Walk away

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Joseph's POV

I get back into the room and Michael is still sitting beside Ocean. "I just spoke to the doctor. They said the baby's body's accepted the transplant. She's resting now, but she'll be OK"

"The doctors already told me" Michael says in a neutral tone. "you can see her now"

"I'm staying here" he mumbles. "Michael..."

"this is all my fault" he sniffles and breaks down sobbing once again. "None of this is your fault" I shake my head. "yes it is! I shouldn't have let her do it. It's ALL my fault. I knew she wasnt strong enough, but I let her go through with it! and now she might..."

"don't think like that" I cut him off. "then why won't she wake up!?" he croaks and I put my arm around him. "she will. Her bodies been through so much in one day. She needs to recover" I try to reassure him as well as myself. "why don't go and see the baby? You still haven't seen her yet"

"I don't wanna see her" his says in a neutral tone and turns back to Ocean. I'm about to speak. When we hear yelling from out in the hall way. We go out and see Kathrine and Jessica arguing. "I have every right to be here! That's my daughter in there and my grandchild!" Jessica snaps and Michael comes charging out of the room. "you stay the fuck away from her!!! And you stay away from our kids! I know it was You that let them into our house so you could take our kids Mollie and Frank told us all about it and...."

"what are you talking about? No I didn't. I don't know what those people told you but..."

"you did this!!!?" I snap cutting her off. "no. I swear!"

"so why would they say it!?" Michael snaps. "If I intended to kidnap your kids. Do you really think I'd stay in your house with them?"

"I suppose she has a point" Kathrine shrugs "and I was the one that told everyone where Mollie was and what happened to you"

"eventually!" Janet cuts in. "I was scared! They said they'd come back of I said anything and swear I was never going to take your kids. I kept them safe and looked after them while you were away"

"while we were away!? we weren't on a fucking vacation! We were kidnapped! you stupid bitch! And you didn't say shit to anybody!" Michael yells and Jessica starts crying"and I'm sorry for that. I was scared! And I did tell somone eventually"

"after Duncan called me for help! You don't think he was scared!? He's two years old and even he knew to call for help!" I snap "your both safe now. Isn't that what's important? She turns to Michael and he shakes his head. "our daughter just had to have a kidney transplant and Ocean might die because of all this and you call that safe!? Just because you didn't kidnap our kids and eventually told someone where we were, doesn't make you some kind of hero. It just makes you a cunt that did the right thing for once in her life" Michael says coldly and goes back into the room to Ocean.

"don't even think about it" I stop Jessica as she's about to go in "your not welcome here"

"I just want to check her and the baby's ok"

"and Michael's just told you their not! Now leave!" Janet hisses at her and she nods looking at the ground and leaves. "have the doctors said any more?" Kathrine asks and I shake my head. "the baby's recovering well, but Ocean's still the same"

"and what about Michael?"

"the doctors gave him something called methadone to help with the withdrawal from the drugs Mollie was forcing into them as well as his medication. Physically he's ok but... He's refusing to go anywhere the baby and doesn't wanna leave Ocean's side and keeps breaking down, blaming himself for everything"

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