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Mollie's POV

Ever since Michael left that day, I haven't really been able to get hold either of them. Every now and then I manage to get hold of them and luckily. Ocean and Michael agreed to come and meet me for coffee today, for a catch up and hopefully I can convince them both to come with me.

I'm sat waiting and when I see Ocean coming into the café I smile a fake smile at her as she comes over with the baby. "hi" she smiles placing her baby is a high chair then sits down. "hey. Michael working today?" I ask casually "kinda.. He's decorating"

"wasn't your house already decorated?" I frown confused. "I never said we had a house" she says confused. "sure you did. How else would I know?" I fake a smile "we still live with Michael's parents. You must be thinking of someone else" she smiles through pursed lips "I must have" I fake a smile at her knowing full well she's lying, because Michael's airhead of a sister told me. "so who's place is he decorating?" I ask changing the subject slightly "his brothers. Aisha's been Jermaine crazy about redoing the bathroom. So their paying Michael to do it"

"wait, he's gonna be spending the day with the woman he had an affair with and your ok with that?" I widen my eyes surprised she'd be ok with somthing like that. "it wasn't an affair. And I trust Michael. Just like he trust me with Jermaine.. We've all moved on from all that" she shrugs, but I can tell by the look on her face that it still bothers her a little.


We're sat talking for a while and even though she talked about them going for custody of their first kid and Michael working with his dad. She didn't give me anything to personal that I could benefit from. As we're talking she gets a text. "I'm gonna have to go. I'm supposed to be going shopping with Michael's sisters"

"ok, well we'll catch up again soon. All three of us" I smile and she nods, smiling back then leaves.


Once she's gone I get into my car and call Frank and let him know what happened. "I warned you this could happen!" He snaps at me down the phone. "it's not my fault!" I snap back. "it's not like I'm not trying. All I need is for the two of them to be away from their family and..."

"forget it Mollie. It's not gonna work anymore. Their completely clean now and their not gonna go back to all that now they have their lives together"

"sure it will! If we can get them up here. They'll start getting tempted again. It only takes them to relapse once and they'll start coming back for more and once their dependant on it again, they'll do pretty much anything for more"

"all I care about is selling. If their clean now. then fuck em! I got plenty more junkies I can sell too"

"not that are useful to us! You said yourself we could make a fortune with them" I point out. "yeah. COULD have, but it's not gonna work now. They've gone to far back"

"so your just giving up?" I say with an attitude and he sighs down the phone. "Look Mollie, your my sister and I love you, but I got other things to do. I said I'd help you at the time, but now it's getting too much work and to be honest. Michael and Ocean are nothing but a pain in my ass. And I haven't even seen or spoke to either of the whiney little brats in months!"

"you were perfectly happy to help me last time" I frown confused down the phone. "yeah, when you said they'd both be at your place. But instead you just had one and he had a kid with him!"

"but that wasn't my fault and.."

"look! If you can get them together ALONE! me and some of my boys will grab them, but until then don't bug me about it. You got plenty of others already. it's not like you need them"

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