Chapter 37- Decisions

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2 weeks later...
I only had 3 days left in Australia before I went home. I was spending the day with Jai because I needed to make a decision.
Over the past weeks I had been spending some time with the boys.
Since the concert I hadn't seen any of the 5SOS boys but I did talk to them through. They had said about how sorry they were for what happened and wanted to make it up to me. I didn't blame the boys because they gave me an incredible opportunity to do what I want to do, sing.
As I was about to leave Chai came and gave me a hug. "Have fun on your date."
"Shut up, but I will do"
I walked outside and he was there waiting for me. "Hey Jess" he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"I can't believe you have to leave soon, I'll miss you so much"
"Don't worry about it you'll be back on your and forget about me before you know it"
"I could never forget you"
Our fingers intwined and we decided to go down to the beach. '@JessieeeG: Last day with bae before I go home :( <3 @JaiBrooks1'
'@BrooksBeau: Don't have too much fun kids ;) @JessieeeG @JaiBrooks1'
The beach wasn't far so we walked it. "I like you a lot, you know that right?"
"I like you too"
This was it right, why did I spend my mind on someone like Joe when I knew Jai wouldn't hurt me. Since the day we met we've never had any type of argument or anything.
Maybe he didn't give me the sparks Joe did but I'd been hurt too much by him.
'@JessieeeG: I don't know why I wasted my time on you'
People gathered very quickly that was about Joe and obviously he did it.
'@Joe_Sugg: you're gone now and there's nothing I can do'
I saw comments telling me to stop breaking Joe's heart and to sort him out. There was others telling Joe that I wasn't good enough for him anyway.
I didn't deserve him. He deserved someone that didn't have a whole life drama to deal with, and someone who was worth his time. Someone who wouldn't constantly get hated on.
But then again isn't this what I as putting on Jai if I chose him. "I don't deserve the friends I have..." I muttered to myself quietly.
"Why would you say that?"
"I have all this life drama, it's like I feel like I've dumped on everyone and made them help me get over it. I feel bad for people like Chai that's decided to stick by me all this time when all I do is give him crap and don't show any appreciation."
"Babe, you can't help having this drama. It's a simple part of life and even though your drama may be a lot bigger than most it doesn't mean you should feel like you have to deal with I yourself. Friends are here for a reason and if they're not willing to help you they're not real friends."
"You're amazing"
"Well what can I say" he said smirking. My phone started ringing and it was Caspar. "Hang on a sec Jai I really need to take this"
I quickly answered the phone because I somehow had I feeling this was about Joe. "Jess, I can't control him... He's drunk and in a complete state! What do I do?"
"Fucking hell... Ok Cas call Marcus and Jim and whoever could get there quickly and ask them for help. I mean I'm in Australia I can't do much..."
"I'll call Marcus, Jim, Oli, Will, JJ and that lot that live in London to see if any of them can help!"
"Ok, be careful Cas."
"Will do, bye love you!"
"Love you too"
He then hung up. I looked at Jai who looked a bit hurt. "He's like my brother, I don't love him like that"
"Oh ok"
Caspar's P.O.V
"Please can you come over quick, he's lost it!" I finished calling everyone I could that lived near. Joe had never been a scary or violent person so this was a whole new side of him I hadn't seen before.
"FUCK!" I heard another smash. Why was he taking it like this? Obviously she meant more to him than I thought.
There was banging on the door so I opened it and the boys were there and some neighbours that had heard the racket.
The boys went to sort out Joe and my neighbour came over to me."Caspar, what's going on?"
"Joe's ex has moved on and he cared about her a lot more than I thought. He's drunk and he's in a terrifying state that I've never seen him in before."
"I would stay and help but it looks like you've got it covered. If you need anything just drop by."
"Thanks, sorry about the noise"
I went into Joe's room and I saw what he had done. Things were smashed and he was literally being pinned down.
"What's gotten into you man?"
"She moved on with Jai! I thought she missed me but no! I loved her and she didn't love me back! You don't know how that feels Caspar! It feels shit, because she changed me! She turned me for the better but I messed up and I can't undo what I've already done! I hope Jai Brooks makes her very happy because I couldn't!"
His eyes went from anger to hurt in a matter of seconds. They let go of him and he sat there not saying a word. "You know she was the one I called to ask what to do about you. She could of  said she couldn't care less but she actually gave advice TO HELP YOU! So she obviously still cares..."
"Shit, now she'll think I'm a freak!"
"She's the one that knows how to deal with you though"
"I know and that's why I miss her! Please leave me alone" the alcohol was definitely having an effect on him because he was no longer angry he was honest. We cleared out all the bottles of alcohol and got him some water then let him be. I text Jessie just to let her know he was alright.
'Sorry, but thanks a lot. He's not angry anymore, miss you xx'
'It's ok, miss you too but I'll be home soon xx'
Jessie's P.O.V
"He's not over you is he?"
"No, but I can't change that"
Jai sighed. "Why is his best mate asking you for help when he knows that you've moved on?"
"Because he's my best friend and he knows that I can help him. Why does it matter?"
"I question whether you are actually over him..."
"Why are you suddenly being a dick about this?!"
"I don't want to step into a relationship with someone who isn't over there ex!"
"You know I had the decision in my head and I chose you! So don't make me regret it..."
"Sorry, I just..."
"It's fine, anyway it's done now"
'@JessieeeG: Ugh why is life so confusing :/'
'@ConnorFranta: I go to England in a few days and I can't wait to be reunited with @JessieeeG'
'@JessieeeG: you didn't tell me! Good thing I get back from Australia in a few days too @ConnorFranta'
"What would you say if I asked you to be my girlfriend?"
"I don't know"
"Well then will you be my girlfriend?"
I froze. This is what I had decided right? "Yes, but I still have to go back to Brighton and that means I'll hardly get to see you..."
"I'll visit as often as possible and we can FaceTime and text each other."
"Then yeah I will"
He kissed me and I kissed him back. I didn't want this to end in another heart break.
I got back to the hotel and was greeted by Troye Sivan. "Troye!"
"I thought I'd come see you before you left. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier but I've been really busy and I was in America."
"It's all good boy, I would of spent more time with you in America but I'm sure you heard what happened"
"Yah, I can't believe that happened." He suddenly gave me a massive hug. "You don't deserve anything that's happened to you. And I'm really sorry to hear about you and Joe."
"It's fine, it was a hard time. YouTube wasn't my thing in the end, it all became a little too much. Like I was a YouTuber surely I can't be that interesting to write articles about."
"So is there anyone else in your love interest?"
"Jai Brooks asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes but I'm really confused."
"Talk to Troye, I'll help you work things out"
"Basically, Joe isn't over me but I want to move on from him. I know that no one can make me feel the way he made me feel but I don't want to have my heart broken again by him."
"What I think is that, you give it time being with Jai but if it isn't working out like long distance and stuff you need to tell him. There's nothing worse than using a guy just to get other someone else."
"Thank you" I gave him another hug.
Chai and Sam were still out seeing Ebony who had been staying in Australia for a while too.
'@JaiBrooks1: Something pretty big happened today <3'
Since people knew we were hanging out today they were making assumptions. I then had a text from Daniel.
'I'm happy for you and Jai but I still ship #JANIEL ;)'
'Thank you but I guess that you'll have to keep that ship sailing on your own;)'
'@JaiBrooks1: it's to do with my personal life, but I'll tell you guys soon'
"He's talking about you right?"
"I think so, unless something else happened today"
During our conversation Chai and Sam came back. "Oh hi guys"
"Jessica, did you make your decision?" Chai said as he walked through the door.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes..."
Chai smiled and came over and gave me a hug. "I'm scared though, I don't want to add to the heartbreak..."
He kissed my forehead. "Just be aware and if things don't seem right then you gotta do what you gotta do."
After a while Troye left and I was texting Jai. 'Am I not gonna see you again before I leave :( ? Xx'
'I dunno babe I'll try and see at the airport xxxx'
'Okay, let me know xxx'
I didn't know whether it felt right but it's what I wanted.
Sam came over and sat down next to me. "Are you ready to go back?"
"Yeah I think so, I got the time I needed. Hopefully I can get everything back on track."
"I know I haven't been myself since..."
"Aw Sam" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "For the time you knew her, you treated her better than anyone ever would. Thank you so much for all you did."
We were both practically in tears hugging on the sofa. He looked at me. "Look at us, we're a mess"
This is a pretty crap chapter :/ also I'm sorry to all you #JOSSIE shippers but let's be honest this isn't a Jai Brooks fanfiction ;) The next chapter is gonna be a big time jump. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!

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