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Ocean's POV

I'm waiting by the door and Michael's finally comes downstairs with Nevaeh. "it's her that should be nervous not you" I chuckle slightly seeing the look on his face. "does she even need the jab? She never gets sick"

"yes, she needs it. all babies do" I roll my eyes "I hate doing this to her" he pouts. "I hate it too but it has to be done. Just don't freak out this time"

"I never freak out" I look at him skeptically raising and eyebrow. "really? When DJ got his first jab you were pacing around the room and stared at the doctor like you was about to punch him" I giggle "he was crying. I don't want our kids to think of me as the mean one" Michael shrugs. "it's just a little jab. she'll be fine and so will you"

"told ya mommy was the meanie one" he cooes at Nevaeh making her giggle. "don't listen to him.. Daddy's just a big scardy cat" I coo at her then stick my tongue out at Michael.

after Micheal straps Neveah into her car seat. We're about to leave and LaToya comes rushing to the car. "can you guys pick me up a few things while your at the store" she asks passing a shopping list through the car window. "we're not going to the..."

"thanks!" she smiles cutting me off and goes back inside. "she wouldn't ask if she didn't really need this stuff" Michael hints. "fine! But your coming next time" I tell him sternly "thank you!" He sighs in relief and pecks my lips, then goes to Nevaeh who's in the back seat and gives her a kiss. "now you go with mommy and daddy's gonna have a nice new toy for you when your all done" he coos at her and heads off the the shops.


Michael's POV

I kinda bad ditching on Ocean and Nevaeh like that. It's not that I'm scared of needles obviously, but when it comes to my kids it's different. Everytime I've been to those things they both looked at me and started crying and there was nothing I could do to help.

I get a text from Ocean saying she's gonna be a little longer at the doctors so I decided to go get a cup of coffee before meeting up with her. "Michael?" I hear a familiar voice as I sit down at the table. "Hey, Mollie" I smile and she comes over and sits beside me with her cup of coffee "Ocean not with you?"

"she took Nevaeh for her vaccanations. have you moved around here?"

"I came to visit a relative again. I tried to call you guys to let you know I'd been in town"

"yeah, sorry about that. We meant to call you back, but with the trail and stuff...."

"it's fine" she smiles cutting me off. "how's it going?" I sigh looking at the table. "well he won't admit it obviously, and Ocean's family and my old boss aren't helping either. They're trying to make out like I'm some sex crazed psycho with a drug problem and that letter telling them about all the other stuff doesn't help. Kyle said not to worry about the letter because there's no evidence to prove any of it's true, but I'm still pissed somone would do that"

"did you ever find put who it was?" I shake my head "there's no clue to who it could be so I guess we'll never know" I shrug. "it must have been somone close to you. Especially for them to know that much information. Is there anyone your having problems with?" She asks and I try and think and the first name that comes to mind is LaToya. She's made it pretty clear she doesn't want me or Ocean around since we came back. "my sister and I don't get along much lately, but I don't think she'd do something that vindictive" a reassure her, while trying to reassure myself. LaToya can be spiteful at times, but I doubt even she'd let Luther walk away unpunished just to spite me. She's actually been really supportive about the whole thing "just try to keep an eye on her. You can't always trust family as you know" Mollie says I'm about to speak and I look up seeing someone at the corner of my eye. "are you ok?" Mollie asks and I turn back and smile " I thought I saw someone. Probably just stress from the trail" I chuckle slightly trying to brush it off. "so what's been going on with you?"

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