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Aisha's POV

I go into the kitchen and Michael is in there with DJ and Nevaeh. "don't they go to daycare?" I ask walking over to the cupboard for some cereal. "they'll be staying at home for awhile" he mumbles then turns back to the kids. "and what does your name begin with?" He coos and Nevaeh and smiles proudly as she writes the letter 'N' with her finger in the flour that's on the table. "aren't you supposed to used pens and paper for that?" I frown looking at the flour and cereals that's all over the table and on the floor "yeah, but this ways more fun.. And don't worry I'll clean it all up after" Michael smiles and I smile back through pursed lips. "where's Ocean?" I ask looking around. "she's asleep and so is Princess"

"so your gonna be left to do everything yourself again?"

"she needs rest. She has been through alot lately" he frowns slightly "and so have you. You need rest too Michael"

"I haven't just given birth, had surgery or an overdose. All In the same day!" he frowns getting a little defensive. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come out like that" I sigh. "I just meant you look like you need some rest too. How about I take the kids to the park or something to give you a break?" I suggest and he shakes his head. "Ocean and Princess can't go out yet incase they get sick"

"then I'll just take these two for you" I smile picking Nevaeh up. "what part of NO don't you understand!?" He snaps, quickly grabbing her from me. "I was only trying to..."

"their staying with me" he cuts me off taking DJs hand and quickly leaves the room with them and DJ turns back and frowns at me as Michael is taking them out of the room.


Carson's POV

"What the fuck do you think you were playing at! Just randomly sending them a letter like that!? and on the day her brothers funeral of all days!" I snap at Jessica in a hushed tone as we're sitting in the visiting room. "he was our son also remember? And why is everybody getting so angry with me? All I did was apologise. It's not like I threatened them" she shrugs. "they got kidnapped and held hostage because of you! Ocean almost died and to top it off you stole their fucking baby! Do you really think you could just a letter of apology and everything would be all better!? You scared the shit out of them and they ran!" I snap "ran!? Ran where!?" She asks shakily. "like I'd tell you! You've done enough damage and you broke up the entire family. Ocean and I was really starting to reconnect and thanks to your actions I may not have that anymore. This is why nobody wants you around! because you ruin everything good" I hiss and she shakes her head. "that's not true. Your here. I know you still love me. You wouldn't be here other wise"

"I came to drop off some divorce papers and to tell you that once you leave here I never want to see you around again"


"but nothing Jessica!" I cut her off. "I'm gonna leave now and get my daughter and grandchildren back and when I do. If you try and come anywhere near any of us I'll be filing a restraining order and have you locked up again"


Ocean's POV

I just finish my shower and I hear a loud buzz and the children scream and I rushed downstairs. "what happened!?" I panic seeing the look and theirs and Michael's face "your supposed to be resting" Michael turns to me "what the the hell is going on?" I ask ignoring his comment. "we were making pancakes for lunch" DJ explains and I shake my head confused "so why was everybody screaming? And what was that noise?" I ask turning around about to open the kitchen door and Michael grabs my arm with his free hand whilst holding Princess in the other. "Don't go in there! We switched the mixer thing on and it just flipped out and went all phycho!"

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