Chapter 30- Meet Up

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Today was the day of my meet up. "Jessica! Get up!"
"What time is it?"
"9, we're going out for breakfast at iHop."
"Gimme 10 minutes"
"I'll wait for you"
I hopped out of bed. I decided on showering when I got back and pulled on high waisted shorts and a crop top.
I put on foundation and mascara and brushed my hair.
"I'm ready!"
We left and everyone was waiting for us.
"Look who's arrived!"
"Morning guys!"
We went out as a group to iHop.
"This is amazing"
"Isn't it?!"
We talked and instagrammed pictures of our food like everybody does.
"Are you excited for your meet up?"
"Yeah, I mean I doubt many people will come because not a lot of people like me."
"LIES! Those people are jealous of you!"
"Thanks Con"
"Anytime my friend, anytime."
We finished breakfast and then went back to the hotel to get ready. "Jess, what time is your meet up?"
"Can I join in?"
"Charlie Cameron, you have your own meet up!"
"Yeah but I wanna see the Jessanators!"
"Da fuck?"
"That's the name I have given your subscribers."
'@JessieeeG: Well apparently you guys are Jessanators now according to @MyNamesChai ;)'
'@Caspar_Lee: WOO IM A JESSANATOR NOW! @JessieeeG'
'@JessieeeG: Ok weirdo @Caspar_Lee'
I felt awkward when I saw people shipping #CASSIE. But then people also shipped #JAI (me and Chai) and #SASSIE (me and Sam) which was also awkward because he was practically unofficially dating my sister.
"Everyone just ships everyone." I'd also seen #JONNOR ships even though Connor had recently come out.
We left the hotel room and went over to the venue. "We get to ride the cool golf karts!"
We were driven along and reached where I had my meet and greet.
There was a lot more people than I was expecting.
'@JessieeeG: There's so many people so @MyNamesChai is here to help me because I don't know what I'm doing!'
"Hi I'm Becca, you're such an inspiration."
"Thanks Becca, would you like a photo?"
"Yes please"
We took some pictures and this happened with a majority of people.
"You're a whore"
"Why'd you line up to meet me so you could call me a whore? Pretty pointless don't you think?"
"Well you needed to get it into that head of yours. You don't deserve those boys."
"And you're like 12 so off you go"
"Ugh why would anyone watch your videos?"
"Well obviously you do"
She walked off and I laughed. "What was that about?"
"Apparently I'm a whore and I don't deserve the boys"
"But you're my fave person ever and you're not a whore!"
Caspar appeared through the curtain causing fan girls to go crazy.
"How is it?"
"Good, one girl said I was a whore but the rest were fine."
I carried on meeting everyone else and after 2 hours I was done.
"Bloody hell that was tiring!"
I waved to some of the people I'd met who were now waiting in Joe and Caspar's line as they had theirs together.
'@JessieeeG: THAT WAS INSANE! Thanks to everyone who came apart from the girl who called me a whore, she waited just to tell me so who's the real loser?!'
"Hey Jessie!" I turned around to see Jc heading towards me with a few other people.
"Hey I'm Ricky"
"I'm Mikey"
"I'm Luke"
"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Jessie"
"Girl you slay the Internet and the haters."
"Why thank you" I said doing a sassy hair flick. "I do try my best"
"Can we just keep you?!"
"If you want I'm sure no one will mind. I mean it's not like I have my best friends, boyfriend and sister who all live in England!"
Paige. I needed to call Sam to check up on how she was doing.
"I'm sure they won't mind, I mean it's not like your thousands of miles away or anything."
"Well I guess I'll have to come back soon!"
I gave them my number and then went back to find Joe and Caspar.
'Have you heard anything?'
'They won't tell me anything I'm not family.'
'I'm sorry I'll be back soon then hopefully she'll be in recovery x'
'Thanks but I've been coming in everyday x'
I finished texting Sam then went to find where Joe & Caspar's meet and greet was.
"Excuse me where's Joe and Caspar's meet and greet?"
"No fans backstage!"
"I'm not a fan, I'm Jessie Green"
"Oh, sorry yeah they've still got an hour or so left but they're over there."
He pointed me over to a curtain and I went over and walked inside.
Suddenly I was mobbed, the security guard had pointed to the wrong curtain and I'd walked into the crowd of fans.
The fans had me surrounded and lots of them weren't even fans.
I couldn't shout for help over all the screaming and shrieking.
It soon came to some attention there was a huge mob of fans.
I started panicking.
There were too many fans for security to handle. "JESSIE!"
It became so much and soon everything went black...
Joe's P.O.V
"Joe, what's going on over there?"
Caspar pointed over to a mob of fans that seemed to be surrounding someone. I couldn't see who it was but it looked like they were shouting abuse at them.
"Excuse me? What's going on over there?"
"I think there's a YouTuber in there somewhere but it's too hard for us to get to her."
"It's Jessica Green, I saw her go through there I think she was looking for you guys."
"JESSIE!" I ran over to where the mob was surrounding her and pushed past people. Some tried to grab onto me but I was determined to get through.
Then lots of people stopped shouting. "She's unconscious!"
I ran through the last of people to see her laying there scratched up and unconscious.
"Why? You call yourselves fans, real fans wouldn't do this to our best friend."
I wasn't going to admit our relationship to them after that. I picked her up and carried her out.
Most people had fled after what happened so they didn't get caught.
Soon the paramedics came rushing over checking her pulse to see if she was okay.
"Can you bring her through? She's going to be okay but we just need to wait for her to wake up."
I put her down on the hospital bed and got her hair out of her face. "Stay strong babe" I kissed her forehead.
"How did she get through there?"
"I saw someone point her through to there, I think she was looking for you guys."
I was angry with whoever did it but I wanted her to wake up.
"What happened?"
I looked down and her sparkling blue eyes were open. "You got mobbed, but don't worry babe you're ok now"
She smiled and sat up. Suddenly her smile faded and she looked like she was about to cry.
"Why do they hate me so much?"
Authors Note:
I'm sorry I'm a really bad writer. I have exams and I've been busy and stuff. Please vote and comment. Thanks

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