Man up

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Michael's POV

It's been a week and Ocean still refuses to see me, not that I blame her. I know I told her I'd give her space and time to think but it's driving me crazy not knowing what's going or if we're even still together. Jermaine's has been covering all my shifts at work so I can be home with Nevaeh so and hasn't been home much because he's been so busy, but he told me he'd take the kids over to see Ocean today so at least she gets to spend time with them without having to see me.

After picking DJ up from Jessica's, Jermaine goes upstairs to ready to go, and I head into the kitchen to get Nevaeh's bottle, then hurry back into the living room. "No DJ!!" I gasp rushing over to the sofa picking up Nevaeh. "How many times? You don't put Cheerios up your sisters nose!"

"Why?" He shrugs at me. "Because.. You just don't"


"Because I said so" I sigh "why?" I take a deep breath trying not to lose my cool with him as I get the last of the cereal out of Nevaeh's nose. "Want mommy" he mumbles and I pick him placing him on my lap. "Your gonna see mommy real soon" I smile. "Daddy come" I sigh shaking my head. "Not this time. Uncle Jermaine's gonna go with you instead"

"Why?" He asks for the billionth time today. "Because.. Uncle Jermaine wants to visit mommy this week" I smile at him. "Daddy see mommy"

"I can't today"

"Why?" I sigh taking a deep breath getting really irritated with the constant why? "Because Daddy fucked up again... Just like he always does... Now let's get you coat so you can go see mommy" I smile changing the topic. "Hey! All ready to go!?" Jermaine smiles coming downstairs. "Daddy fucked up!" DJ smiles happily at him and Jermaine looks at him wide eyed. "N-no I said shuts up daddy shuts up" I quickly say to DJ "you better hope he doesn't go back to Jessica saying that!" Jermaine frowns picking him up. "Grandma bitch!!" DJ mumbles, frowning. "I guess we'll let that one fly" Jermaine and I chuckle then I turn to him seriously. "Maybe I should come too. She might be ready to talk to me today and..."

"And if she is then she can tell me that. You've been thrown out of there three times! Do you really wanna risk getting band from the building?"

"Of course not but..."

"Then give her time. I'm gonna speak to her today and..."

"Don't try an pressure. Just tell her that I'm sorry and that I love her" he nods and smiles at me through pursed lips then head out with Nevaeh and DJ.

Jermaine's POV

When we get there DJ rushes over to Ocean and Nevaeh practically tries to jump from my arms to her. "Hey!!!! I've missed you guys so much!!!" She smiles cuddling them tight and she turns to me and smiles. "Everything ok?"

"Mhm" I smile at her through pursed lips looking around the room"

"What's up?" She asks smiling through pursed lips. "Nothing.. It's nice in here... Cozy" I smile "your were expecting straight jackets and padded walls weren't you?" She smirks giggling slightly. "No- no I um..."

"Yeah you were" she chuckles "it's just a normal bedroom" she shrugs and sits down holding Nevaeh. "So.. Um.. Michael misses you" I blurt out getting to the point and she rolls her eyes. "So that's why you came? Because Michael sent you?"

"I came to see how you are but Michael did ask me to give you a message.. He said to tell you he was sorry and that he loves you"

"Yeah, he said that already...same time he told me he fucked Aisha" she shrugs. "Michael was a mess he wasn't thinking straight and trust me he's regretted it the moment it happened.. You didn't see him that day. He was literally trembling and throwing up when he realised what he'd done" I tell her honestly "he cheated on me Jermaine! What do you expect me to do!? Tell him everything's ok and forgive him?" She frowns looking away and starts playing with DJ and Nevaeh. "He forgave you" I mutter "I never cheated on him!" She shakes her head confused. "But he thought you did.. You told him he wasn't Nevaeh's father then walked out leaving him thinking there was someone else. He thought you cheated on him and he wasn't Nevaeh real father but forgave gave you and still wanted to be with you and be a father to her. He even forgave you when you left her alone in the park"

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