Chapter 27- Messing Up

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2 weeks later...
"Hey Jess"
"Do you wanna go clubbing tonight? Me and Caspar thought it might be a good idea to go out for the night."
"Sure but I haven't been clubbing for a while."
"That's alright, we just thought we should loosen up for a night."
Over the past 2 weeks my YouTube channel had 200,000 subscribers! I had posted another cover and things were good.
There was no news about Paige, the hospital hadn't called and Caspar and Joe had been staying with me since. However they were jetting off to America soon for a week for an event.
I went into a room and looked through my wardrobe. I decided on my favourite red dress with some heels. It was around 6 so I decided to start getting ready. "What time are we leaving?"
"Mmm probs about 8 if you wanna grab a bite to eat beforehand then 7."
"Nah I'm not hungry."
I went into the shower and spent a long time pretending I was at my own concert. "You having fun in there?"
"Yeah actually it's great."
I finally got out and wrapped myself in a towel. My hair was its plain blonde colour at the moment but sometimes I dip dyed it.
I dried my hair and then spent a while curling it to perfection. I put on the dress and put on a full face of makeup. I was ready at 7:55 just in time. "Woah."
I walked out of my bedroom and did a twirl. "Do I look alright?"
"Too good, I need to make sure no one tries anything."
"I'll be fine Joe, I promise."
He was in skinny jeans and a plain white tee which I was swear is all he ever wears. Caspar walked out of the guest room and his eyes widened. "Take a picture it will last longer."
"Sorry, Joe your girlfriend looks hot."
I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and keys and my purse. We walked out and went to the nearest club. The music was loud and at first it brought back bad memories. The last time I went clubbing was when I was with Brandon... Joe grabbed my hand and we started dancing. "Do you want a drink?"
"Stay here."
He went off and I looked round for Caspar but I couldn't see him anywhere. I felt someone come up behind me and I tensed. I turned around and I smelt the stench of alcohol. "Hey sexy lady"
"My boyfriends here"
"And? I don't see him anywhere."
"He's getting a drink"
The guy didn't leave and tried dancing with me. I scanned the room to try and find Joe but I couldn't see him. "Please, leave me alone"
"If you don't want the attention, don't dress like that."
"She said leave her alone!"
Brandon... I could recognise his voice. "Oh is this your boyfriend?"
"It doesn't matter who I am, just leave her alone."
The guy finally walked away. "Umm thanks."
"No problem, so are you here by yourself."
"No, I'm here with my boyfriend and friend."
"Oh, boyfriend..."
"Yes boyfriend."
Suddenly his attached his lips to mine. It caught me by surprise but I pushed him away. "I told you I have a boyfriend!"
"Well I still haven't got over my feelings for you."
I looked around for Joe and saw him standing there looking hurt. Once he caught my eye he came over handed me my drink and walked off. I took a sip and the liquid burned my throat but I was so shocked by what happened I downed it.
My vision went cloudy and I already felt quite drunk. "Jess, where's Joe?"
"Mm what?"
"How much have you had to drink?"
"Only one, but I don't know what it is Joe gave it to me then walked off."
"Why'd he walk off?"
"Brandon kissed me."
I was confused so I went and got another drink. I completely forgot about why I ever stopped clubbing. "So that boyfriend of yours?"
"He left."
I completely ignored Brandon and continued dancing. "So you're single?"
"Nope! He saw you kiss me and he left."
I was completely oblivious to what was going on and carried on drinking. "We're going home."
Brandon grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out of the club."Umm I'm not going with you..." I slurred.
"Yes you're drunk."
I got out of his grip and walked through the club looking for them. I caught sight of Joe lip locking with some brunette and I carried on walking. I deserved it, I guess... Finally I found Caspar and he didn't look too drunk. "Can we go... please?"
"Yeah sure, is everything ok where's Joe?"
"Brandon tried to get me to go home with him and Joe's hooking up with some brunette."
"And you don't care?!"
"I deserve it..."
We walked out of the club and I didn't even take a second glance at Joe. He was obviously completely wasted. 'Me & Caspar are going back to my apartment. Have fun with the girl, I deserve it xox'
I staggered and stumbled my way home. When we got back I slipped out of my dress and into some pyjamas. "Goodnight Jess."
"It hasn't been a good night... Night Cas!"
I fell asleep straight away and I woke up with my head pounding. I felt colder than usual and I looked to find Joe wasn't there. It was around 1 in the afternoon. "How did you get in last night?"
"I dunno, I think Chai found me and then brought me back."
I walked into the living room and there was Caspar and Joe. I took some tablets then sat down awkwardly with them.
"I'm never going clubbing again."
"I had a ball last night!"
"Good for you Joe but some people were harassed by their ex boyfriend who tried to take them home with them."
"Ohh I thought you two were hooking up."
"Nice to know you think that."
I got up and walked off. I messed up AGAIN. Maybe this was one of my other pointless relationships. "Jess, it's Caspar let me in."
I opened my bedroom door and let Caspar in. "You two are so cute together, it was such a stupid idea to go clubbing."
"No it was fine. I mean I didn't enjoy myself that much but I needed to take my mind off Paige for a bit."
"It's fine, he's just stupid when he's drunk. He used to get drunk a lot and then hook up but you changed him."
"Why did Brandon have to be such a prick?!"
"I haven't even met the guy and I want to beat him up..."
We walked out of my bedroom and Joe was sitting deep in thought.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm absolutely fantastic Joe."
"We both made mistakes last night."
"I'm surprised you remembered any of it."
"I wasn't drunk when Brandon kissed you but then I got pissed so I probably did stupid things that I can't quite remember."
"This isn't how it should work. We can't just kiss other people or be kissed by other people and be fine with it because the other did it too. Relationships don't work like that."
"What are you trying to say?"
"Nothing, I'm just saying it's not ok for us to be ok just because we both did wrong in the relationship."
'@JessieeeG: I genuinely hate clubbing:('
'@velvetgh0st: @JessieeeG We should meet up soon! I don't like clubbing either x'
'@JessieeeG: Sure, I'll DM you my number @velvetgh0st x'

Author's Note:
Longer Chapter :) Not too sure how I feel about it though, this is rather depressing. So I'll make the next chapter better and it'll probably be the day with Jessie & Gabby. Please vote and comment because I swear it's getting worse and hardly anyone is voting or commenting. Thanks for reading!

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