I can't

214 13 3

Michael's POV

"you don't mean that" I finally say after taking in what she just said. "yes I do! This is what I've been trying to tell you all week, but every time I'd tried to talk to you..."

"Janet, do you realise what you asking me?" I cut her off "I understand your scared and I'll help you and support you, but I can't take your baby. I'm sorry but I can't "

"Please? I can't do this and I don't want to be a mother at 13, but if you and Ocean adopt it then I'll know I'll go to a good home and have parents that love it and I'll get to see to grow up and..."

"and be raised by someone else" I cut her off "you think being a parent is gonna be hard, but watching them grow up and being raised by someone else is so much worst. Me and Ocean had to go through that with Jessica remember and to killed us"

"but that was different. He was taken from you and you wanted to keep him. I don't and if you take mine it'll be taken care of"

"what makes you so sure we'd be good parents to your baby?"

"because your great parents and I see how well taken your own three children are and..."

"you think we're great parents? Every kid we've had has been taken away at some point" I point out "only DJ and that wasn't your fault" she shakes her head. "actually it was! and they have all been taken away. Duncan was taken away because I was beating the shit out of his mother, Jermaine took Nevaeh because we chose drugs over her care and safety and Princess was taken by Jessica because I wasn't there for her when she needed protecting. We haven't managed to keep hold of one child for even a year so what makes you think your baby would be any different"

"I just know" she mumbles. "no you don't" I shake my head "and incase you didn't realise Ocean's 19 i'm almost 21 and we already have three young kids one of which is a new born and..."

"but your both always talking about having more children and wanting a big family and this is perfect. You both want more kids, I have one I don't want and..."

"yeah, more kids in the future!" I cut her off "we have two young kids and a new born, we're moving, trying to run a business, Now isn't a good time for us to have any more. And even if it was, I'm not gonna take you baby from you" I shake my head in disbelief we're even having f this conversation. "but.."

"but nothing" I cut her off "Janet I know this is gonna be hard for you and Ocean and I will help you out, but we're not gonna adopt your baby. I'm sorry"

"can't you at least think about it and talk to Ocean? She might feel different and..."

"Daddy?" I hear Veah cry for me and I get up off the the bed to see to her "there's no point thinking about it or talking to Ocean. Because it's not gonna happen. I can't I'm sorry" I sigh and leave the room to go get Vaeh.


(the next morning)

Janet's POV

I didn't sleep at all last night, crying and thinking about the conversation I had with Michael. If him and Ocean doesn't adopt this baby, Joseph and mother are going to make me adopt it to another family and I'll never see him or her again. I understand why Michael would say no, but of I told him the truth it'll destroy the relationship Michael finally has with Joseph and my parents will hate me and probably kick me out into the street. I do want to keep my baby and I pray every night Joesph and mother will change their mind and let me keep it like they did with Michael, but I know that no matter how much I pray, it's never gonna happen.

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