Set up

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Jessica's POV

I'm sitting in the living room checking the time and it's 10:55 "where is she!? She should be here by now!" I say impatiently. "she's got five more minutes" Carson says. "I still don't see why she couldn't have brought him back last night"

"probably because Michael was the one arrested not both of them. And hopefully they keep that animal locked up this time!"

"but Duncan's still in their house! Do you believe me now, why I didn't want to hand him back over?"

"yes and I'm so sorry I gave you such a hard time... Are you ok?" He asks softly. "I'm still a little shakily, but knowing Duncan is still over there.."

"he'll be fine and he'll be back with us soon. I know I havn't supported you in the past, but I promise I'm gonna do whatever it takes to makes sure Duncan is back and safe with us again and I'll be speaking to Abby about Nevaeh too. I don't want either of my grandchildren near that monster!"

The door knocks and I quickly rush to answer it. "where's Duncan?" I frown confused. "can we come inside?" Abby says and I see two police officers behind her. "yes, of course" I nod still confused.

"so what's happened? Is that animal going to stay locked up this time!?" Carson frowns as they walk into the living room. "actually, that ANIMAL was released earlier this morning" the first officer say frowns. "what!? But he's a rapist and he tried too.."

"there's no evidence to prove that" he cuts me off. "in fact he's claiming YOU were the one that made a pass at him and your daughter claims SHE was the one that hit you"

"that's ridiculous! Why would my wife go anywhere near that boy. he's 20 years old! He's practically a child! And he attacked and tried to rape my wife!" Carson snaps at him. "according to you wife!" The second officer cuts in then turns to me. "both Mr and Mrs Jackson's story's check out. There's a CCTV video from a store parking lot and we did a close up on and it shows you WILLING getting into his car and putting your hands inside his trousers and him clearly rejecting those advances and you leaving his car looking annoyed"

"you did what!?" Carson snaps at me. "we've also spoken to your neighbours and their backing up that to was Ocean NOT Michael that hit you"

"n- no that's not what happened. I didn't want to touch him. He threatened to hurt my daughter and my grandchildren if I didn't"

"that's not what you told us"

"or me!" Carson frowns. "I- I was still in shock and traumised from the whole thing to give details. Michael DID try to rape me! And he looked like he'd taken something. Did you know he's a heroin addict and so is Ocean!?"

"he tried to rape you, by kicking you out of his car?" The second officer raises an eyebrow. "And as for the drugs... The close up also shows YOU planting what I'm guessing you THOUGHT was drugs and even if it DIDN'T show you doing it. we can't arrest him for being in possession of cinnamon and lucky for you Michael has decided not to press charges against you for sexual harrasment"

"b-but.." I stutter trying to think "I'm also here to ask you for the remainder of Duncan's thing's and to inform you that I've decided it's best he be placed straight back into the care of Ocean and Michael" Abby cuts in. "you can't do that! There has to be a transition. You can't just take him!"

"Duncan was forced to see his father being handcuffed and taken away in a police car, being accused of rape and assault. I can't allow him to stay in an environment where he's being exposed to that kind of thing"

"it didn't happen here though" I frown. "but it happened BECAUSE of you"


Ocean's POV

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