Putting things right

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Michael's POV

I stand frozen for a moment feeling my heart being ripped out hearing those words. "Of course she's mine" I finally manage to say "y-you wouldn't...."

"I'm so sorry" Ocean whispers through her sobs. "I wanted her to be yours so badly. That's why I didn't tell you, but I can't keep watching you with her everyday and letting you think she's yours when she's not. It's not fair and I'm so sorry I..."

"If I'm not her father then who is? Who did you..." I croak and then sit in the edge of the bath and begin crying. "You wouldn't do that to me" I shake my head in disbelief. "I'll give you some space" Ocean sniffles wiping her eyes then leaves with Nevaeh and I completely breakdown.


Ocean's POV

I'm sitting downstairs with Nevaeh and I can still hear Michael upstairs crying. The last thing I ever wanted to do was break Michael's heart and that's why I kept it to myself for so long but like Aisha and Randy said the truth always comes out in the end.

Nevaeh starts crying and I Pick her up and give her a cuddle. "I'm sorry I did this to you both" I whisper "but it's ok, because I'm gone put this right" I Smile at her through pursed lips, wiping away a my tears.

I finish strapping Nevaeh into her stroller and I'm about to leave when Aisha walks in. "Hey! What's happened?" She asks seeing my blood shot eyes. "I've messed everything up" I start sobbing again and she wraps her arms around me. "Why what did you do? I'm sure whatever it is we can fix it"

"That's where I'm going.. I need to put things right" I sniffle wiping my tears again and Aisha looks at me confused but doesn't say anything as I walk out with Nevaeh.


Michael's POV

I walk out of the bathroom and I see Aisha walking up the stairs. "I'm guessing you guys had a fight?" She smiles sympathetically. I don't say anything and walk into my room and sit on the edge of the bed and Aisha follows me. "I'm sure whatever it was its not that bad" she says sitting beside me. "My wife has just told me the daughter I've been raising for the past two months isn't actually mine... I don't think anything could get any worse" I croak and she looks at me open mouthed. "She cheated on you!? With who!?"

"I have no idea" I shrug "is that why she left? Because you kicked her out?" I turn and face her confused "she's not downstairs?"

"She left with Nevaeh as I was coming in"

"I've not kicked her out. She said she'd give me some space to think. She's probably just gone to the park or something" I shrug. "So what our you gonna do?"

"I have no idea. I still don't get it though... we were together all the time! And when I was at work she'd be at home with DJ. She couldn't... She wouldn't do that to me" I sob and Aisha pulls me in close to her. "Maybe it happened when you weren't together... Didn't you go to rehab? It could have happened then"

"That's when she told she was pregnant but she was pregnant before that" I shake my head "maybe you have the dates mixed up. It can happen"

"If she got pregnant in those two weeks then  Nevaeh wouldn't be due yet. The dates add up to when she had a miscarriage and we were trying for another baby" I mumble. "This is all my fault" I sob and Aisha pulls me in tighter "no, sweetie. None of this is your fault. She cheated not you"

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