Chapter 26- Together

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I rushed back to the hospital the next day after a sleepless night at Chloe's. "You came."
Joe and Caspar were sitting there outside her room. I threw my arms around Joe and sobbed a bit. He kissed my head and we stayed there for a bit. Then I hugged Caspar and it was more of a bear hug but I smiled. "Have they said anything else?"
"No, no ones come out yet but there was another boy here though I don't know who he is but he should be back any minute."
I thought in my mind of anyone it could be but my question was answered when he walked round the corner. Ash. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here because I felt so bad. Just so you know I had no part in any of the bullying because I just wanted to make it up with her but she didn't want to. Once I heard the news I wanted to come see her. It's not even to try and get her back because I know I won't and apparently she got someone else, I just couldn't live with what was the guilt living inside me because of what I did to her."
"I guess if that's how you truly feel, you can stay. You're not here out of curiosity, you're here because you care. Anyone that's curious can go away."
Me and Joe looked like your typical couple. He had his arm round me and I had my head on his chest. Chloe, Chai and Sam came back around 10 o'clock. "Ash?"
"Chloe, I explained myself I'm here because of the guilt living inside of me I don't want her back I just wanted to come and see if she had any chance of getting better. I wasn't apart of the bullying."
"I know, you didn't say anything anymore but you watched from the sideline."
"That's why I'm so guilty for this."
I saw the look in Sam when he realised who he was. Technically him and Paige weren't an official couple from what I knew but I knew how much they meant to each other.

Sam's P.O.V
Her ex boyfriend was here. I didn't exactly know all the harm he'd done but I knew he gave her trouble from that night she was crying. I wanted to hurt him to be honest but I knew that it wouldn't get me anywhere since we were in a hospital hoping for Paige to get better. She wouldn't want me to cause any harm. I respected the fact that he came, it made me happier that even if things did happen between them he still had the decency to check in on her.

Jessie's P.O.V
In the end we were told to leave. They thought it was unhealthy the amount of time we spent waiting when it was clear we wouldn't know anything anytime soon. It was around 5, Chloe and Ash went home whilst I took the others back to my place. I decided against telling everyone about what happened to Paige or even the fact that she was in hospital but when I checked Twitter it seemed that someone had beaten me to it. '#YouTubersAtHospital' was trending. There was a picture attached of all 5 of us coming out of the hospital looking tired and upset. 'What's going on? Xx'
'It's to do with Paige, come to mine and I'll explain xx'
'@MyNamesChai: This stuff is personal and something we're not sharing with the internet but thanks for the concern xx'
"Alfie's coming over, I told him I'd let him know what was happening. "What about Zoe?"
"I don't mind telling her Joe, she's your sister and Alfie's girlfriend we don't need to keep it all a secret from her." I could tell Joe and Zoe had their sibling moments and he didn't want to tell her anything but she deserved the right to know.
Alfie turned up with Zoe as we had just got in. "What happened to Paige?"
"She cut herself... so much that she fell unconscious and they don't know if she's going to get better..." I said trying not to cry again. "Oh my god you should have called me sooner."
"We've been sat in that hospital for hours waiting for some sort of answer. In the end they told us nothing and said that I'd be the first one they'd call if anything came up."
To get our mind off things we put on a movie and all sat around the sofa considering their wasn't enough room in my apartment for this many people. I was squished in between Joe and Chai. My head was in Joe's lap and he was twirling my hair in his fingers. It was nice, we were all together and it made me have hope. "I'm staying here until we hear anything, I'm not leaving you here alone."
"You don't have to I'll be ok."
"I want to."
By the end of the second film Zoe and Alfie went back to their apartment and Chai went back to his with Sam as they promised to come back first thing in the morning. I didn't want them to have to sleep on my sofa. Caspar took the spare room and me and Joe were sharing mine because I didn't want him to have to sleep on the sofa.
It was only 9 but I was super drained. I put on some pyjama pants and a tank top and then got into bed. Joe borrowed some of Chai's sweatpants he had kept in the draw of the spare room for whenever he slept round. He got in the other side and I cuddled into him. His arm slung over my waist and he kissed my head before I fell asleep.

Authors Note:
Aww I tried to make the last bit cute to forget about all the emotional stuff that's been happening. Just to let you know I won't be writing smut, there might be light reference to it but I won't be going into full detail about it. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! No one comments but it actually does help with motivation and ideas so please do otherwise I won't want to continue this story!

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