Chapter 5: the Vine

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Jacobs POV
    What Laila said about me getting bullied did to us in her dream worries me.
   What if it happened in real life? I decided to get on vine , a social media I was interested in. I decided to post a message against bulling that night. I didn't tell Laila about it because she would find out eventually.
( the next morning)
    After Cole and Kennedy left Laila was about to go home too. Before she left I wanted to show her the Vine. I told her I posted it because I didn't want to loose our friendship. Not now, not yet, not ever. I opened the app. I looked at my notifications , I gained 5,000 followers. My jaw dropped. My vine was revined multiple times. People really reached out to stoping bullies.
   After I showed Laila she hugged me and told me that we would never be broken sort by bullies. Not now, not yet, not ever. We will be friends for ever. We lived by this.

Laila's POV
     My jaw dropped at the vine. Because of me he was being supported. After that things were getting better for him.  He showed his mom and his mom was so proud. How could one message reach out to so many people?!
    He decided to post an actual vine since he had so many followers.  He started to get more and more popular on Vine. I have changed his life. To show him I'm proud of him I got him a charm for his bracket. He said the charms were for milestones in our life , sooo, I got him a charm that looks like a movie camera to represent Vine.
    " here Jacob , close your eyes. " I said. I grabbed his hands and put the charm on his bracelet. I was about to let go of his hand when he held on , for a minute I thought he wouldn't let go.
     " Jacob look at it, it's a charm" I said.
    He said " aww thank you! I love it ". The rest of the night I couldn't get out of my head how he held my hand. Did he like me? I just wanted to sleep. Goodnight.

AN - sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to put his first vine in the story. Happy readings

Not Now, Not Yet, Not Ever. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu