Chapter 22- Cornelius & Gertrude

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3 days later...
I was still staying at the boys apartment and was setting up with Caspar to film my cover. "Jessica, can I watch pretty please?!"
"Sure, just sit out of shot."
Me and Chai hadn't been talking much over the past few days apart from the times he'd been asking me to go back to Brighton. Paige was starting school which worried me a little but I was sure she'd be fine.
I sat down with my guitar and pressed record. "Hello my lovely people, today I'm doing a cover of Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran." I spent time filming and then I left it to edit for another time.
"That was incredible!"
"Thanks Caspy!"
"We're having a Jessie and Caspar best friend day!"
"Are we?"
"Yes, all with Joe's permission of course."
"He's not my father."
"Yeah I know cause Jessie I am your father."
"You're also weird lets go!"
We ran out into the streets of London and decided on doing some shopping. "STARBUCKS!"
"You're such a white girl!"
"I know but it's so good!" We went into Starbucks and Caspar went to order. '@JessieeeG: Day with my bestie 4 evers (his words not mine);) @Caspar_Lee'
'@Joe_Sugg: Exciting stuff happening:)' Joe hadn't told me about any of this stuff so it left me wondering. It was probably something for the fans. "Here you go ma lady!"
"Why thank you kind sir. Gertrude, seriously?!"
"Stop complaining I'm Cornelius."
'@Caspar_Lee: Cornelius and Gertrude are the new cool kids in town;) @JessieeeG'
Once we'd finished, we left and carried on shopping. "OMG are you Caspar Lee and Jessie Green?"
"Actually I'm Cornelius and this my best friend for evers Gertrude!"
"Can I get a picture with both of you?"
"Sure." The girl pulled out her phone and we took a selfie pulling stupid faces. "My twitters @LoveMilliex if you want the picture I'll put it on there."
I pulled out my phone and followed her. '@JessieeeG: Met this girl out with Cornelius @LoveMilliex @Caspar_Lee' I attached the picture she had posted. "She was cute."
"Yeah she was really nice, not like that fan of Joe I saw in Nando's once."
"Some of them are just jealous." After we'd finished shopping we went to the park. We'd even bought bff bracelets from Claire's. "We're just too cool!" We ran to the swings and had a competition of who could go the highest. "I'm winning!" We were so immature but it's exactly the way I liked it. "You win at everything girl you're super human!"
"You're lucky I ain't pranked you yet boy!" I winked at him.
"NO DON'T TURN TO THE DARK SIDE!" I don't think I'd laughed so much in a day. "Get on my back!" I hopped off the swing and onto Caspar's back and we ran round the whole park while people stared at us. "WE ARE JUST LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST PEOPLE, AINT NOTHING WEIRD ABOUT THAT!" I screamed at them. '@JessieeeG: Don't think I've laughed so much in a day love you Cornelius <3:')'
'@Caspar_Lee: BEST DAY EVER! Love you too Gertrude <3:)'
'@MarcusButler: You're just friend goals btw I need a match at fifa ;)@JessieeeG'
'@JessieeeG: Bring it Butler!;)'
Today had been one of the best days of my life. I had changed Caspar's name in my phone to 'Cornelius;)'
'Don't replace me:('
'Im not... I've known you for 9 years I'm not giving up that easy<3:('
"Why what?"
"He thinks I'm replacing him.."
"You may be my Gertrude but I'd never steal you from him. I know he's your very best friend."
"That's why I love you!" Yes we meant love in a friend way. Ever since I'd been in London me and the boys had gotten really close. "Lets go to Nando's!"
"Oh shit is that time!"
"Time flies when you're having fun with Corny!"
"Yeah I'm just gonna stick with calling you Cornelius!"
We went into Nando's and grabbed a booth away from most people. '@Caspar_Lee: Nando's with the bae Gerty @JessieeeG <3'
"So Jessie how's things?"
"They're ok apart from things with Chai obviously but other than that they've been alright. How are things with you?"
"They're great I met my new bestie, youtube is great and I'm going to South Africa soon."
"For how long?!"
"A few weeks you'll be fine in Brighton."
"I'll miss my Cornelius." The waiter came and we ordered. We posted a few things on snapchat and Instagram. Once we'd finished we left and walked back through town. '@JessieeeG:Best day:)<3'
Thanks for reading! Next chapter is like totally cute. Please vote and comment.

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