Part Seventy-Eight: All I See Is Her

Start from the beginning

"As the father of our children I say yes. Please Cora, we'll all make it home. Keep the babies safe. Hold up in the house with our gun and protect the children. They need their Luna. And we need to get Durst back." I said. I could tell by the way her eyes swam, under her furrowed brow, that she was furious. That she was biting her tongue, perhaps literally.

She nodded, and I pressed my lips to hers, taking whatever tiny bit of peace from her kiss with me that I could. "I love you." She said shakily as she turned to leave with Owen.

"I love you Cora." I said, before turning my attention back to Durst, not wanting to watch her walk away, knowing we had to be apart. Knowing all I could do was pray she stayed safe, pray that no one was headed for the house, pray our Beta would take care of my mate -his sister, along with the others.

The five of us would have to figure this out, as humans. "We need to cause a distraction..."

"By 'cause a distraction" do you mean: dangle ourselves in front of them like bait- Sir?" Hunter asked with a nervous chuckle.

"I wouldn't say dangle per say, Hunt, but that's the general idea, yeah?" I said as I tried to chuckle, growing more worried at my brash decision than any other decision I've ever made. That is what's made me the alpha I am today; I follow my instincts. I can see the disorganization between these four rogues. I know they aren't against killing us in our human forms, but our kind didn't do that. We'd have to outsmart them.

"You all know the trail we take when we train our hardest? That goes up the mountain and loops back past the property line?"

"Yeah, fuck that trail, up holy shit mountain, and through the blue ball Rapids." Dylan whispered. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Durst named them- not me." He said in defense.

"We'll surround the group ahead, Sam I want you to stay here and lead the way out, keeping ahead of us. Dylan and Hunt flank the group on either side, and Leon... I need you to come out swinging through the middle with me. There's no guarantee Durst will know our plan. So my goal is to disable the gunman as long as possible. We'll all charge down the center with Sam ahead of us. Don't hesitate. Don't think. Just go. I'll be right there with you." I touched each of their shoulders, hoping above anything that I get to bring all of my brothers home safely, that they can see their wives, children, and siblings again, and that I can bring Durst my... -my sisters mate- home. "When you see me move out you run like hell boys." I said, as I returned Leon's anxiously determined grin with one of my own.

It felt like only seconds coming around the side of the clearing. I was on high alert, keeping certain care for any sounds around us, or any signs of alert from the four trying to coax Durst to stay put. I worried about wether or not they were waiting for someone else, but now it was too late to change plans. I tried to connect with Durst, let him know we were near, because that was about all I could communicate at this distance. I had underestimated him though, and I should have known, he was the best at it in the pack. His mood changed ever so subtly as he sensed me. His ears perked up, but he tried to play it off that he was still fighting to get out. Anyone's initial reaction is to stay wolf as long as possible, though, and I just hoped he would think quickly enough to go with the plan.

"NOW!" I yelled, and ran towards the group holding Durst, and everyone came rushing forward.

With Leon just behind me I charged as strongly as I could. The group cursed, reacting, and panicked- we were too close, too soon.

Just as I pulled back to swing at the gunman Durst changed into his human form.

"Go!" I yelled as Durst ran ahead of us, and Leon took one last punch at one of the rogues. My swing hadn't laid out the gunman, but he was hesitating, and we had no time.

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