Chapter 30: Party Time!

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Laila's POV
Jacob is having so much fun and so and I. Kayla has been hanging with Daniel, carter, Aron, and Jonny. Tris has been hanging with Cameron, Trizzy, hunter, Brandon , and Blake. I've been hanging with Mac, Cole, Mark and Loren. Jacob, he's been talking and partying with everyone. I'm so happy that he is happy! This party may be for the both of us, but it's more for him because he deserves it.
" hey I'm going to go get Jacobs presents from my room. Make sure he is distracted by who knows what while I set them up outside" I tell Brandon and Blake. The nod and go find Jacob. They are defiantly good people.
I go up to my room to retrieve his presents. While I pass by tanners room I hear Tanner and Caroline laughing at a movie they are watching, what goof balls.
I put his socks, joggers, and snap back in a bag and I wrap the box with the promise ring and put it in its own bag.
I bring the bags down stairs and put them with the others brought by our guests for Jacob and me.
I see one big bag with my name on it but it doesn't say who must from, I guess I'll just have to wait.
Jacobs POV
When I got to Laila's house before the party I put her presents on the table that our friends would put theirs.
Like I explained before, while we were traveling Laila would see this that she wanted but wouldn't buy, and me being the best bf ever, bought them for her while she wasn't looking.
I ended up getting her a few shirts, a pair of galaxy vans that she wanted in like 10 different stores but never bought, 2 pop sockets for her phone, and lastly a promise ring.
I wanted to get her something that represented that our love would last forever. Our bracelets represent our never ending friendship, that why I also got her a charm to add to hers. She got me one in NYC so I decided to get her one too. I really hope she likes what I got her because I want this day to be special to her too. I can tell that she threw this party mainly for me and that was sweet, but I want her to be celebrated for too.
" presents!!!" Laila's mom shouts from the back yard.
When I walked out there the once empty table was now covered in gifts from our friends.
From the corner stood Laila mom with the camera we took traveling, I assumed she was going to take pictures that we world add to our scrapbook.
I chose Mark to help pass me gifts and Laila chose Loren.
We sat in chairs side by side as we were passed gifts. We would read the cards and have a picture taken with each gift.
Laila and I traded off opening gifts. She got a lot of make up, I'm assuming the guys didn't know what to get her so they got her make up. She also got cloths and accessories, and one gift she liked the most was Loren's.
" no way!!! You got me the Kyle Jenner Lip Kit!!!!!" She screamed.
" yup, I'm obsessed and you will be too" Loren adds on. Laila is too cute when she is excited.
I ended up getting some cloths from the stores I liked. I got some hats and a penny board, even though I already have two. I also got some phone cases and one gift I laughed at the most.
Cameron got me two tickets to see Justin Beiber...
" Cam! You got me Justin Beiber tickets?!" A laughed while saying this
Laila's eyes grew wide as she looked me , then to cam, them to me.
Cam pulled me over and started talking to me about them.
" I got those for you to take Laila to see JB. I know she loves him so it was gift to you, to give to her. You get it?" He said. Laila is gonna love me!!
" yup! Thanks bro, she's gonna love it!" I said walking back to my seat.
" ok there are two more presents" Mark said. One was for Laila and one was for me. Instead of Mark giving it to me , Laila stood up and grabbed a bag and handed it to me.
" happy birthday Jacob, I hope you like it" she said. That brought back the memories of my seventh birthday when she got me our bracelets.
I opened the bag to see down socks with tacos is them. She gets me!
" oh my gosh I love them!!" I say taking a picture with Laila and my swagger socks.
Next I pulled out some adidas joggers that were black and red, super slick.
" I have just the shirt to wear with the!! Thanks so much" I said hugging her.
I pulled out a snap back that said NYC on it with a cool design, she must of gotten it there.
Lastly, in the bottom of the bag there was a card and a small box taped to it.
I red the car aloud first.

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