shit. Now I wish I had told her, she would much more cacious.
I decided to call her. I need to here her voice to clear my mind.
Phone call. J- Jacob. L- Laila.
J: hello?
J : oh hey, I didn't know if you could here me or not. I just wanted to talk to you.
L: about what?
J: uhhh...well nothing really I just miss you and needed to hear your voice.
L: well silly why didn't FaceTime me. Then I could see your face that u miss SOOOO FRIGGEN much!!!
J: ya I guess I could of. Well Chris needs me for sound check. I need to go now but I'll FaceTime you tonight at Daniels. I love you princess , talk to you later.
L: I love you too my pri-
Before she could finish I hung up. I thought I'd face timing her before I called but if I took one look into her eyes I would feel guilt and regret, then I would end up telling her about Maddie.
     I couldn't do it over the phone, that's too harsh. I more of a person who prefers being able to tell something to a persons face rather than over the phone. Whether it's good or bad news.
As soon as I get back I'm telling her about Maddie. I can't take the guilt anymore. I've never kept secrets from here and the times I did she found out. This would be a bad one for her to find out on her own.
Laila's POV
" Where is the oregano?!" I said frustrated under my breath. Someone must of heard me because someone responded.
    " 4 isles down and to the left " a boy about my age said with an assuring grin.
    " oh uh thank you" I smile back and begin to walk trough the isle.
Once I get my oregano I see that boy again. I have to admit he was pretty cute. Just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't still think boys are cute. As long a s nothing happens it's ok. I've even seen Jacob eyeing a girl while with me. He snapped out of it when he looked back at me. He always end told me no matter what girl he looks at I'm still prettier.
I decide to ignore the boy again and walk to the candy isle because you know, I got to have my Resses! As I put the bag in my cart is see that boy, again! Is he following me? I'm not afraid to ask.
     I see him walk toward he but stop to look at the candy beside me. " can I help you?" I say with an annoyed tone.
     " yaaa you can help me" he says with this look 😏 liking me up and down.
    " no thanks, I have a boyfriend , go find some other slut to hit up. " I walk away as I have just SLAYED!
I finally get to where I can see Caroline but I looks like she is talking to someone and she looks mad. I hope it's not tanner who is telling because I can hear yelling. As I get closer I can hear a scene is being made. Some unfamiliar voice is trying to take Caroline some where because he keeps shouting come here! Caroline is shouting NO back.
    I decide to put my cart aside and step in. Oh god what's gonna next, is all I can think. " hey ! Leave her alone!" I shout at the freakishly tall man I wasn't expecting g to see.
    My confidence dissipated , quickly. " well, well , well. Just the person I'm looking for. " he said with a smirk.
    I can feel more hands grabbing on to my arms now. I can't run.
    " get rid of the older one! And fast! We have work to do 😏". The man says. I'm now shaking and yelling for tanner.
     " oh shut it princess! " a man behind me shouts. They shove something in my mouth to keep me from talking. I was dragged out a door to be blinded with the 6 o'clock sun. I'm outside that back of the Walmart where there are no cameras. Cameras!!! There are some I. the store!
    I hope people see and can help me because I'm scared!!! I'm also a little ticked because that man called me princess! Only Jacob can call me that!
    "What the hell do you want !! LET ME GOO!" I shout with my all.
    " like I said, I want you ..." A familiar voice says from behind me. It's that boy that was following me. That boys voice was the last I heard before it all went black.
I can't see it feel anything but I can kind of hear. I can't make out the words they are saying but I've managed to figure out we are in a car. HELP.
Jacob POV
I'm going to FaceTime Laila now. I have to warn her about Maddie. I was hesitant earlier but now I need to.
      Maddie tweeted " watch out princess , you will never see us coming". That was the most threatening one yet. That's not the part that was the worst. Maddie also direct messaged me on Twitter saying " hey jakey , you miss me, you won't for long 😉".
I FaceTime Lila right away. I feel bad for having to tell her like this where I can't comfort her but she needs to know to be safe.
She's not answering. I'll text her then. She has always end texted back right away.
No answer... Now I'm getting worried. I know her mom is out now because I saw her post on Instagram.
     Yes Laila's mom has an Instagram. It's actually kind of cool. I decide to call tanner because I know he would be watching her.
T- hello?
J- hey is every thing ok with Laila. She won't answer my calls or texts. We we talked about 10 minutes ago and she sounded fine and now I can't seem to reach her
T- I was actually hoping that you knew if she was ok. We were at Walmart, she went to get stuff for this turkey stuff. Caroline was there too. She went to get some baking stuff.
J- ok continue
T- ok so I saw Caroline running toward me crying and trying but to speak but she was crying too hard. One she could catch her breath she told me that some guys were trying to take her somewhere but when they took Laila they told her to leave and that she never see Laila after that. She heard Laila scream my name but that was it.
J: oh my gosh !! You have to find her!!! I would come home but a plane doesn't take off to Virginia for another 2 days! I need to get home now! She's not safe and I think I know where she might be!
The phone call continued. I told Tanner the whole story, like all of it too. He was shocked but he knew about Maddie and her plan now. He says he and Caroline will do everything they can u till I get back. I'm coming princess , don't worry.

AN: ok so I've read some fan fic bride writing this book and I know it great when there's drama but I know it gets annoying when the drama is always " he/she cheated" or " Jacobs a fuckboi". After a while it gets annoying so hope that you enjoy the first taste of drama! More to come! Comment what you think should happen to Laila. Happy reading!
- LK

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