Chapter 57: Dear Diary

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(A/N: I realised that I've never really kept track of the date so we're gonna all pretend it's November is that good? Well it has to be coz that's how I'm writing it)

November 14:
Dear Diary,
I had my meeting today. They gave me a couple of days to get used to time zones and stuff. Now I'm getting to work. I showed them some songs and they loved them. At the moment everything was going so well. Perfect. Almost. I knew everything that I had to come. They wanted an album before I go on tour with Shawn which is in 5 months time. When I was back home I'd have to work hard and come back every now and then. Any normal person would move to LA to make it work but I didn't have it in me to move away. I had everyone back home including the people I didn't see often. I can do this. I think.

November 15:
Dear Diary,
Today I had Jack and Conor on my door step. I was happy to see them because Conor could help me out and Jack was just a fun person to be around. Conor was only staying a couple of days before Josh was coming. I know they weren't supposed to tell me but it came out on accident. Now I just had to act surprised when Josh turned up. I just wrote songs today. My guitar was not expensive like many artists. They'd offered to get me a new one but I declined. This is the guitar I started off with and I wanted to stick with it. I was hanging out with Jack and Conor but I was still working. Management seemed happy with the way I was balancing things. So at the moment it's still going well.

November 17:
Dear Diary,
Conor's gone because he had places to be and perform. Now Josh was here and I managed to pull off looking surprised when he turned up. We didn't want to spoil it. I wasn't being rushed yet which was good. So I got a chance to hang out with them for a bit. We filmed some videos because I needed to have as many videos filmed as possible if I wanted to keep my YouTube going. It's still going well.

November 20:
Dear Diary,
Today Nathan called me for the first time.
I woke up and my phone was ringing. It was Nathan.
"Hey Nathan"
"Jess, I can't do this. He hates me so much."
"What's going on?"
"My stepdad he's getting angrier. I missed curfew and he hit me. There's so much shouting Lauren and the twins get scared."
"Does your mum know?"
"She just accepts it. She doesn't know that he hit me but she hears all the shouting and does nothing about it. She hates me too."
"Nathan, don't say that"
"BUT ITS TRUE! I don't belong here"
"Do you want to come out to LA?"
"What do you mean? I wouldn't be allowed"
"You know Harriet I was telling you about, I'll ask her to come too. I'll ask her to talk to you."
"Ok, but I'm pretty sure my parents would say no."
"I'll get my mum to ask about it. They're friends aren't they?"
"Yeah, they go out a lot together"
"Will you be ok for now?"
"Try your best and call me when there's any problems"

I'd asked my mum if she could talk to his parents about it. Apparently they were happy to send him away if they didn't have to pay. I asked Harriet too and she seemed overjoyed to come. I texted Joe to ask him if whoever was coming next could bring Nathan and Harriet. They accepted too and I knew it was in the new few days. At the moment Dan and Phil are here. It's been great catching up with them. They were going soon. I was working hard and I still went to meetings.

November 22:
Dear Diary,
Today I had my first interview. They were nice and the questions weren't too intrusive. I felt like that would change but since it was my first interview they weren't going hard. I'd been told there would be a high chance of questions being asked in the interview about what's happened in the past. Especially the part in Australia.
Nathan and Harriet turned up today with Gabby and Corey. I was happy to see all of them. Gabby and Corey were staying in a nearby hotel so that Nathan and Harriet could stay with me. It's almost been a week into my journey and I couldn't be more thankful for the people that joined me on it.

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