Fresh start

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Ocean's POV

It's only been a week but things have been OK between me and Michael. He's kept his promise to me about getting help and he really is trying. My first session with my counsellor is tonight and I've been pretty nervous about it all day. "Ocean! Wake up! It doesn't take long to fold clothes!" Katherine snaps bringing me from my thoughts "huh? Oh sorry" I mumble and continue folding the laundry. She tuts and shakes her head "honestly, how can you expect to be a good wife to Michael if you can't even be bothered to wash his clothes" she rolls her eyes "we have to start on dinner soon before everyone gets home" she mutters walking off. I don't know why Katherine is like this. She's been like this since I moved in. I get that she doesn't like the fact Michael and I got married and had DJ so young but she really needs to get over it already.

After dinner I'm in the bathroom getting for my session and Michael comes in and starts running the bath. "I'm gonna bathe DJ get him settled down for the night" he smiles and I smile back at him still looking in the mirror "are you ok?" He asks sitting on the edge of the bath "a little nervous" I confess "I'm kinda nervous about mine on Wednesday" he walks over wrapping his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder "are you sure you'll be ok alone with DJ? Because I can always..." He cuts me off "baby, he's gonna be fine. I'll call of there's a problem" he smiles "promise?"

"Mhm" he mumble kissing my neck softly "w-where's DJ?" I stutter "I put him on the bed while I run his bath" he continues kissing my neck and I feel his hands slowly caressing there way down from my waist. "I wanna give him a cuddle before I leave" I say quickly and he stops and looks at me for a moment then realises. "ok" he says softly moving back from me slightly.

As we're walking out of the bathroom Katherine comes walking out of our room carrying DJ. "Are you that stupid!" She snaps at us "you can't leave a baby alone on a bed anything could have happened!"

"I was only gone a second while I running his bath" Michael shrugs not seeing the big deal "really?" Katherine says looking at us skeptically "that's all it takes!" She frowns. I walk over to take him from her "sorry we didn't think" I mumble "that's the problem you's never do" she snaps walking off downstairs with DJ. "Maybe I should stay.  I'll call and reschedule or something" I turn to Michael and he shakes his head "no, you need this. Just like I need my sessions"

"But..." He cuts me off putting his hands on my shoulders "you go, I'll go talk to her" he kisses me on my forehead and smiles through pursed lips.and I can see he's annoyed about what his mother just did.

Michael's POV

Once Ocean leaves I go look for my mother and she's in the living room on the couch with DJ. "What are you doing?" She looks at me confused "I WAS about to feed YOUR son" I shake my head "that's not what I'm talking. Why did you take DJ off Ocean like that? She just wanted a cuddle before she left" she rolls her eyes "exactly! Before she left!" She frowns "she should be here with you taking care for your child not going out for the night, did she even tell you were she was going?" I sit down next to her taking DJ "Like I said she's going out alone on Thursdays  , I am Wednesdays and we're going out together on Mondays" she looks at me confused "I understand you both going out together but. Why are you both going out alone" I sigh shaking my head "I'd rather not say. But trust me this is something we need to do" we haven't told anybody about are therapy sessions because we really don't my family getting involved in this. It's between me and Ocean and we plan on keeping in that way. "But why can't you just.." I cut her off shaking my head "because I just can't. I'm gonna go finish giving him a bath" I get up to leave the room "I can bathe him. I don't want you struggling"

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