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Ocean's POV

I haven't spoken to my mother since our little talk. It's been almost a week and nothing, which is strange because she was the one who approached me and said she wanted to get along again.

I went to pick up a few things from the store and when get back I see my mother outside watering her flowers. I smile at her as I'm walking past. She smiles back through pursed lips then walks off inside without saying anything.

When I get inside Michael is on the sofa watching TV "what happened?" He asks Turing seeing how upset I am. "I just saw my mother and she just got up and walked away from me" I explain trying not to cry. "Baby, come here" he smiles pulling me onto his lap "just forget about them ok? Look at everything me and you have been though. And we went through it together just the 3 of us. We didn't need them then and you don't need them now" he smiles through pursed lips "I know I don't need them but.." He cuts me off pressing his lips against mine "don't let them ruin today for us ok? it's yours and DJs first trip to the zoo remember?" I smile at him excitedly. Michael planned this a few weeks ago but with everything that happened we weren't able to go. "We're going to the zoooo!!!!" Janet squeals running into the room excitedly. "C'mon we're gonna miss it!!" She motions us to hurry "you go upstairs to the bathroom. Then we'll go" Michael tells her "but I don't need to go" she wines "no but the second we're on the free way you will. So go" he motions her to go upstairs. she sighs rolling her eyes heading for the stairs "I should go get DJ ready" I smile about to get up "please don't get up just yet" Michael says nervously holding onto me. "Why?" I ask confused. He doesn't say anything but looks down embarrassed "ohh" I smirk rubbing my hand against the huge bulge in his pants "stop playing with it or it won't go down" he mumbles smirking back at me. "Aren't you two ready yet?" Katherine asks coming into the room "We're just waiting for Janet" I smile through pursed lips trying not to giggle at the embarrassed look on Michael's face.

Michael's POV

So far the four of us have had a great day here at the zoo. I was really surprised when Ocean told me she's never been to a zoo before but then again with her parents always working I guess they never really had the time. I haven't mentioned about the assistant supervisor position to Ocean because I decided not to go for it. Even thought it pays more I'd have to work longer hours as well as weekends. And I really don't wanna be one of those dad/husbands that's never around because I'm always working plus I really look forward to my weekends because I get to spend 2 whole days with Ocean and DJ.

When Ocean goes to use the bathroom I take Janet over to get and Ice Cream while we wait. I turn round to hand it to her and she's not there. I start looking around and I'm about to shout her when I see her next to the fountain and I rush over. "Janet! Don't ever run off like that!!" I snap "oh hey Michael, she's ok, don't worry I was just telling Janet about the wishing fountain" someone says. I turn round and see Jack standing behind me holding a little girls hand "I didn't know you had two kids?"

"I don't!" I frown taking Janet's hand still pissed she just walked off with someone she doesn't know "I'm his sister. That's Michael's baby" Janet points to DJ who I'm holding. "This is my daughter Maya" he smiles introducing us to the little girl "nice to meet you" I smile politely and turn to walk away "so what's the little guys name?" He asks "his real names Duncan but him and Ocean call him DJ" Janet stops to tell him. He's about to say something but I grab Janet's arm pulling her back to the ice scream stand "don't you EVER walk off with someone you don't know and you NEVER tell a stranger yours or DJs name again do you understand!?" I snap and she starts getting upset "what's going on?" Ocean asks walking over "Michael yelled at me" Janet sobs "I yelled at you because you walked away with a stranger and told him yours and DJs name" I explain to her "sweeties Michael's right. You should never talk to strangers or walk off like that" Ocean soothes "Michael was talking to him too" she folds her arms and Ocean looks at me confused "it was Jack my supervisor and his daughter. But that's not the point" I frown. "Is he the one who invited you to go out for beer and pizza with?" I nod "yup! The guys creepy" she giggles slightly under her breath "he's probably just trying to be your friend"

"I don't wanna be friends with him...he's weird" I frown "c'mon lets go see the lions" Ocean's rolls her eyes.playfully, taking DJ from me. We start walking closer to the lions and Janet suddenly stops and starts going really pale "what's wrong?" I ask worriedly kneeling down to her. She doesn't say anything for a moment then out of nowhere she pukes up all over me. "I don't feel so good" she whines and I can hear Ocean giggling behind me. "It's ok we should probably get you home" she smiles taking Janet's hand "it's not funny" I mumble taking my shirt off "that's karma for laughing this morning when DJ peed on me" Ocean smirks "but that was funny...this isn't" I point out to her.

We're in the car and Janet is in the back with DJ "I'm thirsty" Janet whines half falling asleep "I think there's still a bottle of water in here" Ocean says about to open the glove compartment and a suddenly remember the Coke Ray gave me was still in there "no!!" I shout slapping her hand away "what the fuck!?" She snaps looking at me confused "I drank it all. She'll just have to wait till we get home" I shrug. "No need to flip out!" She frowns. I sigh calming myself down "I'm sorry I'm just a little tired"

Ocean's POV

It's only 8pm but all that walking around the zoo has wiped us out. I put on one of Michael shirts and leave on my panties and get ready for bed then walk over to lock the window. Just as I'm about to lock it, I hear my parents and Sherri. I open the curtains and see them getting out of the car. They see me at the window then turn heading for the house. And I understand now why Michael was so worried about me talking to my mother. He knew they'd hurt me again and deep down so did I but I never thought they'd do this. Pretend to want to make peace with me just to completely blank me the next day.

My thought are broken when I feel Michael wrapping his arms around "what are we looking at?" He smiles resting his head on my shoulders. And looks in the direction I'm looking. "Just forget about them" he sighs closing the curtains "how can I? I have to see them everyday" he starts kissing my neck leading me onto the bed "your not even listening are you?"

"Sure I am. I always listen to you" he moans onto my neck whilst undoing his pants "then what did I just say?" I giggle as he starts removing my panties "something about shoes" I shake my head smirking as he positions himself between my legs "your not even close" he pushes himself deep inside of me making me moan "I'm I close enough now?" He smirks onto my lips.

Michael's POV

Ocean fell asleep shortly after we had sex. I'm lay cuddling her and her phone starts vibrating. I look the caller and its Carson so I cancel the call. Then I message pops up that she has a voicemail. I sit and listen to it and it's just him going on about how much they miss her and it hurt her mother that she sent me over to pass on a message. I'm sure they do miss her, I know it would kill me if Ocean wasn't in my life but they made their decision when they walked out on her, so don't I have any sympathy for them. They had their chance and I'm not gonna them fuck up what me and Ocean have.

I notice she has some unread text messages. From Sherri and her mother too asking her to call them and why she changed her mind about forgiving them. I delete the text messages as well as the voice message then delete all her call history and block all their numbers so they can't contact her anymore. When I put the phone back on the bedside table Ocean wakes up slightly "what are you doing?" She turns to me sleepily "I was just checking the time" I whisper laying back next to her and wrap my arms around her. "Just go back to sleep" I whisper kissing her temple

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