1k Special- Paige's Story

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Paige's P.O.V
The shouting downstairs was really loud and I couldn't bear it. They were screaming at each other and I didn't know what was going on, I couldn't go down there and I didn't want to be here. 'Meet up xx' My best friend Chloe would always find a way to get me out of the situation I was in. "SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO TO SCHOOL! SHE'S A DISAPPOINTMENT!" That's the truth I didn't go to school anymore. After me and Ash broke up everything seemed to be my fault. I became some sort of rebellious teen and got suspended, my grades were so bad that there was no point in going back. There was a knock at my window and Chloe was there perched on the window sill. I opened it and climbed out with her.
"God, they don't stop screaming at each other."
"Come on we're going into town." Chloe climbed down and jumped onto the ground. I followed her then we went into town. "I don't know how the bloody hell you do it!"
"When you're one for adventure you learn the skills because we all know I don't spend much time at home."
"HA LOOKS ITS THE SLUT!" A group of people including Ash looked at me and laughed. "Fuck off you twats!" Chloe shouted at them. They liked her but we'd been best friends for 4 years so she stuck with me. "HE WAS THE ONE THAT CHEATED ON ME SO I DUNNO HOW IM A SLUT YOU PRICKS!"
They just sniggered and walked away. "EVERYONE MISSES YOU AT SCHOOL, FREAKY BITCH!"
"Shut up!"
That's what I had to live with from now on. That's why I'd sometimes go round Jessie's for the weekend to get away from it all. She still thinks I go to school. She also didn't know about my self-harm. Well no one knew about it and I intended on keeping it that way. "Paige, you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine..." She knew I wasn't fine so we went into Starbucks to grab our usual.
"Usual please Adam!"
"Right on it, that's £5 please." We get special discounts cause Adam and Chloe are cousins and we come in a lot so he just gives us our drinks for £5. "You don't listen to them right?"
"Cause not just gets annoying, I don't go to school anymore and my parents think I'm a disappointment so I don't want to be at home."
"You ain't a disappointment! Why don't you go stay with your sister today so you don't have to go hone for a bit."
I agreed with the idea and text Jessie to ask her. I hadn't heard much from her recently but we were super close. I spent weeks with her when her and Brandon broke up so I knew she'd be there for me. "Chlo, you ready to go?"
She walked back to my house with me and said goodbye. "YEAH BUT JESSIE IS NOT YOUR DAUGHTER SO YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF!"
"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe the words I'd just heard.
"I'm going to Jessie's..."
"Forget what you just heard!"
"Who is her dad then?"
"I'm not talking about it! Just go to hers already!" This is what it was like with my parents but I was so confused with what they were talking about. 'Chloe can't be there for you all the time'
'K. Don't know why you're texting me just piss off!"
I wasn't sure whether I was over him, he just confused me. I packed my bag and headed for Jessie's. I decided whether or not to pack my blades but in the end I decided against it.
Author's Note:
This was just a little 1k special. Wattpad wouldn't let me publish it for a while because it kept on saying there was an error. Thanks to everyone who's been reading and the next proper chapter will be out soon. Please vote and comment! Thanks! I added that little warning in the beginning just incase.

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