Moving day

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Michael's POV

I'm sitting in the living room feeding Nevaeh a bottle and Ocean walks in and sits beside me. "hey, sleepy head" I smile pecking her lips. "why didn't you wake me?" she smiles watching me feed Nevaeh. "I don't mind getting her ready in the morning. Plus thought you could do with the rest" I smile pecking her lips again. "did you give her baby porridge first?"

"yup! And you ate it all up, didn't you?" I coo at Nevaeh. "did you remember to make in thin because..."

"I know. We've had two kids remember?" I chuckle cutting her off. "so what do you wanna do today?" She smiles. I'm about to speak with mother comes in. "I wouldn't make plans. You two have a busy day today"

"with what?" I look at her confused. "moving! I need you need help us today the moving van will be here at 11" she smiles. "but, we have Nevaeh. We can't take care of her and move boxes" I point out. "Michael, your father and I managed to move to this house with eight children! Your helping" she says sternly. "I thought you guys weren't moving for another three days?" Ocean cuts in. "we were. But we figured, since we let you two have your little christening thing here and you'd be staying over. We could move today while your here to help" she smiles then walks off talking to her self, making a list of things she needs to do. "can you believe my mother got us here under false pretense?" I chuckle slightly at Ocean.

"Janet! How many times!?" We hear my mother snap and see Janet opening some of the boxes mother just brought downstairs. "I'm just looking for my toys. I wanna play" Janet whines. My mothers about to speak, but I quickly cut in. "why don't Ocean and I take Janet out for the day?" I suggest and she shakes her head. "I need you both here to help"

"but if we take Janet and Nevaeh out you won't have two kids getting under your feet all day" I point out. "our you sure?" She asks and I nod. "sure! If you want I'm sure Jermaine won't mind letting her stay over for a few days so you guys can settle in and get the place straight" she smiles through pursed lips and sighs contently. "thank you"


Aisha's POV

I'm getting dressed and I get a call from Michael. "hey baby! You spoke to her already?" I smile down the phone. "not yet. Um.. There's kind of a problem my parents are moving today and I've been dragged into helping"

"and they just sprung it on you?" I ask skeptically "I swear! Mother only told me this morning. I thought they weren't moving for another three days and she's asks me to take care of Janet for a few days while they settle in"

"a few days!? Michael, your supposed to be moving in with!" I huff. "I know babe, and I'm really sorry. I'd tried to get out of it. I really did" he sighs. "we're going to the zooo!" I hear a Childs voice in the background. "doesn't sound like your moving" I scoff. "I'm taking Janet to the zoo to keep her from under my mothers feet. She's stressing out like crazy already"

"will she be there?" I ask half annoyed half upset. "no, just me and's just for a few more day's" he sighs and I can hear the sadness in his voice. "ok, but no longer! I've been looking forward to this day for so long" I mumble. "I know. And so have I! Just a few more days and it will finally be just me, you and our soon to be born son"

I get off the phone and sigh in annoyance. Everytime we plan on doing anything, something always comes up and that fucking family of his gets in the way. And now I have to wait another few more days. "I do trust Michael will be here in a few days, but I'm a little skeptical about whether or not he was telling the truth about that bitch going to the zoo with him and his sister. I quickly get dressed and get into my car to go and find out for myself, plus a day at the zoo actually sounds pretty fun!

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