Chapter 10- Feelings

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Joe's P.O.V
I saw the fear in her eyes. I knew something was wrong. "Joe, are you alright?"
"Yeah..." I lied. They didn't need to know because it would just worry them. We waited for a few hours whilst Jessie had X-rays and surgery. Once she was done they let her sleep. "You better go home, she's not gonna be awake by morning and then we'll tell the results."
"I'm staying here!"
"Joe, you can't stay here.."
"Zoe I can't help but blame myself for this so I'm staying here."
"Fine. What are you two doing?"
"I'll go home then come back tomorrow."
"Yeah same."
They all left and I just sat there staring at the girl I admitted my feelings to well kind of. Everyone told me it wasn't my fault but it was. She lay there almost lifeless. "I know you can't hear me. This is something I've been meaning to say but I was too nervous to say it to your face. I've only known you for 4 days yet when we first met it was like we've known each other our whole lives. You brought something good into my life, something I was missing. You're beautiful, you're the funniest girl I know. Yes, you are the pranking queen but I guess if I'm giving up my crown you're the one I'd happily give it to. Jessica Green you are the best thing that's come into my life. I love you." I'd never felt this way about a girl before. Everything about her made me smile. I lightly kissed her cheek then sat down and went to sleep.
Jessie's P.O.V
I woke up and heard a faint snoring in the room. I looked up and Joe was asleep. "Joe?"
A very tired looking Joe looked at me. "Yeah."
"Have you been here all night?"
"Thank you."
I grabbed my phone and went on Twitter which I hadn't been on in a few days. '@JessieeeG: I'm sorry guys I'm in hospital at the moment due to being hit by a car but I'll try and get my video uploaded today with my special guest😉'
It was 9 o'clock. "Jessie?"
"Yesterday when they were taking you to your X-ray I saw the fear in your eyes what did they say?"
"I was hit with such an impact they needed to do emergency X-rays and I may need complex surgery and it's not looking good..."
"Stay strong. Whatever it is you can make it through."
"Thanks Joe."
Chai finally turned up and he looked like he'd been crying. "Chai, have you been crying?"
"No... How are you?"
"I'm ok." No I'm not but I can't tell him that. The doctor came in.
"Miss Green. We've looked over your X-rays and it shows cracked ribs and also you have appendicitis so we need to remove your appendix. Also you have a broken leg. Its ok for the moment but we need a close eye on you so you can go home in 2 days after we've done all the surgery and got you sorted."
2 days later...
Finally I'm allowed to leave. They'd given me very strong medication to take and my leg was in a cast. I had to go back once a week until they could be completely sure I was ok. Joe and Chai had come to help me. During my time here me and Joe had become really close and he'd stay most of the time. He'd helped me upload my video with Dan and I refused to read the comments due to what'd happen. They helped me into the car and we drove to my place. "Chai be a bæ and go and get Nando's would you?" I said smirking.
"You don't have to ask me twice. The usual?"
"Yes!" Me and Joe said in unison. Chai left and I was sat on the sofa next to Joe.
"You know what I said the other day outside yours when you were upset and that girl in Nandos was a bitch?"
"Yeah I think."
"I really meant it..."

Thank you for reading! I promise the chapters will be longer and better but I've been busy at the moment and trying to find the time to update and write my chapters is difficult. I have started working on a Caspar Lee fanfic which I will start publishing maybe at the end of the month. Please comment, vote and follow! Tell me what you want to happen next! Thank You xx

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