Chapter 59: Drama

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We pulled into the driveway of Karen's home. I had Harriet's present and we stopped by to see her.

I knocked on the door and Karen answered.

"Oh do come in dears. It's a bit sad round here today but I'm sure Harriet will be happy to see you."

"One of my boys got himself into a bit of trouble and he's in hospital. He was on the way to recovery but now it's all dropped."

"Oh I'm so sorry"

Harriet came downstairs and smiled when she saw us. You could tell she was upset.

"Come upstairs"

We followed her up the stairs and into her room. There was another boy in there who I presumed was her boyfriend, Max.

"This is my boyfriend Max. Max this is Jessie and her brother Corey."

"It's nice to meet you. Harriet doesn't stop talking about you."

"We've heard things about you too, all good things. Harriet, are you ok? Karen told me one of the boys was in hospital..."


She paused before continuing what she was saying.

"I told him, I told him it would kill him. He didn't listen. He carried on and now he's in hospital."

"You did what you could"

"I know, but you always feel like you could of done more. He was like a brother to me. I already lost my best friend to it, I didn't want to lose him too."

She wasn't crying, I could tell she was holding back. I knew exactly how she felt and I couldn't imagine how much her heart was hurting.

"I brought your Christmas present"

I handed her the little box. She opened it and inside was a bracelet that I brought her. There was also a Christmas card from Dan and Phil, which was probably a bit late but I still wanted her to have it.

She smiled and hugged me.

Max and Corey started talking and ended up having their own conversation about whatever.

"How's Nathan?"
"I don't know. He hasn't been in much contact with me but I'm going to see him and his siblings today."

"I hope the best for him."

"So do I"

There was some many kids out there that were going through more than anyone ever should. Paige, Chloe, Harriet, Regan, Nathan and all they need is someone to help them. Teenagers should be allowed to be teenagers. They didn't deserve to deal with the depression, drugs, drink and death.

I wanted to help each and every one of them. After a lot of talking and getting to know Max better we decided it was time to go back home.

We were visiting Paige first.

"Well we better get going. I hope Regan gets better soon and makes a quick recovery. It was nice meeting you Max."

"You too"

I hugged Harriet and shook Max's hand.

"Thanks Jess, you know you don't have to make these visits but you still do. So thank you for everything you've done for me."

"It's my pleasure, you deserve it"

I said goodbye to Karen and we got back in the car and on the way home.

As always we stopped at the florist to get some flowers.

Once we reached the graveyard I took the flowers and walked and sat by Paige's grave. There was lots of flowers but also a note which had my name on it.

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