Chapter 31- Telling The World

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(A/N: THIS IS STILL THE SAME STORY! I just changed the title, cover and description😂😊)
I had hit rock bottom. After I was mobbed I flew home early because I couldn't bare being there anymore.
Sometimes I wondered what would happen if I hadn't started a YouTube channel.
"Babe, we're filming it today"
"Filming what?"
"The video where we say we're officially together."
"Joe, I can't deal with it how it is at the moment let alone being able to deal with more hate and threats from fan girls that think they own you!"
I gave in. "And we're filming it now"
'@Joe_Sugg: I have a video going up today sharing something with you guys'
I fixed my makeup and sat down. "I'm going to the hospital later as well"
"Are you sure you want to?"
"Yes, if I'm able to do this then I can go see her. I don't want Sam to keep going there on his own."
Joe set up the camera and sat down next to me.
He pressed record and started speaking. "Hi guys, this isn't the usual video. As a lot of you know this is Jessie Green and what you don't know is that she is my girlfriend and she has been for about 2 months. When you see someone you love getting attacked everyday online it hurts a lot. So if you were true fans you'd accept this relationship. To those girls that seem to think they own me, you don't. I'm not yours, she hasn't stolen me from any of you. Nothing is going to change."
"Just so you know I'm not using anyone and I want you to know that. I am with Joe, not Chai, not Caspar, not Sam I'm with Joe and that is the only person I have a relationship with."
"Thank you for watching and accept the fact that I am happy with her. Please keep your hate to yourselves, no one wants to go through it."
He switched on the camera and went off to edit it. I grabbed my jacket and car keys.
"I'm going now, I'll be back in a couple of hours."
"Be safe babe"
I got in the car and checked Twitter. '@Joe_Sugg: Uploading the video, it was one take and hardly edited'
'I'm going down to the hospital if you're around x'
'I'm already here so I'll wait for you x'
I still couldn't believe that even though Sam didn't know my sister long he waited. The hospital had told him numerous times to stop going but he wouldn't listen.
Every time they told him he wasn't immediate family so he wasn't allowed to know anything he didn't care.
'@Joe_Sugg: The video is up and it means a lot to me if you watch and understand: Something To Tell You'
My phone was going crazy with tweets. After I parked in the hospital car park I watched the video and looked at the comments.
'Joe is stupid for falling into her trap'
'Why her? Of all people?!'
'I heard he's one for choosing sluts'
'@JessieeeG: And some of you call yourselves Suggletts😒'
I was upset but angry at the same time. Some people thought it was cute but most of them absolutely slaughtered me in the comments.
'@Joe_Sugg: Wow... I'm disappointed :('
I sat there thinking about what I was doing with my life. Someone said I was one of the most hated people on the internet alongside some people that were offensive or horrible people.
There was a knock on the car window and Sam was standing there. I got out of the car and he pulled me into a hug.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm alright, just a bit upset and angry."
We went inside the hospital and up to Paige's room.
"Miss Green, long time no see. Since you are immediate family you are able to see your sister."
"Can Sam come?"
"Well if he is an importance to Paige then yes. I've seen the young man here a lot I think it's about time I let him see her."
"It's alright. How is she?"
"She hasn't made any progress but she isn't getting worse."
The nurse lead us in and I gasped. There she was, almost lifeless. Her arms were in bandages and her skin was a sickly pale.
"Why?" I sobbed. We sat there for about an hour. "I'm sorry but we are going to have to ask you to step outside whilst we run some tests."
"Jess, I think it's best if you go home."
"NO! I know I'm going to lose her so I need to stay for as long as I possibly can!"
"Don't say that... I know she means the world to you but waiting 24 hours a day in the hospital isn't healthy."
"It's what you've been doing"
"I know, but I care about you and I don't want to see you do it to yourself."
"I'm staying"
He gave in and let me wait it out. "I'm sorry but Paige isn't allowed any visitors at the moment."
I groaned in frustration and called Joe. "You alright babe?"
"No, she's not allowed any visitors at the moment but I got to see her for a bit until they asked us to leave..."
"So are you coming back?"
"I guess so..."
I hung up and grabbed my bag. "I'm just gonna head back to Brighton but I'll be back soon thanks Sam. Make sure you're looking after yourself though."
I hugged him and made my way out.
'@JessieeeG: Most hated person on the Internet that's nice :/'
'@ConnorFranta: IM PROUD OF TWO OF MY BEST FRIENDS @Joe_Sugg & @JessieeeG they're so cute so back off haters!'
'@Caspar_Lee: I ship #JOSSIE more than #JASPAR'
I drove back to Brighton and decided just to go to bed. "So did you see her?"
"Yeah, I just couldn't bare it, her arms were covered in bandages and she was a sickly pale. That wasn't my sister."
I burst into tears. "I'm the most hated person on the Internet..."
"No you're not"
"I am! Joe, as much as you want to deny it I am! There's no hiding that!"
"But I still love you..."
"You shouldn't! You should be in love with some pretty girl that the Internet loves not me!"
"I'm in love with you"
"I don't even know what love is anymore!"
It completely went over my head that he told me he was in love with me.
Here I was 20 years old and this was my life.

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