Izayah 51

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I couldn't believe what I had just done, even more I couldn't believe how I felt about it. I knew Seven felt like shyt, there was no other way to put it. I knew Seven was going to feel worse than I did, I thought that I would feel bad about what we just did but I didn't I felt........ euphoric, it was probably the best feeling I've ever felt. When we walked into the hospital and I saw everyone's faces I started to feel bad about, not feeling bad. We sat down and Tyson walked over to us.

"Seven........ what did you do?" Tyson asked. I looked at Seven waiting for his reply. I knew no matter how hard he tried he couldn't lie to Tyson even if his life depended on it, hell I could look at him and tell he was feeling guilty about what we just did and what we still had to do. After a tense stare down between the two Seven finally spoke.

"I didn't do anything Tyson, besides your boyfrie...... I mean fiancee is over looking pissed you should probably go handle that." Seven said calmly. Tyson looked like he was ready to argue but thought better of it.

"Sev bro you need to get it together." I said looking around at everyone who was staring at me and Seven. "Seven let's go outside real quick." I said standing up, as soon as Seven stood up he took off running towards the bathroom. I followed behind him and watch as he threw up all over the floor.

"Is he alright?" Jackson said walking up behind me. I didn't turn to look at him I knew once I did I would tell him everything . That's the one thing I hated about my Chocolate Drop, I couldn't keep anything form him, it's like whenever I look into his eyes ever secret I have is his, I can't keep anything from him. I wonder if that's how Seven felt about Tyson?

"He's fine Jackson. He's just upset about Tion, how is he anyway?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Izayah look at me..." Jackson said. FUCK, I turned and looked him in the eyes. We didn't even need to talk, most people think that whenever me and Jackson disappear that we're having sex which isn't always true. That's the thing about me and Jackson our love transcends words we could look at each other and know each others entire life. "Zay what happened?"


"You know what we gotta do right?" I asked Seven who was still in shock.

"You know where to find them?" Seven said, looking at me I could tell he was close to losing it.

"Nah.......... but I do know someone who does. My dad's old business partner Mark, he's the one who brought Fabian back from the dead, figuratively speaking. If anyone knows where him and Gideon are it would be him." I said the whole drive to Mark's condo was silent every so often Seven would wipe his face I knew he wanted to be with Tion. I called Mark ahead of time and let him know I would be coming to see him and he was in the lobby waiting.

"Izayah always a pleasure and this must be Seven?" He said looking Seven up and down like he was a fuckin meal. "Look I already know why you're here and I'll gladly help you with this problem. Please follow me to my car." Mark said me and Seven looked at each other and Seven nodded.

"Zay can we trust this nigga?" Seven asked.

"Nah.... not at all but this is our only lead into finding these niggas." I said as we got into Mark's car.

"So just to be clear Izayah and Seven I have no idea where Fabian is, but I do know Gideon is hiding out in one of my stash houses. Some of my men are keeping him 'safe'." Mark said smiling menacingly.

An hour later we were pulling up to a run down looking building, there wasn't a single person around. I was starting to feel like we were being set up but I knew there was nowhere for me or Seven to go. Seven looked at me and nodded letting me know that if anything happened he'd be by my side. We walk up to the house and Mark just walked in. Me and Seven followed closely. Mark walked down some stairs and led us to a basement with about ten dudes standing in a circle, the floor was cover in plastic. Behind the men sat Gideon tied up and beaten almost beyond recognition.

"So Zay, Sev didn't I tell you I could give you Gideon. Now the question is do you want him to live or die." Mark said. Okay this dude was starting to show me why I never trusted him. "Look Seven I know you want revenge for what happened to your brother and Izayah I know you want redemption for your...... last mistake. So tell me dead or alive."

"Zay I can't make this decision........ I'm in over my head. We should just leave no....." Before Seven could finish his sentence I took a gun from one of the dudes and put a bullet in Gideon's head.

"There Seven, Izayah made the decision for you. Now let's eat and discuss payment." Mark said walking out of the basement. We pulled up to a Waffle House by Mark's condo and sat down, Seven looked like he was about to throw up, but I was feeling normal.

"Now what's this you were talking about payment, how much we talking? Matter fact why would we pay you I'm the one that did it?" I asked.

"Izayah you know for a split second, when you 'did the deed' it was like looking  at your father all over again." I felt like I had been slapped. "Oh don't look like that I wasn't talking about your mother, she was only the last one but definitely not the first. But I'm getting off topic, I don't need money I have plenty of that........" Mark said but I cut him off.

"If not money then what." I asked. Mark looked at Seven who had his head down then at me and smiled. Mark stood up and threw a hundred dollar bill on the table and started to walk out.

"We'll be in touch." He said looking at Seven one more time licking his lips and walking out The Waffle House.


I wanted to tell Jackson all of this, I really did but I couldn't bring myself to say the words. Thank god for Gino.

"Ayy the doctor just said Tion's outta surgery." He said smiling, Seven didn't say anything as he walked past to go see his brother.

"Zay we're going to talk later." Jackson said walking away leaving me and Gino standing there.

"So where did you and Seven go?" Gino asked.

"The Waffle House." I lied smoothly. I started to walk off but Gino grabbed my arm.

"Look if that's the lie you're selling I'll accept it, but you might want to go change your shoes, you got some blood on them." Gino said walking away. I looked down and noticed drops of blood on my pants and shoes. Fuck.................

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