Part Seventy- Three: Fathers

Start from the beginning

"You abandoned them! Before she even took her fist breath you were gone- the first breath I was there for! The first breath she took after I patted her back and held her close to me! As I named her. You don't know her- and you never will! Leave before I- I-"

"What?! Add criminal threats on top of assault!" Wyatt jibbed, pointing his finger at Dylan.

"We asked you to leave our property- multiple times- and now we're defending it. I'd leave if I were you, before I go upstairs and grab my shotgun." Danny said, a growl certain to burst from him at any moment. "We have a right to defend our land. Our wives, and our children-"

Wyatt took a cheap swing at Danny, a thud ringing out as everyone stopped in their tracks- shocked at the sight of their Alpha being hit, we waited to asses the damage.

He froze for a moment, took a deep breath, and wiped the blood from his lip.

"I've been waiting a long time for this-" he launched at Wyatt, knocking him off of his feet, and onto the ground. Greg helped the other's attempt at pulling Danny off, but Danny had weighted himself down on top of Wyatt, and was swinging ruthlessly at his face. I yelled for Danny to stop, but we could all tell he was letting out all the rage that he never got to when he saw Wyatt hit me.

"Greg! Wyatt!" Winny had run over, likely seeing the argument, and coming to stop it as best as she could. "Danny stop it! Dylan stop him!" She shouted as Durst finally drug Danny off of Wyatt.

"Let me go Durst! Let me go it's an order!" Danny shouted, as Durst held his arms back in a way that kept Danny from moving out from his grip.

"And I don't have to follow them right now, and I'm not going to let you beat the guy till he can't breath. You got it out, now stop it." Durst warned, as Danny calmed down with his words.

"Tell him to leave Winny- before I destroy them both!" Danny ordered. She nodded, looking nerve stricken at her Alpha's reprimanding, but got in between the two groups of men.

"Greg what are you doing here?" She asked angrily.

"I'm here to see Chandler. My daughter. Not his daughter- mine. I changed my mind, she's only a few months old, that's not enough time to say I walked away for good. Me and Britney want to share joint custody with you-"

"No! I am raising my baby. I won't have some floozie and a cheater raising my kid!"

"You're the one who moved on and let him play daddy- and you know what- I won't stand for it. I'm leaving, but you'll hear from my lawyer about custody hearings very soon- I promise you that. I am biologically this child's father, no matter how much this kid wants to play daddy- even if he's fucking you." Greg pushed Wyatt back and got in the drivers seat, and peeled away when Wyatt got in the car.

Instantly Danny came up to me, and Winny began crying, as Dylan started walking away with her; telling her it would be okay, and that no one was taking their baby away. I took a deep breath and Danny wrapped his arm around me, taking me in the house.

"Danny you shouldn't have reacted like that." I said as we entered the house.

"I'm sorry- I just- I've been worried about you, and seeing him yelling at you... I wanted to-... he hurt you Coralie. I couldn't let him get away with it again. He disrespected me-"

I cut off his mini rant with my lips, pressing them against his.

"It's okay." I said as I pulled away, touching the scruff on his cheek with my hand. "Let's try not to get that violent with humans, though?" I asked. He nodded. "I get it. I wanted to react that way too. We were under attack for a while there, we've been stressed out, and we've been pushed to the limits- but we can't use or wolves' strengths against humans like that. Agreed?"

"Agreed." He sighed, and kissed my forehead, before pulling me to his chest to hug me.

"Don't worry Danny. He won't hurt me, and they won't take Chandler, if they come back we'll call the cops, and they'll take care of them." I said. He sighed.

"Alright." He kissed the top of my head, smelling my hair, and exhaling slowly. "Dylan." He said his brothers name as he released me, and I followed his eyes to the back door where we heard him walking in.

Winny rushed past us and up the stairs, looking shaken.

"She's grabbing Chandler. She's gonna stay at her moms tonight..." He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. "I think all the fighting has her feeling anxious- and she wants to be away from the house if he decides to come back tonight." He sighed and sat on the couch.

"You should go with her and Chandler." Danny said. He shook his head.

"No Sir. I need to be here. To protect the family, to scout-"

"They are your family Dylan. We'll be fine." Danny said. Dylan looked at him nervously. "This isn't a test Dyl, go with her and be back tomorrow." Danny said as Winny came downstairs with Chandler. Dylan nodded and Winny smiled.

"Thank you Sir." Winny said, before they both left towards the back house.

"Do you want to skip practice?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No, I'm ready- but uh, I think we should call it early... I have something I want you to do." I smiled, wiping the bit of blood from his chin that he had missed. He smirked.


"Not that- well okay maybe that- but I'm serious Danny!" I chuckled as he planted rough kisses along my neck. He 'mmmd?', not stoping his actions long enough to reply. "I was... I was wondering if you could paint the nursery?" I asked, biting my lip anxiously, waiting for his reply. He pulled away, with a smile plastered over his face, and he nodded.

"Yeah love, whatever you want." He kissed my lips longingly.

"And then we'll continue this?"

He nodded, that crooked grin telling me more than words could say.

Photo is Greg!

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