Izayah 23

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I got downstairs expecting Seven to be choking out Alana or at least shaking her, which was completely possible. But when we got down there they were just standing there. Alana was standing there in the typical black woman stance, one hand on her hip, and one leg sticking out. Seven was standing there with his fist balled up. Me and Tion grabbed Seven and pretty much carried him upstairs. Seven was pissed and so was Dominic, Tyson was just sitting there looking stuck. We all sat in my room not saying anything, just trying to give Seven a chance to calm down, not long after Alana walked in the room with us.

"Okay what happened?" Tion asked. Nobody said anything, they just stared at each other and Tion got pissed. "One of ya'll better say something."

"Ask your stupid as brother why he thinks I'm lying about this being his baby, ask him why he thinks I'm trying to trap him." Alana said pissed.

"Baby Bro what's going on?" Tion asked.

"Nothing T, I'm trippin'. It's just I heard Tiana and Tyson saying that it wasn't my baby and she was trying to trap me, I guess I overreacted. I'm sorry Alana I know you wouldn't do no shyt like that to me." Seven said quietly.

"Whatever Seven." Alana said walking out the room. We all just sat there waiting for Alana to start cussing somebody out, but it never happened.

"Izayah can you go get everybody and have them meet us in the kitchen, I need to talk to Seven real quick. Call Tiana and tell her to get back here right now." Tion said.

Twenty minutes later we were all sitting around the table waiting on Seven and Tion. The tension in the room was all but visible. Tiana and Tyson sat next to each other giving each other looks, I guess they were silently coming up with a game plan. Tion and Seven walked into the room and Seven sat next to Alana, grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Aight so obviously there's some shyt that everybody has been holding back. I'm trying to enjoy myself at least for the next week, so we're going to get everything out in the opened, resolve it and leave it the fuck alone. I'm like so dead ass serious once all of it is over nobody better bring that shyt back up. Now Tiana, Tyson why do ya'll think that it's not Seven's baby." Everybody looked at Tiana and Tyson and waited.

"Well it's just that....... I mean Seven is going to be successful and I figured that she was using this baby as a way to get paid." Tiana said innocently.

"See that's where you're wrong. My parent's have money on top money, if they can make a 50 million donation to my college just because I'm pretty sure if I need money to take care of my baby then they wouldn't even have to  think about helping me. So no I'm not trying to trap Seven." Alana said, I looked at her for a second as she shook her head like she was in pain.

"Tyson why are you even worried about it. I know they're your friends but it doesn't have anything to do with you, so tell me why are you so concerned about what's going on with Seven?" Dominic asked.

"I........... look this isn't something we should talk about in front of everybody." Tyson started to say and Jackson got pissed.

"Why can't you just keep it real Tyson? Why are you so worried about it." Jackson said.

"Oh Jackson let's not talk about keepin it real." Tiana said sticking up for Tyson.

"What are you talking about?" Jackson asked confused.

"Like how you got everybody in here thinking that Izayah was the first dude you had ever been with when I happened to differently. Now boom shots fired." Tiana said crossing her arms across her chest. I looked at Jackson confused.

"What is she talking about?" I asked. Jackson didn't meet my eyes. "Jackson what the fuck is she talkin' about?" I asked again.

"Aight so it was after Seven broke up with Gabriel, and I ended up fucking him. It was only once and it was before we even started talking." Jackson said quietly.

"But you told me I was the first and only nigga you had been with, what else had you lied to me about?" I asked.

"Oh I'm not even close to being done. Seven why do you got everybody here thinking that you and Alana are a couple when ya'll really aren't? And Tion you sittin there like you don't got any secrets, but does Mireya know about Marcellus? And before you try to deny it I know it's true because his ex called Lesha and told her everything and of course she told me. So what you mad, what you gonna tell my secrets go head and try because you know me I don't hold shit back. Hell the only ones here that probably don't have any secrets are Dalisa and Gino." Tiana said.

"Look I have a headache I'm going to lay down, Seven we'll talk about this later." Alana said getting up and walking away.

"Yeah I'm not staying down here either." Mireya said walking away.

"Tiana let me talk to you for a second." Iran said grabbing Tiana's hand and walking outside with her. I really hoped he put her in her place.

"Look we're going to leave and give ya'll some time calm down." Gino said walking out with Dalisa. Me, Seven, Jackson, Tion, Dominic, and Tyson all sat around the table looking at each other.

"Alright this isn't going well at all. I need to go talk to Mireya." Tion said leaving us.

"So Tyson you never answered my question. Why are you so worried about Seven?" Dominic asked.

"BECAUSE I STILL FUCKING LOVE HIM!" Tyson yell. "I'm sorry Dominic but it's true I love you too but, it's hard for me to love you the way I'm supposed to because of my felling for him." Tyson said.

"Look I told you Tyson I understood that you still love him, but you an't just expect me to keep playing second......" Dominic.

"Oh like I played second to that damn Captain? Dominic really don't judge me for not being able to let go of my past when you're doing the same thing." Tyson said.

"Look I'm going to check on Alana, I can't deal with this right now." Seven said walking away.

"We need to talk about this privately." Dominic said walking to the bottom floor with Tyson right behind him.

"So I really wasn't your first?" I asked Jackson.

"Look Zay nobody was supposed to know about that, me and Gabriel swore never to talk about it again. I don't think he even thought about it." Jackson said. "I think he was more concerned about getting Seven than exposing me." Jackson explain.

"I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other, I thought we told each other everything. How am I supposed to trust you Jackson?" I asked him.

"Look that's the only thing I've ever kept from you. I've never lied to you about my feelings for you. I just want this to be forgotten." Jackson said.

"Jackson I need some time to clear my head." I said leaving him sitting there alone. This was really turning out to be way too much drama then I could handle in one day. I got in my bed and started to go to sleep when I heard the door open. I looked up excepting it to be Jackson but it wasn't. "YO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" 

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