Chapter 38: Step In Time

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1 year later...
The past year had definitely been something. I moved out of my apartment and moved to London with Gabby and Chai, Sam also moved to London with some of his other friends and he lived in the same block of flats.
I was still with Jai and he'd visited me every other month.
Our relationship was okay... It was going great until everyone found out and the media decided to watch his every move to try and catch him out.
Since we had a long distance relationship they seemed convinced that he was gonna cheat on me.
Then there was Joe... Oh Joseph Sugg... He still lived with Caspar and I was still best friends with Caspar. We had seen each other at parties and things but we hadn't really spoken. It seemed like we had to stay away from each other to stop anything happening. However Caspar told me that he still didn't accept any girls. He didn't even hook up with them anymore. Me and Gabby became best friends and she introduced me to her other friends like Hobbie and Lucy and Lydia were the most loveliest people is ever met.
Whenever Connor was in London we would hang out and we were inseparable when together. My friendship with Dan and Phil kind of got back on track as I went on their radio show to have my first interview about my views on everything that had happened to me.
I knew none of my words would be twisted and I could say what I wanted. There was a lot more support for me after that because lots of people heard me speak out about it not just on my YouTube channel.
Chai was still my brother at heart. We had officially been friends for 10 whole years! Everyone still had their YouTube channels going strong. So many of them were now releasing books.
I was meant to be going over to Joe and Caspar's to hang out with Caspar which meant I'd obviously see Joe. Every time I saw him I just wished things were back the way they used to be. But I could handle it now, since Jai and I told everyone I tried my best to avoid him. Also I'd been told he quit his heavy drinking.
"I'll be back later"
"Have fun babes and be careful yeah?"
"It's only Joe and Caspar's"
"You know what I mean Jess"
I left the apartment and made my way down to Joe and Caspar's. 'Sorry babe but I'm super busy atm and don't have a chance to fly over and see you. Miss you loads xxx'
'Don't worry about it, I don't expect you to xx'
I respected the fact that Jai was incredibly busy and that maybe he'd have to miss this month out. Caspar had given me a key to their apartment but I'd always knock in case I walked in on something I didn't want to see.
I knocked and it took a while until the door opened and Joe was standing there. "Caspar's out at the moment, but he said to let you in and he'll be back in about 10 minutes"
"Okay, how are you doing?"
"I'm okay, how's things with Jai?"
"Joe, I'm not going to answer that. I'd be a bad person to talk about him in front of you."
"Thanks, I probably shouldn't of asked"
We had a normal conversation for the first time in a long while. I spilled a little about Jai not being able to see me but other than that we didn't talk about it.
I was grateful that he didn't come across as jealous and was happy to talk about it. He had changed and he'd changed for the better.
There was still that hilarious, fun loving Joe that we all know and love but he had matured. He didn't get angry and he didn't turn to alcohol anymore. Obviously when he was out with the lads he had a couple but he never got drunk.
'@JessieeeG: i just had a lovely chat with someone who I haven't spoken to in a while and it's great to see how much they've changed for the better'
Gabby being my best friend instantly text me after seeing the tweet. 'I'm guessing that's about Joe, it's great to hear that xx'
'Yeah, he's not the same as he was before and it's great to actually talk to him xx'
Caspar came back and apologised for being out. We said goodbye to Joe and left to go to Starbucks. "You two were actually talking?"
"Yeah, it was actually nice to talk to him. He's matured now and he doesn't get angry and jealous even if we do talk about Jai."
"Oh yeah, how's that going?"
"Ugh. The media will do anything to catch him out. He's not coming this month since he's busy though"
"That's the media for you"
Chai had sent me a text with a link to an article. 'Jai Brooks seen in London with a different girl, has he broke off with long distance girlfriend Jessica Green?'
"He's in London..."
I recognised the girl from somewhere but I couldn't remember. "Maybe he's come to surprise you..."
"What with a different girl?"
I quickly text Jai. 'Are you in London?!'
'Don't lie to me!'
'Ok yes, but I'm not cheating on you! Xx'
'Then you have some explaining to do... Xx'
"Did I make the wrong decision?"
"What to be with Jai?"
"You went for what you thought was right, it's been a year"
"But Joe's your best friend, why were you never mad at me?"
"No why would I be mad? You never intentionally hurt him, you went with what you thought was right"
"I'm so fortunate to have the best friends that I have..."
We decided on going back to his apartment because Conor, Josh, Oli and Will were going there.
When we got in Joe was in his room but we could hear him shouting. "Let's go see what this is about..."
Joe's P.O.V
Why was he ringing me? I'd barely spoken to him before. I answered the phone. "Why are you ringing me?"
"Stay away from Jessie, she's my girlfriend."
"She didn't come to see me she came to see Caspar. Anyway you lied to her."
"I know she was tweeting about you! And that's none of your business! Caspar can stay away from her and all I know they have a thing!"
"What do you mean they have 'a thing' they're best friends!"
"She tells him she loves him but she's never said that to me."
"Well you obviously don't know her like we do!"
I heard the door close which meant Caspar and Jessie were back.
"She's back now do you wanna talk to her?"
"No, don't fucking tell her I rang you!"
"So you want to lie to her some more do you?! We may have broken up over a year ago but it doesn't mean I stopped caring!"
"See you still have fucking feelings for her!"
"I said I care! That's all she wants people who care and you obviously don't!"
I turned around and her and Caspar were standing there. She came over and took the phone. "Jai!"
I couldn't hear what he was saying. "You lied to me! I lose trust in people so easily so don't make me lose trust in you... If you cared you'd come and see me later. I'm with Joe and Caspar now, be at my apartment at 8. You know where it is..."
She hung up and gave me back my phone. "Jessie I can explain..."
"Did you call him?"
"No, he called me"
"Then I'm not mad, if you rang him to argue with him then I'd be mad but this wasn't your fault."
She hugged me and I hugged her back like my life depended on it. I'd missed hugging her. "Joe..."
"I'm never gonna stop caring about you, whoever you're with I'm happy for you as long as they treat you right"
"That's all I want" I released from the hug and we went to see the boys who had turned up.
Jessie's P.O.V
I spent the afternoon hanging out with the boys and kicking their arses at Fifa. '@Joe_Sugg: it's been a year and she can still kick arse @JessieeeG'
"I will always be able to kick arse"
When it got to about 7 I remembered that I had to go back to see Jai.
"Guys I gotta go, Jai will be at my apartment soon."
I hugged them all. "If there's any problems give us a call"
"Will do"
I took a walk back to my apartment scared to face Jai. 'Are you guys at the apartment? x'
'I am but Chai is with Sam x'
'Ok Jai's coming over at 8, things happened :/ x'
'I'll let you know if he gets here before you x'
'Thank you x'
I made it back to the apartment and went in. Jai was sitting there and I didn't know where Gabby was. "Where's Gab?"
"In her bedroom she didn't speak to me much"
"Ok, so do you want to explain yourself?"
"Explain myself?"
"You fucking lied to me Jai, you know exactly what you need to explain! And why you called Joe!"
"I came to London to see you but I had to meet up with someone. She was telling me how the management didn't think our relationship wasn't going to work. That I wasn't allowed to see you, so I had to pretend that I wasn't. I knew that tweet was about Joe and I got mad. With me being gone so often I thought you were getting with Joe or Caspar."
"We've been over this Caspar is my best friend! It didn't mean you had to call him"
"I had to make sure he knew where he stood"
"So are we over then are you gonna stop visiting?"
"Management want me to be with someone I can see often. Instead of the media trying to break up my relationship, be with someone where they'll show off our relationship."
"You didn't answer my question are we over?"
"I don't want us to be over..."
"Well make up your fucking mind!"
"You know sometimes you can be so difficult!"
The door went and Gabby went to get it. She shot a glare at Jai. "Why do you hate me?"
"Because look what you're doing to her you arsehole!"
She opened the door and Chai and Sam came in. "I'll be going now..."
"Let me know when you make up your mind because I can't keep doing this."
I gave Chai the 'don't say anything' look.
Once Jai left I walked into my bedroom without saying anything. Soon there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?"
"Come in"
I wasn't crying I was just fed up. "Are you alright babe?"
"Yeah, I'm just fed up of his management choosing who he dates like he should be able to control who his girlfriend is."
"If he's the right guy he would ignore them and come back to you. Come on the boys are worried."
I got up and followed her out. "I'm okay"
'Was he there?' Joe text me. He obviously wasn't lying when he said he still cared.
'Yeah, his management want us to break up so he's making up his mind x'
'Well if he isn't stupid he'll come straight back to you x'
'Thanks x'
I fast forwarded time a bit because there wasn't much for me to write. I won't be able to write for a bit because I'm camping then I go to Spain so I'll try and write when I can. Thanks for reading and please like and comment.
I was reading this back and there was quite a few mistakes so I've fixed them

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