Just one day

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Sherri's POV

After what happened on the last visit I'm really worried about Jessica today. I know Jessica loves Duncan as if he was her own and would do anything to keep him, but I'm worried she may do something and end up accidentally harming him and risk losing him.

"I think Duncan's coming down with something, Maybe we should cancel" Jessica says coming into the room. "We can't cancel and there's nothing wrong with him. you know this" I frown at her excuse. "I don't see why it has to be a whole day anyway" she frowns putting his coat and shoes on. "Because it's Duncan's birthday and the social worker said they could spend the whole day with him"

"They don't even celebrate birthdays! Our religion forbids it!" She frowns "They've denounced their faith remember?" I sigh shaking my head in disbelief that Ocean would do something so disrespectful. "No they haven't! Their just saying that just to spite me so they can have more time with him" I sigh sitting next to her in the sofa. "Jessica you do realise their trying to get him back don't you?" I say softly "but they won't! I won't let them! I'll never sign him back over!" She snaps "but if they take it to a court you may not have a choice. Once they get their lives back on track they will try and go for custody and you need to prepare yourself for that" I say softly "but that's just it! Their only getting their lives back together because they don't have Duncan and they'll see that" she tries to reassure me as well as herself "I thought you were on my side anyway!" She frowns "I am but..."

"But what!?" She cuts me off "because it seems like your siding with them lately" I shake my head at her "I'm not! I told you this. Of course I think Duncan would be better off with you and he'll be raised in a good religious home and I'll do whatever I can to help you keep him.... Maybe you are right and the do only want to see Duncan from time to time... But you still have to prepare yourself"

Michael's POV

Because it's DJs birthday Gabby has agreed to let us take him to the zoo for the day. Jessica said her and Sherri are going to meet us there so Me, Ocean and Gabby have been stood waiting for them. "Where the hell are they!? They should be here by now!" Ocean says looking around for them. "They'll be here soon" I reassure her. I checked the tracker on my phone when Gabby was looking away so I know their close by. "They should have been here 20 minutes ago!" Seeing how anxious Ocean is getting Gabby decided to call and find out where they are, but just as she starts dialling we see them pulling up and Ocean rushes over taking DJ from Sherri. "What the hell! You should have been here 20 minutes ago!" I snap at Jessica. "Sorry there was a lot of traffic" she shrugs at me.

"Why does he have this!?" Ocean frowns seeing a pacifier in DJs mouth again. "Don't take it off him, he'll start getting upset and start throwing a tantrum of you do" Jessica says sternly. "I don't want him having it! It's covered in germs" she snaps and takes it out of his mouth throwing it in the trash and DJ just smiles not caring. "Seems fine to me" she shrugs. "Anyway... Let's go inside shall we?" Gabby smiles sensing the tension. And we all head inside, but Gabby puts her hand on my arm while the others walk ahead of us. "Is Ocean ok? She seems a little anxious today" She asks concerned. "She's fine, she's just strongly disagrees about pacifiers because kids drop them on the floor and they get covered in who knows what" I smile through pursed lips brushing it off. "A lot of first time mothers get a little OCD around their children" she chuckles slightly and we walk a little faster to catch up with the others.


We've been at the zoo for just over an hour and Jessica has already been picking at things we do. Ocean desperately wants to say something just like me, but today is DJs birthday and we don't want to ruin his first birthday. Plus we have the social worker with us and she told us as of next week we can see DJ for a full day on Saturday's depending on how today goes. Even though she isn't really saying much we know she's observing everything we do.

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