Chapter 12- Forgive & Forget

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Today I had to work and I was so depressed and unhappy that I'd locked myself in my room. Chai would come by every now and then but that was it. Joe tried to call me but I ignored them, I think he even came by one time but I wouldn't answer the door. It was stupid that I was doing this but I felt my heart was torn apart, he didn't care about me after I heard every word he said to me in that hospital. Finally I managed to get out the apartment and walk to Starbucks. "JESSIE!" Sophie came running up to me and hugged me being careful of my leg, she was my best friend at work. "Are you ok?"
"It's just some guy, nothing to worry about..."
My shift was only 4 hours. "Jessie."
"Don't talk to me."
"Look can I just get a hot chocolate and I'll go?"
"Yeah whatever..." I couldn't look into his eyes without crying. He didn't look great either but I'm sure he was having fun with his girlfriend. I wouldn't let anyone talk about him when they saw me and I'd lost contact with Dan. "Jessie, I broke up with her that day."
"My girlfriend. I broke up with her but it turns out she'd been cheating on me."
"It doesn't make anything different Joe. For the past few days I've been crying just because I thought something was different but I ended up getting hurt AGAIN."
"I didn't know you heard me. I made a mistake please forgive me."
"Can we talk about this after my shift?"
I gave him his hot chocolate and carried on working. He waited for my shift to finish because I only had 20 minutes left and then I let him come back to my apartment. We sat down and started talking. "Joe the reason I'm so broken because of this because I used to think I was in love. I thought I was in love with Brandon but he cheated on me. Then the guy before that Sam, he took me out on a date and left me in the middle of nowhere, it took me 3 hours to get home and he had hurt me. All these people meant to hurt me so when you told me you had a girlfriend, I felt like it was all meant to hurt me as well."
"I would never mean to hurt you. I made the biggest mistake of staying with Lauren when I knew I had feelings for you. Caspar has been trying to get my mind off it, truly Jessie I've been a mess these past few days. I know it was all my fault and you probably hate me but please forgive me."
"I need time but you know what they say forgive and forget. I guess I can forgive you and I'll try to forget about it but I think at the moment Joe we need to just stay friends ok?"
Joe's P.O.V
That's it I was friend zoned. I had to go and bloody mess it up. "Yeah just friends." I didn't want to be just friends but I guess that's how it has to be. She needed time. I could tell what I did hurt her real bad, I hated myself for it and I would never be able to forgive myself and I didn't expect her to forgive me. She had been hurt so much in the past that she thought I was trying to hurt her as well. "I should go... I'm sorry." I couldn't look into her eyes anymore.
Jessie's P.O.V
He didn't want to be just friends and nor did I but that's just how it had to be. "Bye..." I knew I'd lost him and I cried again. I was making my leg worse because I would rarely use my crutches and I was being really active on it. 'I saw Joe leave your apartment crying I'm coming round you ok?'
'It's complicated...' Joe was crying?! The door opened and Chai walked in with Alfie. "JESSIE!" They both came and sat with me on the sofa.
"I told him that I need time to think and that we could only be just friends."
"Look it's not your fault, it's his ok. I can tell he has feelings for you, I'll talk to him if you like."
"Thanks Alfie. Please, can you? I know he goes back to London soon anyway but I just don't know whether I like him or not, I thought I did but after this whole thing I just don't know whether I do."
"I'll go see if he's gone to Zoe's. Try and cheer up Jess. I'll come back later after I've talked to him."
"Thank you, just try and talk to him because I don't think he'll listen to me."
Alfie left and Chai just didn't say anything. "Jessie, he's not worth crying about."
"I told him I'd forgive and forget but then I hurt him. I hurt him just as much as he hurt me so it makes me an equally bad person."
Thanks for reading. I hope you all had a great Christmas! Please comment and vote. I wanna try and get 750 reads by the end of 2014. Thank you all.

Hated (a ThatcherJoe fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora