Chapter 44: Lost

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Jessie's P.O.V
I wanted to see them but my eyes wouldn't open. I wanted to hug them but my body wouldn't move. I wanted to tell them that I loved them but I couldn't speak. My body was in pain but I couldn't do anything. I heard them one by one come in and talk to me. They thought I was going to die or forget them but I wasn't going to. I could only hear them but I could identify their voices. How do you tell someone you love them when you can't move or speak or even look at them. I was awake in my head but I just couldn't do anything. Maybe I could fall asleep again and the next time I can wake up for real. That's what I'll do but then what if I don't wake up?
Joe's P.O.V
We were sitting there now. Me, Gabby, Chai and Harriet. Even though she was younger than us we got along well with her. All in front of her unconscious body. "She's awake in her head, she just can't do anything."
All I wanted was for her to wake up. For everything to fall into place. "Do you think she'll wake up soon?"
"I don't know, there's nothing we can do at this point in time to get her to wake up."
"She's definitely going to wake up right?" Gabby said looking desperate.
"I couldn't say... But it's looking up"
4 hours later...
"Excuse me sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave for a few minutes."
"Why?!" I had been sat alone in the room with her whilst the others slept. "We think she's waking up"
I ran out the room to let them do what they wanted to do. Harriet and Gabby were fast asleep on the chairs outside, tonight they were the only ones that stayed because the others were shattered. "Guys they think she's waking up" Their eyes shot open. "Where is she?!"
It was about 2 in the morning. "They're just sorting her out"
The doctor came out with a smile on his face. "She's awake and she's fine and she's requesting to see Joe"
I got up to go and see her.
Jessie's P.O.V
Finally I was awake. "Jess!"
"Joe" I couldn't shout. He came and kissed me. "I love you"
"I love you too" I was in pain but not enough to hug him. "Gabby and Harriet are outside"
"Okay, I'll talk to them in a minute, I heard everything you said."
"And I meant every word of it"
"You know most of them mentioned you when they were talking to me how you were the right guy, how you'd changed."
I kissed him again. "I don't know how long I want to wait anymore"
"Me neither"
"Can you get the girls for me?"
"Yeah sure"
He went out and I called Chai. He picked up after a few rings. "Hello?"
He obviously hadn't looked at the caller id. "Sorry did I wake you?"
"I'm awake, get whoever is there to come over unless they want to sleep then let them come in the morning."
"We'll be there in 5"
Gabby and Harriet came in and Gabby came and hugged me. "Why did you do it?"
"Because I wouldn't be able to live without my best friend. How's your arm?"
"I've been worried about you to really care. They've been warning me about not keeping it in a good condition but I just wanted to stay here, I felt bad"
"You shouldn't feel bad you idiot."
I looked at Harriet. "You didn't have to do this you know"
"I know, but you saved my life and I wanted to make sure yours was saved to."
"You are an incredible young lady"
Seconds later Chai, Connor, Corey, Caspar and Alfie came in.
"Jess!" They came over and hugged me one by one. "Excuse me, can you keep the noise down other patients are trying to sleep"
"Sorry, can I just ask when I'll be able to leave?"
"I don't know" the nurse snapped.
"Aren't nurses supposed to be nice to their patients?"
"It's late and I don't have time for you kids messing about!"
"We're not kids! Our best friend just woke up when we thought she was gonna die shouldn't you be happy for us?"
"You're not even supposed to be in here. Only 3 people at a time"
"Fine, Chai, Alfie and Connor stay and then Caspar and Corey come in after."
"You should be getting rest you know" the nurse mumbled.
The others left and Chai, Alfie and Connor sat down. "Con, how long until you're back in America?"
"I go back in two days"
We had a general chat for a while and then the others came in and I chatted to them for a bit. "Jess, I think you should get some rest"
"Ok night guys, or morning whatever it is. You can all go home I'll be fine"
"We'll be back at about 10 or something. Love you Jessica."
"Make sure Harriet has somewhere good to sleep." I whispered in Chai's ear as he hugged me.
"She can have the spare bedroom for now in the apartment"
"If she needs to let her borrow some clothes, and have a shower and some proper food. She doesn't deserve the struggle."
When it came to saying goodbye to Harriet I looked at the fragile girl standing before me. It was about half 3 by now and she looked drained. "You can stay in the apartment with Chai and Gabby. Help yourself to food and a shower and something to wear."
"You don't have to, I'll sleep out there or something"
"Harriet even if it's just for tonight, clean yourself up and get some proper food in your system."
"Thanks for everything"
'@JessieeeG: I'm awake :)'
When everyone left Joe didn't go anywhere. "You really think I'm gonna leave you, by yourself?"
"I need to sleep Joseph"
"So do I, so I'm gonna stay in here with you"
"Where is she?!"
I was awoken by someone shouting. "Who's the person she came to visit and I'll find out from them?!"
A nurse came scurrying in. "Jessie, you wouldn't happen to know the whereabouts of a young girl called Harriet Cooper would you? Apparently she came to visit you without permission and hasn't gone back to her care home. They're very worried about her."
"Send whoever is looking for her in here and I'll talk to them."
"Ok thank you I can't stand their shouting it's disturbing other patients but they won't listen."
She hurried out and soon a furious looking pair came storming in. Somehow Joe was still fast asleep and hadn't been woken up by the noise. I guess being awake all night had its effect. "You! You're the girl that Harriet came to see! I quite simply said she couldn't come but she didn't listen!"
"Excuse me, first off please stop with the shouting. If you really cared for her why'd it take so long for you to turn up if you knew where she was."
"We didn't know! She barely ever comes down from her room for food! There were people visiting and we did a check on everyone and she wasn't there. So where has she gone?!"
"She's at my apartment... She's been sleeping rough for nearly a week she deserved somewhere nice."
"Where's your apartment?!"
"I'm not telling you, you can simply wait for her or leave."
"She's caused nothing but trouble. I'll get in touch with the council and have her removed!"
"Why? Because she's been pushed to the point of depression? You know she told me about how she wanted to die is that the problem she's caused?"
"YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND! She's just like all the other teenage girls desperate for attention!"
"You work in a CARE HOME full of children where some feel unwanted and you treat them like this. They're not attention seekers, they just want somebody who loves them and somebody to care. You don't know what they've been through."
This was the point where Joe finally woke up. Deep sleeper much... "What's going on?"
"Don't worry just can you please go outside whilst I talk to them."
"You know if Harriet means so much to you take her in!"
"You know who she reminds me of? My sister Paige, I loved her so much but behind closed doors she was so depressed and unhappy. A year ago she took her life, she was 17 too. You don't know what happens to Harriet behind closed doors, you don't know how she feels."
'We're coming now xx'
'Harriet's care workers are here... Don't come into my room straight away xx'
"She's on her way here they'll be about 5 minutes. Then we can talk it through and deal with things."
Harriet's P.O.V
This was the best I'd been treated in years. No one really liked me that much, I was bullied and alone. They didn't make me feel that way, they didn't send me away like I'd expected them to.
We walked through the front entrance of the hospital and asked for our names.
"Harriet Cooper"
"Oh you're Harriet Cooper come with me dear"
I followed the nurse towards Jessie's room and was taken inside. "There you are!"
They were here. I sat down and looked at them. "They treated me better than you do."
"You've lost weight"
"That's because I've barely eaten"
"Look at you! You're barely alive!"
I put my head in my hands and let out a few silent sobs. It was true I'd barely eaten, my eyes were dark like I hadn't slept in years. My face was sickly and pale. "I'll come back..."
"Good, say goodbye or whatever we're leaving in 5 with you or without you."
They walked out and I looked at Jessie. "Listen to me, I want you to stay as strong as possible. If you're ever down call me. Don't keep it to yourself, don't feel alone just give me a call. Never ever think about taking that precious life of yours. I'll keep checking in as well."
"Thanks, I should get going or they'll leave without me and they probably won't let me in if I'm late."
She hugged me and then we said goodbye and I walked out.
Before I walked off Gabby stopped me. "Are you going back?"
"I don't have a choice..."
She gave me a hug as well. "I've really gotta go, thank you to all of you."
I ran out before they left without me.
They honked the horn as I came out the exit and I got in. "You're grounded, no leaving the home for a month."
"Fuck you!" I shouted at them. The car came to a halt but then we started moving again going in the wrong direction. "This isn't the right way"
"I know"
After a lot of country lanes we came to a stop. "Get out"
"Get out of the car"
I opened the door and got out. Before another word they sped off. 'You can find your own way back'
Jessie's P.O.V
"I shouldn't of let her go" Sam, Gabby and Chloe were by my bedside.
"She'll be okay"
My phone rang and it was Harriet. "Jessie, they've left me in the middle of nowhere..."
"We were in the car and then..." It cut off. "Fuck, fuck, fuck guys they left her in the middle of nowhere. We have to find her."
"Jess, you can't go anywhere I'll go see who will help look for her."
Sam got up and went out to get help. "I'll go with him" Chloe went to get up. "Is there anything going on between you two?"
"No! I couldn't betray Paige like that"
"You like him?"
"A little but I would be the worst person on earth if I did that to Paige."
She got up and went out leaving Gabby with me. Corey came in soon after. "Sam, Chloe, Dan, Caspar and Chai have gone to look for her."l
"Okay, can the others come in?"
Joe, Alfie and Connor came in.
"I'm leaving today"
"I thought it was in 2 days?"
"No, they changed my flight because of book stuff."
I was worried. "You guys should probably go look for Harriet, I'm okay and she's more important."
"I should probably head off to the airport then if everyone is going."
"Ok see you soon! Love you Con Con"
"Love you too Jessica"
He kissed my forehead and then left. "Honestly guys I'm probably just gonna sleep. That whole thing has me tired out."
"Jess, I really need to talk to you" Corey said looking at me. "It's nothing bad I just want to talk to you"
"Ok, Joe and Alfie please I'll be fine. Go find her or I'll never forgive myself."

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