Tyson 67

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Thirty-seven seconds...... that's how long it took for the shots to stop and for the sounds of the tires to squeal away and faded away. But for me it seemed like an eternity, when I finally had the courage to look up the first person I noticed was Seven which wasn't difficult because the had used his body to cover mine. I tried to move but Seven had my body pinned to the ground.

"Seven it's over you can let me up now." I said, Seven moved and our eyes met. He pulled me into a kiss that didn't last because of the cries of a broken man next to us.

"GINO BRO GET UP, COME ON BRO PLEASE JUST GET UP. PLEASE!!!!" Izayah cried. Seven jumped up and ran over to Gino and Izayah. I couldn't breathe, Gino laid there his body riddled with bullet holes. I knew in my heart there was no saving him..... Gino was gone. I look at the door just as Tiana came walking out, she looked at Gino's body and lost it.

"TYSON GET HER OUT OF HERE!!!" Seven yelled with tears in is eyes. I grabbed Tiana and pulled her back into the house. Tiana broke down crying and I pulled her close and hugged her.

"I...... I...... have..... to call Dalisa. Oh god...... what is his mom going to say." Tiana cried. I started to cry as well, Gino had a baby girl who would never know her father. The door opened and Dominic walked inside.

"Look you need to go." He said looking at Tiana and me. "Go grab everything you need for the baby, and Tyson go start the car ya'll don't need to be here when the police get here, this is the only thing me and Seven can agree on, so don't argue." Dominic said. Tiana looked at me and got up grabbing everything she could and started putting it in a diaper bag. I was left standing there looking at Dominic.

"I'm glad you're okay." I said, which was the truth. Even though I chose Seven, I still had feelings for Dominic. I wiped my eyes and he walked over to me.

"I...... I couldn't bare it if something would've happened to you. I want you to be safe and I want you to be happy. I realized that Seven can give you both now you have to leave, this is only going to get worse before it gets better." Dominic said looking me in the eyes, just as Seven walked in tears still streaming from his eyes. I walked over to him and hugged him and he broke down in my arms.

"I'm so sorry Seven...." I whispered to him, Seven kissed me and walked over to Tiana and hugged her.

"T...... sis listen to me...... get out of here, take Iriana and Tyson and go to Zakiya's house. Don not under any circumstances let anyone in that house that's not supposed to be there even if it's the cops. Do you understand?" Seven said looking in her eyes, Tiana nodded and Seven kissed her on the cheek. "I love you sis." Seven before walking back over to me, he looked me in the eyes and nothing had to be said I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Seven I know....." I said quietly.

"Tyson I promise you once this is all over I'm taking you and son away from all this.....  but right now ya'll have to leave." He said sadly, he didn't say anything as he walked back outside leaving me with Tiana and Dominic.

"Get out of here." Dominic said quietly as Tiana gave him a hug and we walked out the back door so we didn't have to look at Gino's body. I drove because Tiana was too emotional, we got to Zakiya's house and she was waiting for us with tears in her eyes. She gave us both hugs and we went inside.

"Seven just called...... Gino's alive but barely they don't think he'll make it through the night. Iran and Jackson are on there way to the hospital with him, Dominic went down to the police station to talk to the detectives." Zakiya said.

"Where's Dalisa?" Tiana asked.

"She's on her way to the hospital with Kenny and Dallas." She said wiping her eyes.

"And Seven?" I asked nervously.

"He wouldn't tell me where him and Izayah were going, I've never heard my little brother sound like that he seemed so....... cold. I'm worried about him, he's been through way too much at his age." Zakiya said. I had a pretty good idea where Seven was heading and I had to find him, I got up and started walking to the door. "Tyson where are you going?" Zakiya asked.

"I have to find Seven, he's going to get himself hurt..... or worse." I said holding back tears.

"Seven told me not to let you leave Tyson, if something happened to you he'd never forgive me." Zakiya said. I nodded slowly and came up with a plan.

"Where's the restroom?" I asked Zakiya, she pointed me in the direction and when I got to the bathroom I locked the door and climb out the window. I know it was stupid but love made you do crazy things.

I drove like a maniac, I knew exactly where Seven was going it was no coincidence that the van showed up Izayah's house, the same van that pulled up when Fabian had me hostage at the Tunnel, the same white van that pulled up to my house the night Seven's mom died. I hit the corner of my street just as Seven and Izayah hopped out he car and ran towards the door. I pulled into the drive way as Seven stood banging on the door.

"SEVEN PLEASE STOP!" I yelled. Seven and Izayah looked at me and they both had red puffy eyes.

"It's his fault Tyson all of it." Seven said looking at me. I wanted to tell him my dad wasn't in there, that my parents had split, but that wasn't the whole truth. My parents were working on their marriage and Seven knew that because I had told him, which is why he came here.

"Baby we can go to the police just please stop this." I begged him, but when I looked in his eyes I didn't see my Seven I saw someone else. He looked at Izayah and nodded, Izayah turned back towards the door and kicked it open, and they both ran inside with me right on their tail. When I got inside Seven, Izayah and my dad were all having a stand off their guns all pointed at each other, my mother stood in the corner of the room crying.

"You killed Gino....." Seven said fighting back tears.

"He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I was trying to kill you two." My dad said coldly and me and my mom looked at him shocked.

"Dad why?" I asked and before I got my answer I saw someone creep in the house, I looked oer at my brother Ty'ree as he walked in gun pointed at Seven's back. "TY'REE DON'T!" I yelled and Seven turned pointing his gun at my brother.

"I have no problem blowing your head off." Seven said looking Ty'ree in the eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" I yelled trying not to break down.

"Ask your boyfriend. Seven I thought we were cool and youb pulled some shyt like this?" Ty'ree said pissed.

"You don't even like this nigga...... so why would you care if I killed him?" Seven asked not dropping his gun.

"I don't care about him.... I'm talking about you and your boy here shooting up my house, ya'll niggas killed my dog." Ty'ree said heated.

"And ya'll where planning on killing me so I struck first." My dad said. I looked at Seven and Izayah who looked confused.

"Man we didn't shoot up your house!" Izayah said lowering his gun and looking at Ty'ree, then he looked at Seven and something pasted between them. "Oh fuck." Izayah said.

"Look somebody is setting us all up, they want us to kill each other. I know exactly who it is just give me a second to explai......" Seven started to say but the was a interrupted by the sounds of glass breaking my dad dropped his gun and I stared at him as blood spread across his chest and he hit the ground.

"OH MY GOD.... OH MY GOD!!!" My mother screamed as she ran over to my father and then was hit shot next. I never got a chance to scream before Seven started yelling. 

"TYSON GET DOWN!!" Seven said pulling me to the ground while Izayah and Ty'ree ran out the door firing at the car speeding down the street. As I laid on the ground with Seven covering me for the second time today, I saw my parents both laying on the ground there hands touching for the last time........

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