Bad medicine

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Michael's POV

"quit it!" Ocean giggles trying to wiggle free from my grip. "just one kiss and and I'll leave alone" I smirk kissing onto her neck and she finally gives in and turns to face me and kissing me softly. She goes to break away, but I deepen my kiss gliding my hand up her thighs. "you promised" she giggles slightly onto my lips. "no I didn't" I smirk softly kissing on her neck. "you can't walk around here in just your panties and my shirt and expect me to keep my hands to myself" I moan pulling her a little closer.

"Ouch!!!" We hear a loud screech and quickly break away."you know your kids have dragged their toys all over the floor again?" Aisha huffs pulling a piece of Lego from her foot. "I'll go see to them" Ocean says walking into the living room.  "sorry about that" I mutter jumping up onto the kitchen counter and sit finishing off my cereal which Ocean distracted me from. "it's fine. Kids will be kids" she smiles through pursed lips and turns to open the cupboard. "do you know where my cereal all my went?"

"those were yours? Sorry I kinda gave them to DJ and Vaeh. Here have this" I smile giving her my bowl. "it's fine I'll just make something else. I'm not gonna take your breakfast off you" she shakes her head. "it's fine I have to get ready now anyway" I smile handing her the bowl of cereal

"so early?" she asks looking at the time, taking the bowl from me "yeah, I'm gonna finish work at lunch and stay here with Princess so Ocean can take DJ and Vaeh for their shots"

"so you'll be staying here alone with the baby?"

"yeah, I know it sounds wussy, but I hate taking the kids to get those shot. I always feel guilty.. Anyway I should go get ready" I smile and leave her to it.


Aisha's POV

I felt awful when Michael handed me is cereal. He clearly felt guilty and I didn't mean to make him feel that way. If anybody else would have handed me a bowel of their half eaten cereal, I'd think it was gross and throw it away, but as I'm sat eating I sigh to myself, feeling a slight pleasure from knowing that Michael's lips have been on the spoon that's now in my mouth. "I thought you wanted me to drive you to work?" Jermaine frowns walking into the room. "I do. There's no hurry though" I smile getting up. "Aisha, how many times have I told you about wearing my T-shirts? I've been looking all over for that" he rolls his eyes. "Ocean does it with Michael's clothes and it doesn't bother him" I shrug. "yeah, well that's Michael's clothes and Michael's problem not mine. Now hurry up and get dressed so we can go"

"what's the hurry?" I smile seductively putting my arms around him and kiss him deeply. "Ocean or the kids could walk in any second" he says breaking away. "their upstairs. And we're all alone downstairs" I smirk moving closer to him and he moves my arms from his neck. "I don't have time for this. I've got alot of stuff to do before this afternoon"

"what stuff?" I frown disappointed at him refusing my advances. "I'm covering Mike's job this afternoon so he can take care of Princess while Ocean takes the others to the doctors"

"so you'll be working for him with he stays home with the baby?"

"mhm.. Now hurry up and get ready. We have to go" he says leaving the room and I smile and nod, following behind him.


Michael's POV

"are the kids excited about the weekend?" Jermaine asks and I nod smiling. "we all are! It's gonna be the first time away with all three kids. Just me and Ocean and them" I smile excitedly. "are sure your both gonna be able to manage with all three by yourself for a whole weekend?"

"of course they are our kids you know" I say slightly defensive "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant with everything that's happened. Plus you still haven't said exactly where your going"

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